Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, everyone in the public channel was stunned for a moment, and then started talking again.

"Boss, what's the situation over there? Didn't you say there was power generation equipment before? Why is there a shortage again now?"

"Yes, we are still waiting for your power support. Without power, we will be in danger."

"If it doesn't work, then build more generators."

"Yes, you can raise the price a little bit!"

"What you said is simple. No raw materials are needed to make a generator? Doesn't it require space to put it in?"

"That is, even if we build enough generators, power generation will always require energy. Whether it is light or nuclear energy, what we have is always limited."

"The boss must also weigh the gains and losses. You can't fill your spaceship with generators just to sell some electricity!"

"Then we are doomed. Without power support, the electromagnetic railgun will be useless!"

"Pray that you can develop better power generation equipment, or learn from the boss to make the first stage of power generation equipment. Of course, the premise is that you have the power generation raw materials for the power generation equipment."

"What I'm saying is that it's better to ask for help from others than to ask for yourself. It's better to work hard to solve this problem yourself."

Seeing the discussion in the group, Xiao Yi switched the island monument interface to the private chat interface and saw that Zhu Wu was still there.

"What's going on with you? Why haven't you left this galaxy yet?" Xiao Yi immediately sent a message to Zhu Wu.

Zhu Wu replied instantly: "Island Master, you are trying to drive me away!"

"That's right, I just want to drive you away!" Xiao Yi replied angrily.

"Island Master, you said that, I'm really sad!" Zhu Armed Zuo replied sadly.

"Okay, let's see when you will leave our galaxy." Xiao Yi interrupted Zhu Wu's mischief.

Zhu Wu checked his trajectory, then shook his head helplessly and replied: "It's hard to tell, the current trajectory is completely different from the previous one."

"Okay, when you leave this galaxy, use the inter-galactic communicator to tell me." Xiao Yi warned.

"Okay, island owner, please rest assured!" Zhu Wu responded, and then asked curiously, "Island owner, what is the power situation on our spaceship, and why is it insufficient?"

Obviously, Zhu Wu also saw the news on the public channel.

However, this is understandable. When he did not leave this area, Zhu Wu really had nothing to do and could only pay attention to the chat in the public channel to kill time.

Xiao Yi replied: "It seems that you are really free."

"That's true. Why don't you leave the transaction of this galaxy to me? When I'm not around, you can sell it yourself. When I come back, leave it all to me. When the time comes, I'll hand over the cornerstone and dark gold to you." That’s it.” Zhu Wu thought for a while and suggested.

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, and then said: "What a great idea! As long as you come back from now on, the business here will be handed over to you!"

By doing this, you can make full use of the four times the harvest.

"Okay, thank you island owner!" Zhu Wu said happily, "Please take all the materials for sale off the shelves, and I will hang them up."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yi immediately took all the items on sale off the shelves.

Xiao Yi has always been a big businessman in this galaxy, so removing items from the shelves immediately attracted the attention of other survivors.

"What's going on? The boss of Yiranpin has stopped selling electricity. Why have all other resources been taken off the shelves?"

"All taken off the shelves? Impossible!"

"If you don't believe me, go to the trading floor and have a look. I just came back from there."

"It's true. Is Mr. Yi Ranpin in trouble?"

"No way, the boss is so strong, even if he encounters trouble, he will definitely be able to solve it easily."

"If you have time to discuss it here, why not ask directly, @Yi Ranpin, boss, why have you taken all the things off the shelves?"

Xiao Yi immediately replied in the public channel: "Everyone, we have made some internal adjustments. In the future, as long as @Dancing Pig is around, all the materials on my shelves will be handed over to him to handle transactions."

"Yes, I hope everyone will support my work!" Zhu Wu immediately continued.

"Wancao, Brother Zhu has been promoted, and he actually took over the business here."

"Yes, I really envy Brother Pig for being so trusted by the boss."

"That's not right. Brother Pig has not been staying with us all the time. So if Brother Pig leaves, we will have no supplies?"

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Xiao Yi continued, "When he goes to other galaxies, I will hang out the supplies here."

"So that's how it is, now I understand!"

"Actually, it's just another person selling it, boss. Isn't this a bit unnecessary?"

"It seems so. No matter who sells it, won't the cornerstone and secret gold return to the boss's hands? Why do they need to change hands like this?"

Zhu Wu immediately said: "Brother, don't you mean that I have nothing to do?"

"Well, the boss is doing this to make you busy, right?"

"I heard that leaders can't bear to see their employees idle."

"Yeah, so Brother Pig is too idle?"

"Of course, Brother Zhu came back from other galaxies. If there were no other transactions, he would just stay in front of the island monument all day long and peek at the screen, popping up from time to time to talk to us."

"It seems to be the case. This incident tells us that even if we are really idle, we cannot show it in front of the leaders, otherwise, we will be assigned more work!"

Seeing their discussion, Zhu Wu rolled his eyes and replied: "You guys think too much. Our island owner is not the kind of leader you say. I took the initiative to take charge of the transactions in this galaxy. Our island owner loves the people." Ruzi is not the kind of boss who exploits his employees!"

"Is Mr. Yi Ranpin so good? He is really enviable!"

"They are all other people's bosses."

"Oh, I can only envy this. I have already seen Brother Zhu's transaction posted on the trading floor. I want to support it first!"

Zhu Wu smiled and said: "Thank you very much. I hope everyone can come and support me!"

"Support, must support!" Everyone responded.

After all, Zhu Wu is a survivor who can easily travel to other galaxies, and everyone will give him face.

If one day in the future you meet your first-stage companion, you can use Zhu Wu's hand to support your companion.

All of a sudden, the supplies Zhu Wu hung on the trading floor began to be traded in large quantities.

Seeing the deals that were constantly being completed, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains from this adjustment."

If the selling subject is changed, everyone will naturally sell face in order to maintain a good trading relationship.

Zhu Wu proudly chatted with Xiao Yi privately: "Island owner, look, I am still quite capable in business!"

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