After eating A-level food several times recently, Xiao Yi's physical quality has been improved in an all-round way. He feels that he should be similar to those well-trained soldiers.

Of course, I don't have any actual combat experience. When I meet those soldiers, I'm estimated to kneel in seconds!

Between Xiao Yi's half sleep and half awake, the night passed quietly.

"Ah!" Xiao Yi yawned, then got up, looked at the bright sky outside and sighed, "maybe the ship won't come to me at all!"

Although he didn't sleep well all night, Xiao Yi felt that his state was OK. It should be the effect of physical improvement.

After stretching, Xiao Yi said, "system, sign in!"

"Check in succeeded! Get a Chinese pastoral dog!"

"Woof, woof!"

A yellow earth dog appeared beside Xiao Yi and was wagging its tail at him crazily!

"Chinese garden dog (s level): although it is a local dog, even a special forces soldier is not necessarily its opponent. You can understand some simple commands. With it, you can rest at ease. It will be your most loyal guard."

"Can you sign in and get living creatures?" Xiao Yi looked at the most common local dog in his hometown in surprise and thought strangely, "the system is still powerful!"

"You'll be called Wangcai in the future!" Xiao Yi patted the local dog on the head and said.

"Woof woof!" Wangcai wags his tail more happily.

"It seems that you like the name very much. It's good!" said Xiao Yi. "Wangcai, let's go and see if we caught any fish last night!"

Xiao Yi took Wangcai outside the wooden house. After leaving the wooden house, Wangcai went directly to the beach and helped Xiao Yi with the fish caught by the automatic fishing net.

"Hey, how can I eat what you've bitten?" Xiao Yi shouted. "Did you get rabies vaccine?"

"Woof woof!" Wangcai wagged his tail happily.

"Everything provided by the system is beneficial to the host without harm!" the system suddenly uttered a sentence.

Xiao Yi was stunned, then smiled and said, "I'm just kidding with it. Don't take it seriously. Rhubarb in our hometown often helps us catch rabbits. We can't eat by mistake!"

In just a few seconds, Wangcai put all the twelve fish in front of Xiao Yi.

"Well done. I'll roast fish for you later. The sea fish has few bones and tastes delicious!" Xiao Yi patted Wangcai and said.

"Woof, woof!"

Xiao Yi looked at all the fish. They are all ordinary sea fish. It seems that there are grade sea fish. It's really difficult to catch.

If you want to catch A-class Eagle pomfret at the beginning of the new year, you're really lucky!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately looked at Wangcai and said, "it's forbidden to urinate anywhere in the future. You must go to the toilet! Understand?"

With that, Xiao Yi also took Wangcai to the toilet.

"Woof, woof!"

I don't know if he understood. Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head. Then he handled the two sea fish and roasted them on the barbecue rack.

Why not cook fish soup?

It's too troublesome. It's convenient to throw it directly on the barbecue rack!

Adjust the target of the automatic fishing net to the material box, and then go back to the barbecue grill to have a safe barbecue.

"The double state was not triggered today, so it's better to keep the material box we got today!" Xiao Yi thought.

Xiao Yi didn't decide until the fish was roasted. If there was no special reason, don't open the material box first. Wait until there was a double state. Anyway, it's not bad for this material now!

After roasting the fish, Xiao Yi threw one directly to Wangcai and the rest to himself.

While eating, Xiao Yi checked the things he planted.

In the wooden basin with ordinary soil, lettuce has grown, and it is estimated that it will be harvested in two or three days. A glimmer of green buds can be seen in strawberries and peppers.

Needless to say, apple trees in class a soil have grown to a height of nearly one meter and have more branches.

Similarly, wheat in class a soil has completely grown. It is green and looks very pleasant.

It seems that high-grade soil also has the effect of accelerating plant growth.

Around the back of the wooden house, the chicken house is still quiet. The two eggs are still the same as yesterday. I can't see any difference.

But Xiao Yi believes that these two eggs will soon become chickens!

After receiving some water and watering the plants, Xiao Yi dragged the rocking chair from the wooden house to the door and lay down.

Wangcai is lying on one side.


When the automatic fishing net prompts to catch a material box, Wangcai immediately stands up and is ready to run.

But Xiao Yi patted it and said, "don't worry, just put it there!"

"Woof!" Wang Cai shouted, and then fell down again.


The island monument indicates that there is friend information.

Xiao Yi walked into the cabin and was surprised to find that it was Jiang Yuntian.

"Thank you very much for your pure water. The child's fever has gone down today and he is in a very good mental state!" Jiang Yuntian said happily, and then sent a transaction on the chat interface.

"[coconut seed] (level s) * 2 transaction none!"

"I just got this thing and can't plant it. I'll give it to you. Thank you for your help yesterday!" Jiang Yuntian continued.

Seeing the S-class seed, Xiao Yi widened his eyes and replied, "I accept this as compensation. After I plant it, I can give you a coconut for free!"

"OK, thank you very much!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuntian did not try to plant these two S-class seeds directly on the island.

You know, if there is no s-grade soil, it can't be planted, so it will definitely be damaged if it is buried on the island.

Confirm the transaction.

"Materials obtained: coconut seed (level s) * 2."

Without the double, Xiao Yi always felt something missing. He shook his head and took out the coconut seeds. It turned out to be two coconuts, but there were buds on the coconuts!

In this state, if you can't touch the soil for a long time, it is estimated that it will wither and die!

Xiao Yi thought so, and then directly buried the two coconut seeds into another flower bed with s-grade soil.

"It seems that there are many lucky people. It's not that no one has found high-level items, but that all high-level items are held in their own hands!" Xiao Yi thought.

At noon, the fully automatic fishing net has fished out five material boxes, all of which are placed on the edge of the island. Xiao Yi ate half of the roast chicken opened yesterday and threw the remaining half and all the bones to Wangcai.

"I'll have a rest first, stay here and don't tear down the house!" Xiao Yi told Wangcai, then shook his rocking chair and fell asleep.

I didn't sleep well yesterday. I can make up for my fortune today!

In the distance, a small boat appeared on the sea again. It was Li Yu and them.

"Brother Li, there seems to be an island ahead!" Bai Lian said, pointing to the distance.

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