At this time, Ling Bai’s ship had ten people。

“There were two more heavyweights on the ship. Although I knew they were only staying here temporarily, they still put a huge pressure on me, especially the skinny old man. He looked as shriveled as a dry tree, but he felt so powerful. very! Sure enough, this is the old times!”

The broken monk sighed with emotion。

The three Supernova members were huddled on the other side of the ship. For the people on Ling Bai's side, the group of strong men made them feel even more stressed.。

Hawkins: "It is indeed too strong. Only our mysterious and powerful captain can suppress the legends!”


The broken monk and Luo agreed that in the Lingbai Pirates, supernovas who were previously enemies could only become teammates.。

But here in Lingbai, fighting between crew members is strictly prohibited. Discussions are allowed, but it is definitely not fighting.。

For example, like the Rocks Pirates, that pirate group is indeed powerful, unprecedented and powerful, and even the Roger Pirates are not enough to look at it. However, the crew members fight each other because of their own interests, without any bonds. friendship, which led to Rocks' desire to become the king of the world completely frustrated.。

Ling Bai doesn't want this kind of thing to happen。

The Ling Bai Pirates are relatively harmonious now, but Barrett has always wanted to compete with Ling Bai, challenging him just like he challenged Roger back then.。

Barrett felt that Ling Bai was already above him, otherwise he would not have called Ling Bai captain.。

Yuzhi Xiliu and Lao Sha also felt that Ling Bai was more reliable, and Luo and the others also felt that Ling Bai was easy to talk to.。

This person is a little too easy-going and always looks like he is harmless to humans and animals.。

Can you believe that he is the one who defeated Kaido?

Anyway, it is a monster-level combat power with great strength.。

“What is the old man going to do?”

At this time, Luo and the others saw Bundy carrying a cannon. Yes, he was carrying a cannon!

“It’s been too long since I’ve used this ability. Didn’t you expect that I would have been sleeping like this for thirty years? Time flies so fast! The Roger era has passed, and now we are in an era dominated by the great pirates of the Four Emperors.。”

The cannon on Bundy's shoulder was disassembled from the Ling Bai ship. In fact, this ship was also parked on the original Beehive Island and was not a newly built ship, so even if a cannon was dismantled, , it doesn’t matter。

“The Momo Fruit, or the Multiplication Fruit, is said to be very powerful! It is said that it can increase the size and speed of objects it touches by hundreds of times?”

Yuzhiliu said。

When it comes to his abilities, Bondi is naturally very confident, "If my super-human Momo fruit is developed to be powerful enough, the power of a single shot of the ancient weapon Pluto will be nothing more than that!"”

Ling Bai smiled and said: "I look forward to your ability awakening. It is said that both superhuman and animal types can awaken."。”

Barrett: "Speaking of which, the development of my Fusion Fruit has reached its limit. I feel that maybe I have a chance to awaken. By then, I will be able to obtain more terrifying power!”

Barrett's Fusion Fruit ability has not yet been awakened, but it has been awakened two years later in the original work. Ling Bai estimates that it will not take long for him to possess that power.。

If this guy awakens now, he can fuse the entire Malinfando and become a super giant, with absolute combat power to kill everyone.。

“Haha, look at my Momo Fruit ability, let you juniors have a look! The power of old times!”

With a pop, a pitch-black cannonball the size of a bowling ball was released from the muzzle and shot toward the sea ahead.。

Just when the cannonball was cut out more than ten meters, suddenly, the cannonball suddenly became larger, probably fifty times larger!

“This is a cannonball that I used the Momo Fruit to increase its power fifty times!”

Bundy did not forget to remind you。


In the end, the shell landed more than 200 meters away. After the shell was enlarged fifty times, there was a terrifying explosion. The entire sea surface was filled with shocking waves, and a large area of the sea shook, as if a tsunami was about to erupt.。


The monk who broke the precepts exclaimed and felt that the hull of the boat was violently bumping with the sea water. If ordinary people did not hold on firmly, they might be thrown into the sea.。

Luo: "Otherwise, how can we call it a world destroyer? This kind of ability is simply a nightmare for many people!”

“It's fifty times more powerful for the time being. I haven't used it for a long time, so I still have to get used to it. When I used the Momo Fruit to the maximum extent, it was a hundred times more powerful and faster. I still have to get used to it now!”

Bundy shook his head, and for a moment he felt that things were different and people were different, but no one could feel his emotion.。

Before he was imprisoned, he was nearly fifty years old, and now thirty years later, he is nearly eighty years old.。

“Gugao Zhihong, don’t you use your skills?”

At this time, Ling Bai looked at the Red Earl on the side. He was just going to the Navy Headquarters on the way. It was hard to say what he would do.。

“Need not,”

The Red Earl said coldly, he is used to being a solitary person and does not like to communicate with others, especially since Ling Bai is still a boy, and given his age, the people present, even Bundy, who is nearly eighty years old, are all juniors.。

Bondi: "How long until we get to the Navy Headquarters? I can't wait! It's been so long since I've seen Garp and Sengoku!”

“Which naval admiral were you imprisoned by?”

Ling Bai was a little curious. It is said that Garp defeated many big pirates, and some of them were imprisoned by his own hands.。

“Garp and the Warring States Period。”

Another card battle combination! They are indeed two legendary navies. They have joined forces many times and brought many people in, and Barrett was also brought in by Garp and Sengoku.

The Red Earl was picked up and missed by Garp again.。

Now that these hot spots are on his ship, Ling Bai can feel the pressure from Garp.

Lao Sha looked at the time: "The execution will be carried out on time at three o'clock in the afternoon. Can we make it in time? We won't get there. The execution has already been completed.。”

Shiru: "This is a battle to make the captain sit on the throne of the Four Emperors!”

“It’s really exciting!”

“How about it? Barrett, Fire Fist Ace is Roger's son, what do you think? Are you going to save him then?”

Lao Sha looked at Barrett. The man whom Barrett admired the most was Roger.。

Barrett glanced at the other party with disdain, "Submitting to someone like Whitebeard who has no ambition is far worse than Roger. It has simply tarnished Roger's reputation! Whitebeard! The man closest to the throne has no ambition. I have adopted a bunch of losers as my sons, and I don’t know why they will drag me down!”


“Is Fire Fist Ace actually the blood of Roger?”

“How can it be? Survived?”

“Thousands of babies and pregnant women paid the price with their lives back then! I originally thought that Roger's bloodline had been completely cut off, but this turned out to be...……”

“Hey hey! Still alive?”


“Those who inherited Roger's sinful bloodline not only grew into the first-generation supernova of that year, but also joined the Whitebeard Pirates with great strength and became the captain of Whitebeard's second division! Ayes the fire fist! How could such a sinful bloodline still be alive?”

At this time, after listening to the information announced to the world by the Sengoku Warring States Period, both the many navy in Marineland Square and the people in Champagne Islands Square were stunned at this moment, and even said that they were trembling with fear.。

For countless people, especially the general navy and civilians around the world, Roger is a demon-like existence. Even if he dies, the world will still have to bear the deep sins he committed. Because of one sentence, he opened the door to billions of people. The era of great pirates where thousands of people fell into hell-like pain。

This is why so many people are afraid of Roger. Even in order to eradicate Roger's bloodline, thousands of babies and pregnant women were buried with him. The world government would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. The whole world Everyone is worried。

But at this moment, the Warring States Period announced to the world that Roger's bloodline was still there?

Can people not feel extremely horrified?

Reporters have begun to record that this is the first major news about today!

“Alas, he’s still alive!”

Doflamingo looked up at the execution platform with shock on his face。

When Roger was executed, all the original Shichibukai, except Snake Princess, were there.。

“Hehehehe... I didn't expect to be able to see Roger being executed back then, but today I can witness his son being executed with my own eyes! Can the Navy Headquarters give me the body of Fire Fist Ace?”

Moonlight Moria has already begun to make her own plans。

“Shut up, I'm not that guy's son!”

“I, Portcas D. Ace, am Whitebeard's son!”

As for this fact, he directly denied it. Although Garp had told him when he was a child, he would never accept it because, in Ace's view, Roger was a devil.。

And only Whitebeard is his father! His beloved daddy!

Warring States looked grim: "There are some things that can be proven that he does not exist without you denying them!”

On the other side, Garp and Lieutenant General Ahe were standing more than two meters lower than the execution platform.。

At this time, Garp was not only on the point of bursting into tears,。

If he could have prevented Ace from going to sea, captured him, and forced him to become a marine, would he have been able to protect Ace in an honest and fair manner? Unlike now, the butcher's knife is about to be placed on Ace's neck, but he can't do anything!

The pain of watching one's own child being beheaded is incomprehensible to ordinary people.。

“Garp, it's not your fault in this matter.……”

Lieutenant General He comforted him by saying that as a friend for many years and as a woman, she could understand Garp's pain at this time, but she could only comfort him in this way.。

After the shock and horror, the entire naval headquarters returned to calm, but it was this calm that was indeed the most disturbing!

很多海军,手心都不自觉地捏出一把汗了,但他们并不知道,而且这颜色的太阳,已经让很多人都汗流浃背 。

烦躁、高温、不安 ……

对于此时的很多海军来说,都是很痛苦的 。


此时,马林梵多的人往前方望去,只见那远处,似乎在天际之下,一阵白色的迷雾当中,忽然就先了大量的船只的黑影 。

“是白胡子海贼团,他们来了! ”

“漩涡蜘蛛! ”

“游士仕多马! ”


“都是新世界鼎鼎大名的海贼,白胡子海贼团的43个附属海贼团都来了! ”


“终于来了! ”

“感觉底下的海军竟然有些颤抖了! ”

多弗朗明哥说道 。

蛇姬看了一眼前方,面色平静,毕竟她来这里,就是为了看到凌白而已,至于什么白胡子海贼团,她完全没有兴趣 。

三大将的宝座之上 。

“还有没出现吗?那些船只,明显没有莫比迪克号,白胡子海贼团的三艘主船也不在 。”

黄猿提了个醒 。

处刑台上,战国的艾斯都已经变了脸色,一个如临大敌,一个是感觉害怕,作为白胡子海贼团的一员,艾斯在推进城期间,就已经意识到他当初不顾众人的阻止去追捕自己无法匹敌的黑胡子,那是多么任性的一件事,如今竟然需要整个白胡子海贼团出现 。

虽然他已经无数次祈求白胡子海贼团不要出现,毕竟艾斯真的恐惧,自己会害了白胡子他们 。

这样,他一辈子都无法原谅自己的 。

“来了全体海军注意! ”

战国用广播电话虫大吼一声 。

对于昔日的宿敌白胡子即将出现,战国身上的压力顿时就变大了 。

“叮咚! ”

“咕噜! ”

就在这时,马林梵多的海湾,一阵海水声音出现,就给人一种,下面有什么东西一样 。


“难道要在这种让人出其不意的地方出现吗?太近了! ”

鹤中将皱起眉头,心中感觉不好 。

“这真是意想不到的老头!要从海湾底下冲出来吗?如此近的距离,真是太恐怖了! ”

月光莫利亚,嘻嘻地笑了起来 。





又是连续冲出两艘大船 。

此刻,无论是广场的众多海军,还是香波地群岛广场的人,都被惊呆了,而有的人,甚至因为白胡子的出现,双腿颤抖发软 。

“真的来了! ”



“你们 ……”


也是在这时,一阵有力而均匀的脚步声,自己一阵很有节奏的钢铁触碰地板的声音从莫比迪克号内部传来出来 。

紧接着,就是在在众人的视野范围内,出现白胡子的身影 。

“咕啦啦啦 ……”

“战国,几十年没见了! ”

“还有,我心爱的艾斯,老爹一定不会让你受委屈的 。”

白胡子直面整个海军本部,大笑了起来,爽朗的笑声,让无数海军感到了一股巨大的压力 。



“传说中的男人,出现了! ”

“第二条,爆炸新闻! ”

“传言白胡子已经病重,但看如今的状态,怕是谣言吧! ”

“隔着屏幕我都双腿发软,要是他站在我前面,我下辈子再做人吧! ”

恐惧与不安在无数人心中漫延,如同病毒一般 。

“艾斯,我们来救你了! ”

“艾斯!等哥哥们一下! ”

“区区海军本部!不及我白胡子海贼团半分! ”

“让海军本部明白,我们白胡子海贼团不是那么好欺负的! ”

白胡子海贼团的人大吼起来,声音排山倒海一般 。

此刻白胡子注视着签到的海军 。

七武海在看着他,中将在看着他,大将们的目光也在他身上,此外还有上面的三个传说海军 。

“如果今天,我走不了了 。”

“那我也要给我心爱的儿子们,一个未来! ”

“我可是,白胡子! ”







“拥有震震果实能力的男人,背负着毁灭世界的力量! ”

“即便我们海军在人数上占据空优势,但也别忘了,那个男人,一人足以横扫千军万马! ”

“他可是,世界最强的男人啊! ”




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