"Yes!" All the ministers responded with their hands.

"King, Xiao Yi is asking for an audience outside the meeting hall right now!" Kader said when he saw that everyone had finished the discussion.

The dwarf king said in surprise: "Why is it so early? Let him come in!"

The guards outside the door immediately brought Xiao Yi into the meeting hall.

"Long time no see, King. I hope I won't disturb you!" Xiao Yi walked in and said with a smile.

"Don't bother me. Is there something wrong with Island Master Xiao coming here so early?" The king asked with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded and said: "Our alliance has just mastered the manufacturing method of mobile phones. Now we will make some of them and send you a few. If you want to contact me in our alliance in the future, you can call me directly!"

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, the king's eyes lit up. He liked the tool that allowed instant remote chat so much.

But Xiao Yi also told him before that there were only thirty units in their alliance, and there were no more, so it was abandoned at that time!

Now Xiao Yi can actually make it. After making it, he sent it to him. He was really thoughtful!

"Island Master Xiao, can this thing only be used within your alliance?" Los asked curiously.

Xiao Yi nodded and briefly explained the working principle of this thing, and everyone suddenly understood.

"Does that mean the base station you mentioned can't cover us?" Kader asked.

"Yeah, we can't cover this side yet!" Xiao Yi spread his hands and replied helplessly.

Xiao Yi took out more than ten mobile phones, and in addition to the king, other ministers also had one!

He taught on-site and taught everyone how to use mobile phones. With such a novel gadget, everyone couldn't put it down and had a great time playing it!

The king looked at the mobile phone and suddenly asked: "Will you mass-produce this kind of thing in the future?"

"Of course, in our previous world, everyone basically had one mobile phone, so it would be much easier for everyone to communicate, and a lot of information could be transferred instantly!" Xiao Yi nodded and replied.

The king looked at the machine in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Seeing everyone else playing with their mobile phones, Xiao Yi spoke again: "Come here this time, there is one more thing, and that is to complete our previous deal!"

There are still many cornerstones of the previous transaction that have not been delivered to Xiao Yi.

The king recovered from his meditation and replied with a smile: "Okay, can I give you the cornerstone now?"

"No, help me transport it to the square next to the teleportation array!" Xiao Yi replied.

The double status is too unbelievable, so let’s maintain a sense of mystery!

"Okay, I'll arrange for Los to transport the foundation stones, and you can arrange for someone to count them," the king said.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and replied: "This is not the first time we have traded. What else do you need to count? No, you can just transport it and put it in the square. I will take the time to go over and put it away!"

The king responded: "Okay, let's do this first!"

Xiao Yi said goodbye. After all, he had been waiting for a long time and couldn't waste any more time here!

After Xiao Yi left, the king looked at the ministers and said, "I decided to join Xiao Yi's island!"

Everyone was shocked. Didn’t you say before that we would postpone the discussion? Why did you suddenly change your mind?

Is it because of this mobile phone?

"King, think twice! After splicing, it's too dangerous!"

"Yes, we have lost the initiative in his territory. Let's think about it again!"

Those ministers who had just accepted the gifts from Xiao Yi had no intention of being merciful and objected one after another.

The king looked around at everyone and said, "We can ask him to expand the island to ensure that there is strategic buffer space between our royal city and their location!"

"But he shouldn't have many cornerstones in his hands now, right?" Ross frowned and said, "If there aren't enough cornerstones, the buffer space in between will be too small and it won't mean much!"

The king smiled slightly and replied: "Simple, give him all the cornerstones in our inventory and exchange them for their digital currency!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this!

"King, no, this is too risky. What if Xiao Yi doesn't admit it, or the digital currency collapses?"

"Yes, without the cornerstone, will he burn bridges?"

People continued to object.

The king looked at Ross and Kader who were silent and asked, "What do you two think?"

Los glanced at Kadel, who nodded slightly, and then said: "I think the king's idea is feasible!"

Everyone was shocked.

"We have been in contact with Xiao Yi more than once. This many times is enough for us to see clearly a human's character!" Ross continued, "Including the island we are on now, when we purchased it, we consulted people from other continents. The prices of the forces are all below 20 billion, you don’t think Xiao Yi doesn’t know that we have inquired about prices from other forces, right?”

The other ministers were silent.

Indeed, their inquiry was not kept secret, and Xiao Yi had conquered so many indigenous forces on the mainland that anyone could know about their inquiry by just asking.

Of course, what they didn't know was that Xiao Yi really didn't know at the beginning that he forgot to take advantage of the indigenous forces on the mainland.

"Xiao Yi still gave a preferential price of 1.2 billion even though he knew other people's prices. Everyone should be able to understand what this means!" Lose unknowingly put a sticker on Xiao Yi's face. A layer of gold.

Kader also spoke in support: "Yes, the high-end equipment in their alliance is almost unconditionally open to us dwarves. Of course, we have paid for some of it, but if Xiao Yi has a darker heart, the price we pay will definitely be more than what we pay now." , some of you should already know about those advanced equipment! To be honest, you can’t use it if you have money! So, I also agree with the king’s idea of ​​splicing, but keep the strategic buffer in the middle!”

If Xiao Yi were there, he would be extremely grateful to these two dwarf friends!

The other ministers began to whisper, and the king closed his eyes.

After a while, the ministers said in unison: "The king agrees, and I agree!"

After seeing that no one objected, the dwarf king ordered: "Loss, please send over the cornerstones of the previous transaction first. I will go with you to meet Xiao Yi with the rest of the cornerstones!"

"Yes!" Los responded, then stood up and left.

"Okay, there's nothing else, let's go and get busy!" The king waved his hand.

Those ministers bowed and resigned!

Lose packed up all the cornerstones of the previous transaction, passed through the teleportation array, and arrived at the square not far from the teleportation array!

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