After listening to Zhang Yi's explanation, Xu Ping shook his head and retorted: "If this is the case, then who is building our country for so many years? There are still talents who love their motherland and are willing to give up. Foreign countries have come back to build their own motherland with generous treatment! Because of their existence, our country and nation will slowly become prosperous and strong!"

Zhang Yi said, "That's because of national pride!"

He raised his head, glanced at the sun directly above his head, and then at the huge Jinghua University campus.

"There are always people who are willing to sacrifice themselves and serve their duties, and these people can be called great. However, we cannot put all hopes on their greatness. So the key thing to do is to make our own country prosperous. It can only become a depression that can attract talents to come!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he smiled and slapped Xu Ping on the back.

"Let's go, let's keep going around! For me as a foreigner, there are not many opportunities to come here."

Xu Ping smiled and said, "If you like, you can come and play often! Next time, I will find more beautiful girls for you."

"Forget it, I feel that my respiratory tract is starting to be bad after being here for a few days. Sure enough, I am still not used to the dry weather in the north!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

The two continued to wander around the school. The contact with the student from the Jinghua University in the American Association just left a deep impression on Zhang Yi's heart.

He felt that he should do something.

The two moved many places, and there are still many serious students in the teaching building and library.

This one of the highest institutions in the country has placed too many people's academic dreams.

If it is not for the outstanding achievements, it is simply difficult to enter the study.

The country places great importance on the highest education institutions. If you want to enter the elite university, it is almost impossible without good grades.

Of course, there is naturally a back door.

For example, the policy of recruiting international students in order to improve the rankings of international universities has caused many people to take advantage of the loopholes and first change their nationality before enrolling.

However, this situation occurs all over the world, and we cannot criticize Jinghua University.

Even Harvard University, which is ranked No. 1 in the world in the U.S., still has the love students of wealthy businessmen who donate huge scholarships and then enroll their own family's children in school.

When Zhang Yi was in the library, he also communicated with some students on campus.

He found a very serious problem.

That is, the lower the grade, the shallower the concept of studying abroad. Most of their minds are still on completing their studies hard and then fighting for a glorious future.

However, many senior students are already busy taking the TOEFL and IELTS tests and are actively contacting foreign universities.

Through the conversation with them, Zhang Yi almost guessed how this trend of going abroad to study after graduation came into being.

"First of all, the first batch of students who went to study abroad in the US."

“Jinghua University was originally a school established by Mifang using Boxer’s indemnity, so it has inextricably linked with Mifang from its roots. Over the years, it has maintained a very smooth channel for studying abroad and has close ties with many foreign universities. This provides them with convenient conditions."

"Then over the years, the people in front went to study in the U.S. and passed on their experience to the younger brothers and younger sisters. There are even more seniors who return to school every year, because they are infected by the culture there, so they return to their alma mater to talk to the younger students The school girl promotes the beauty of that place."

"If things go on like this, one session will last, one session will last. When I entered Jinghua University, my thoughts might be to study hard and serve the motherland. But slowly, my thinking has been changed like this."

Zhang Yi looked around. The huge Jinghua University covers an extremely wide area. You must take a bus to easily travel to and from various teaching buildings and research institutes.

This is one of the highest universities in the country, but now it has been flooded with such a cultural atmosphere.

The most terrifying penetration in this world is cultural penetration.

So even if many people know that the graduates of Jinghua University have gone abroad, especially Mifang, there is no better way.

It is impossible for schools to force students to stay in the country, and it is impossible for officials to do that.

Therefore, such seeds gradually took root and sprouted in the school soil, and finally grew vigorously.

This situation is undoubtedly very bad.

Because even though there is a lot of controversy over Jinghua University in the current society, many people are also angry that it is a higher education institution built for foreigners.

However, this is the same as saying that grapes are sour if you can't eat grapes.

Who do you want to ask, if their children can be elite universities, will he refuse?

People are always angry at the practice of graduates from Jinghua University, but at the same time they are eager to enter this institution for education.

Even, many people are very eager to live in the legendary and beautiful developed countries.

This is a social status quo, and it cannot be changed by people's thoughts and will.

The only solution is to make the country stronger. At that time, the situation will also reverse. It is no longer the exodus of outstanding domestic talents, but we can become a gathering place for elites from all over the world, so that those outstanding talents will rush to get China's green card.

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard excited shouts from a group of students on the road.

He and Xu Ping looked over and saw a black Ford parked in front of the school building, and then two blond foreigners came out from inside.

They were greeted by four or five school leaders and teachers with a smile on their faces. Hundreds of students from Jinghua University around them looked at them, their eyes filled with admiration and longing.

"Oh, two acquaintances!"

Xu Ping curled his lips.

These two people have just met not long ago, and they are the two high-level leaders of Gaotong Group who came to Shengjing this time.

Vice President Cruise and Chief Technology Specialist Palm Center.

"They are indeed acquaintances, I didn't expect to meet them again here!"

Zhang Yi saw that the two of them were not surrounded by so many students, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

I look so handsome, and I haven't seen so many little sisters coming over to give flowers!

Of course, he wore a hat today, which may be one of the reasons.

"Are these two guys also invited to speak?"

Zhang Yi curiously watched them being crowded into the teaching building. Including the teachers from Jinghua University, the hundred and ten people looked at them as if they were on a pilgrimage.

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