The captain nodded slightly, looked around, and asked, "Does anyone else have any opinions?"

"No more!" everyone responded in unison.

"According to our previous plan, build a defense, and we will rush over immediately!" the captain ordered.


Everyone got busy. The commander of the wormhole impact operation stood next to the captain and said: "This time, we need to let the spacecraft with the island monument go up in front!"

"Well, I just happened to have harvested another island monument this time, so let's transfer it to the first spaceship!" the captain replied.

"Yes!" The commander immediately gave the order.

The captain looked at the wormhole and asked quietly: "Do you think we can succeed this time?"

The commander pondered for a moment, and then replied: "There is a high probability that we will succeed. The opponent should think that we will test it again. Now we attack with all our strength, maybe we can catch the opponent off guard!"

The captain nodded slightly and said: "This impact is related to the development of our planet. We can only succeed but not fail!"

"Yes!" the commander responded.

Thanks to the help of the island monument, the temporary defensive covers were quickly completed and installed on the spacecraft at the front.

Everything was ready, and the commander ordered: "Attack with all your strength. The spaceship that rushes over will first stabilize its position and wait for an opportunity to counterattack!"


Following the commander's order, all the spaceships flew rapidly towards the wormhole!

"Something is coming out!" The survivors who were on alert around the wormhole planet immediately discovered something emerging from the wormhole.

"This doesn't seem to be a spaceship, right?"

Ergou immediately shouted in the group: "Attack immediately!"

Although he greeted the group, everyone's reaction was still a bit slow.

By the time they attacked, the thing had almost flown out of the wormhole.

It looked like there was a hat on the front of the spacecraft, and all the cannonballs fired by the crowd hit the upper hat.

The hat was indeed damaged, but the damage to the spaceship behind the hat was minimal!

After withstanding a round of attacks from the survivors, they immediately stabilized their position and began to fight back.

"Everyone, be careful, the other side is counterattacking!" Ergou reminded.

Those survivors immediately evacuated to the back, which they had already discussed.

After all, the opponent is a large spaceship, and the escape capsule cannot withstand their attack!

At this time, Ergou led three spaceships to push up.

The opponent's leader only had three spaceships.

"You came just in time. Before, you could only hide and hide on the dinosaur planet. Let me see how you can hide this time!" the commander sneered.

With that said, the commander immediately rushed over with three spaceships.

Ergou saw the other party's actions, smiled slightly, and then said: "Let him see how powerful we are!"

"Yes!" The soldiers of Chaos Star were full of confidence.

When the other spaceships rushing over with the vanguard saw the commander rushing forward with three spaceships, their first reaction was to stop them, but then gave up.

"Is the commander a little impulsive this time?"

"Impulsive? No, I don't think so. They were able to stop us before just because they blocked the entrance of the wormhole. Now that we have all rushed out, do you think they still have a chance?"

"That's right, look at them all starting to retreat. They must be relying on the protection of those three large spaceships!"

"As long as the commander can annihilate those three large spaceships, those escape capsules are nothing to worry about. They will eventually become a stepping stone for our development!"

"Hahaha, with so many escape pods, there must be a lot of resources, that's great!"

Just when they were looking forward to a better future, the commander suddenly called for help.

"Asking for support, asking for support, the other side is strong, we are no match!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this call for help.

The captain immediately shouted: "Send ten large spaceships immediately to support!"


Ten large spaceships flew out from the opponent's fleet again and flew towards the commander.

At this time, the two dogs were pressing each other down to fight!

The survivors around him couldn't help but sigh.

"Boss Ergou is too powerful, isn't he? He has developed so well and his fighting skills are so strong?"

"Yes, even a newbie like me can tell that Ergou's team has rich fighting experience and they are completely overpowering the opponent!"

"No, the other side has dispatched ten more large spaceships!"

"It's okay, I believe Mr. Ergou can definitely handle it!"

Because Ergou had warned them in advance that they must not expose the other six hidden ships, they did not mention this at all in the public channel.

Seeing the ten spaceships coming, Ergou also received messages from the other six spaceships: "Instructor, do we want to take action?"

"No hurry, wait first!" Ergou replied, and then ordered, "Let's retreat first!"

Ergou led the three spaceships to retreat immediately and stopped in front of the escape cabins of the survivors.

The commander looked at Ergou's three spaceships in the distance with lingering fear. If reinforcements had not arrived in time, he would have been defeated.

"Retreat first!" The commander gave the same order as Ergou.

Their group of thirteen large spaceships returned to the fleet.

"What's going on?" the captain asked with a frown.

The commander took a long breath and replied: "They have very rich combat experience and are extremely skilled in controlling the spacecraft! They are completely different from the outsiders we have encountered before."

"I didn't expect that they still had something up their sleeve!" said the captain. "If they have the same number of spaceships as us, wouldn't we be defeated?"

"If you let me take command, you will definitely lose!" the commander replied without hesitation.

"You are already the best commander on our planet. If you are bound to lose, then no one can defeat them!" The captain was stunned for a moment and said.

The commander thought for a moment, and then said: "Actually, it's not the command problem, but that they are too skilled in operating the spacecraft. Sometimes I command, but our soldiers can't operate it in time. In this way, it will be difficult to fight. Got it!"

The captain nodded slightly: "It seems that their only disadvantage now is that they don't have many large spaceships!"

"Not necessarily. We have only seen three ships now. No one can tell whether they have more large spaceships!" The commander shook his head and replied, "This is also the reason why I retreated directly."

The captain frowned, and then said: "In this case, let's proceed steadily and build a base near the wormhole for defense, so that the conventional weapons we brought can be put to use!"

"I think so too!" the commander replied.

The other staff officers had no objection, and the fleet landed on the wormhole planet.

The two dogs and others watching their movements from a distance kept shouting in their hearts: "Fall down! Fall down!"

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