Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 137: Ye Chen was "attacked"

Chapter 137

With the passage of time, Ye Chen had already unlocked his sense of hearing, and the passion that Xuedi brought was growing.

But as the ritual continued to ferment, before Ye Chen had time to break free and explode, Xuedi's body began to shrink a lot, from the original seventeen or eighteen to an ordinary person's thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance.

He was less than 1.5 meters tall, and his body became smaller again. The original ferocious development gradually shrank and became green, and he didn't feel the same before Ye Chen's chest.

At this moment, Emperor Xue's body was petite and red, and the gentle white clouds and soft light exuding from the inside out made him look like a fairy jade, pure and flawless.

Suppressing the desire in his heart, Ye Chen slammed into the other senses that were blocked with all his strength, and as Xuedi's transformation progressed weaker, his speed at breaking the seal became faster. ,

After a while, Ye Chen's hands were able to move, but at this moment, an unfamiliar sound suddenly came from outside the Xuequan pool, and immediately around the cave, footsteps also sounded.

But listening to the size of the sound, it didn't mean that it was close to the cave. I probably haven't found it yet.

At this moment, Xuedi's transformation was progressing faster and faster, and the spirit power in Ye Chen's body was constantly being absorbed by him like a frustrated ball.

Just in case, Ye Chen held the Snow Emperor with Chiguo and sank into the snow spring, but the recovery of perception and the rapid passing of soul power made him feel a great chill sweeping his body, and the more he went As the snow spring sank, the chill became more and more frozen.

"Hey, come and see, everyone, there is a cave here."

In the ice crystal forest outside the mountain, the bald man with an axe in one hand exclaimed, and after seven or eight companions were called, he dug out the snow at the entrance of the cave and stepped in.

Hearing the movement, Ye Chen didn't think much, and went straight down and kept sinking. At this moment, his soul power was greatly damaged, and he had to supply the vital Snow Emperor, so he was not suitable for fighting at all.

It was just this sinking that large patches of ice and snow formed on Ye Chen's body surface. In a short moment, his eyebrows and hair were frozen into ice. The blood flow rate in his body dropped sharply, his metabolism decreased, and the temperature of his body surface was reduced. It is also cold and scary.

"how much longer?"

Looking at the gradually shrinking Snow Emperor, he was only seven or eight years old, Ye Chen couldn't help but guess that this kind of rejuvenation-like transformation would take some time.

Holding her, the surrounding Xuequan energy also gathered frantically, which directly caused Ye Chen's body surface temperature to drop continuously, and soon afterwards he was completely frozen into a lump of ice.

"Break it for me!"

In Ye Chen's eyes, the golden light masterpiece, the mentally condensed wisdom skull integrated into his head, also showed a transparent purple crown on his forehead.

What followed immediately was a powerful and unmatched mental power rippling at the bottom of the pool, instantly smashing the ice cubes that had frozen him.

But Ye Chen, who had just lifted all the seals of perception, now used his mental power to attack, and for a while, his face turned pale.

Suddenly, a dark light and shadow came over his head, Ye Chen raised his head and looked at the surface of the pool, and immediately met the eyes of a bald man.

Xuequan was not big, it was only deeper, but Ye Chen didn't dare to dive to the bottom, because he would die faster than that.

"Come on, everyone, there is someone in this water."

Between words, there were seven or eight figures on the surface of the pool again, men and women, one after another looking at Ye Chen in the Xuequan Pond.

The two sides looked at each other without saying a word, but at this moment, the Snow Emperor, who was completely enclosed by Ye Chen, suddenly emitted a burst of white light, which immediately attracted the bald men to reveal new wonders.

"Senior Brother Wang, you are really right. There is a treasure in this cave, but it was swiftly boarded."

"Haha, apart from our senior brothers in this ice crystal forest, there are no other people here."

The bald man touched his bright bald head, and immediately took a large black axe made of special metal from his waist, staring at Ye Chen coldly and laughing.

Immediately, the few people beside him also understood what the senior brother was referring to, and they all took out their swords, guns, swords and halberds, and looked at Ye Chen with a smile.

The bald heads and others have their own cultivation bases, with 3 soul kings, 4 soul emperors, and 2 soul saints, and their martial arts are also unique to the extreme north, such as ice wolves, snow-bellied birds, and cold. Dian Leopard and many other beast spirits that are not afraid of the cold.

At the moment, nine people jumped, and after sinking into the snow spring, they surrounded Ye Chen.

At this moment, the Snow Emperor, who was wrapped in a large black robe by Ye Chen, was also tightly guarded on his chest. The other party's transformation has reached the appearance of a two or three-year-old little girl, and it will probably not take long for it to be completely transformed. .

"Little brother, what are you holding on your chest, if you don't mind, can you show it to your brother?"

The bald man smiled slightly, and the ice demon wolf on his back also stared at him coldly, his eyes full of disdain.

He is one of the soul sages, and with a little sense, he can learn that Ye Chen's realm is only the soul king, and he is not able to withstand a single blow.

"Senior brother, what are you doing so politely with him? This kid has a very good face. He shouldn't be a member of the sect near the Far North, but just in case, he still killed a hundred."

A man said gloomily, his eyes full of killing intent.

At this moment, standing behind the bald man, the very exposed woman leaned on the rock wall of the pool, licking her fingers and smilingly said: "I am so handsome, what a pity to kill him, why not let me play him badly."

After all, the exposed woman, who was only surrounded by a piece of gauze-like clothing, swam to Ye Chen like a water snake, and then lifted his chin with her fingers, and said slightly, "As long as you wait Good girl, I will save your life, but I don’t know if you have that ability."

With a silver smile at the corners of her mouth, the exposed woman pushed her chest out, deliberately showing a large amount of gray in Ye Chen's eyes, her **** plump figure, even twisting and teasing movements, made other people's mouth dry. dry.

"Sister Lin's old problem has committed again. Didn't I work hard enough last night?"

Scratching the back of his head, the bald-headed man suddenly heard that the exposed woman raised her eyebrows and said: "Just your silver-like wax grabbing your head, does your effort work?"

With such a word, the other seven people suddenly covered their mouths and laughed, but at the thought of Junior Sister Lin's great they also tightened their crotch in anguish, smiling without saying a word.

"How about little brother, hand over the baby, and then take care of this girl, I will..."

"Just your beauty, Ye Mou dare not covet." He directly refused to expose the woman, but Ye Chen continued: "But well..."

"But what? Are you also a man to look down upon? You shouldn't be so handsome, right?"

While Ye Chen was still thinking about delaying time, the exposed woman with the soul sage cultivation level suddenly attacked him.

Immediately afterwards, the woman glared her eyes sharply, then stared at Ye Chen's bottom, coveting and said: "Okay, very good, I will eat you tonight."

The attacked Ye Chen saw the disgusting appearance of the water flowing out of his mouth, and a large amount of fierce light suddenly surged in his eyes. He didn't like wearing torn shoes.

Thank you for the reward in the next few chapters, I want to catch up with the manuscript, but I still have to thank [Xiaoyao -] leader for the reward again. . .

(End of this chapter)

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