Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1727: Simulating ship change, cannot open, requires violence

"Because of the intelligent robot, there is no problem in the whole process. The most dangerous part is the process when Mr. Zhu transfers from his original spaceship to the new one." Yang Jin pointed to the video and explained.

Xiao Yi looked at the video, where Yang Jin easily transferred from a micro spaceship to a large spaceship, nodded slightly, and said: "This process is outside the cabin, and there will indeed be interruptions from various external factors. You Let’s simulate the situation when a meteorite strikes!”

"Yes, Island Master!" Yang Jin responded, and then asked, "Do you want to simulate other spaceships coming to interfere?"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and replied with a smile: "If there is a speed ship that can catch up with this comet, Zhu Wu doesn't have to resist, just lie down!"

According to calculations, the speed of the comet that Zhu Wu followed has reached one-sixth of the speed of light. If a civilization that can build such a spaceship is encountered, Xiao Yi will have to lie flat when he encounters it.

After listening to Xiao Yi's explanation, Yang Jin nodded slightly, and then he was confused again: "Is our current galaxy so small?"

According to Xiao Yi, it only took about two days for the comet to leave this galaxy. The diameter of this galaxy is only 8.6 billion kilometers, which is not as large as the previous gamma galaxy where the Chaos Star was!

"The galaxies in the universe have their own characteristics. Coupled with the existence of survivors like us, many of them cannot be measured according to common sense." Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

The people behind the scenes will design what kind of world rules they want to play. Even if they are completely different from before, they have to work hard to adapt. After all, if they don't adapt, they will be eliminated!

"I understand!" Yang Jin responded, and then began to simulate the situation of an incoming meteorite.

At this time, Ergou sent a message: "Island owner, the survivors who found the micro spaceship before are looking for ways to break open the spacecraft at the minimum cost."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment when he saw Ergou's message, and then asked, "It's been nearly a day, hasn't he entered the spaceship yet?"

"It should be, probably because I don't want to use cannonballs to destroy it!" Ergou replied, "The survivor has already offered 100,000 foundation stones and secret gold!"

"It's just these supplies, let's forget it!" Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

"Yes!" Ergou responded, "Three more survivors just discovered the escape cabin, but they were all damaged by the meteorite impact."

"Did we find anything here?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

You must know that they have arranged many detection satellites to go out. Isn't it as efficient as those survivors who drive the escape capsule alone?

Ergou shook his head helplessly. He was also very puzzled by this problem. Except that he discovered an escape capsule in space for the first time, he found nothing.

"If it's not there, then it's not there. Then let them search for it and we can harvest it from behind." Xiao Yi replied.

"That's all we can do now." Ergou responded.

After ending the chat with Xiao Yi, Ergou looked at the island monument again. In the public channel, everyone was still trying to find a way to open the hatch for the survivor.

"With the current strength of the spacecraft cabin, it is estimated that it will be difficult for the first-stage weapons to destroy it."

"Is it possible to use a laser pistol and shoot in a circle along the hatch?"

"I have tried this method, but the pistol is still not powerful enough. I need a laser cannon. Do you have one? Lend it to me."

"For such a high-end weapon, I guess you can only get it from Mr. Yi Ranpin or Mr. Ergou."

"Boss Ergou obviously doesn't like my reward!"

Ergou saw this and thought to himself: "It's not that I don't like it, it's the island owner who doesn't like it. One hundred thousand cornerstones and secret gold are already a lot of resources for me."

"If it doesn't work, just use the electromagnetic railgun to destroy it, otherwise you will be wasted here!"

"Yes, if there are a lot of resources in it, you don't have to worry about the cornerstones and dark gold consumed to repair it."

"Sigh, it seems like this is the only way to go now. I want to save some cornerstones and secret gold."

But soon the survivor sent another message: "What a big loss!"

"What's going on? There aren't any resources inside, right?"

"There are some resources, but there are very few cornerstones and secret gold, only about 100,000, and repairs require 800,000. Where can we find so many foundation stones and secret gold?"

"This doesn't require a lot of resources. Think about it. If you upgrade normally, it would cost 10 million. Doesn't it make you feel better!"

"That's right, well, I still have to accumulate foundation stones and secret gold!"

"It's mainly dark gold. Just go back to our original galaxy and find a suitable location. Dark gold is easy to accumulate. There should be a lot of cornerstones left over from the first stage!"

"No more. We encountered so many unexpected situations and spent most of it repairing the escape cabin!"

"It can only be said that your accumulation of cornerstones in the first stage is not enough!"

"In other words, you are not strong enough. Look at Yi Ranpin. I heard that he didn't bring even one of the cornerstones of the first stage."

"This is just hearsay. I am cautious about this matter."

"You guys can continue chatting. I'm going to withdraw. It's enough to harvest a micro-ship."

"It's indeed enough. If I can get a micro-ship, I will withdraw too!"

"It just depends on your appearance. I don't have high requirements. I just need to meet ten or eight escape hatches."

"You're not afraid of dying!"

"You always have to have dreams, what if they come true!"

The survivor used an escape capsule to carry a damaged miniature spaceship through the wormhole, carefully avoiding the large spaceship outside, and then flew away at full speed.

Even so, other survivors discovered it, and several escape pods followed quietly.

As long as there are enough benefits, some people will take desperate risks.

This matter was naturally discovered by the large spacecraft left outside the wormhole planet and reported to Xiao Yi.

"Let them go." Xiao Yi replied nonchalantly, and then looked at the manufacturing interface. Ten sets of raw materials for photonic computers had been gathered.

Click Make, and a thin and light notebook appears in the island monument's manufacturing space.

He took out the photon computer and turned it on. Familiar text flashed across the startup interface. After some operations, Xiao Yi sighed: "This computer is still easy to use!"

But this computer only has the most basic programs. If you want to enrich its functions, you will need various software programs.

This requires more software talents!

There is one in the game group. When the next quadruple state appears, Xiao Yi will create enough photonic computers and then popularize them throughout the satellite-level spacecraft.

This computer must be more advanced than Chaos Star's computers, Xiao Yi is extremely confident about this.

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