Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 204: Original ‘private’ mission

The concubine Ya concubine displayed herself enchantingly, her arrogant figure and beauty, and the beautiful colorful butterflies complemented each other, like a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.

Ye Chen put down the tea cup and raised his eyes to look at each other squarely.

Seeing this, there was a sense of peace in Yafei's beautiful eyes, and she immediately thought to herself: "The world looks like a man, and she has never seen a man who can ignore her beauty."

"That, Miss Yafei, we are now..."

Ye Chen opened his mouth slightly and stood up slowly, as if he had a lot to say.

At this scene, Concubine Ya smiled slightly, and immediately after sitting down relaxed, the whole person became a lot more confident: "If you have anything, it doesn't matter if you say it, I won't mind." After speaking, I waited for the same thing. She has become accustomed to her words of cross praise.

"That's good, let's hurry up and set the price, I have something to deal with later, I have work."

He arched his hands slightly, and after Ye Chen finished speaking, he saw an abnormal expression on Yafei's pretty face, as if it was a loss and an accident.

"That's it? Nothing else to follow me?"

As soon as these two sentences were finished, Concubine Ya felt that she was reckless, but she couldn't hold back the dull gaze in Ye Chen's eyes after all.

"Oh yes, there is indeed one more thing."

Ye Chen scratched his head and smiled. Concubine Ya was also looking forward to his next words, her beautiful eyes staring at the calm and steady Ye Chen.

"Miss Ya Fei, I want all the medicinal materials from your auction house in the future, and there are also many special rare herbs that need your help to collect. I don't know if it is feasible. If possible, my future medicinal herbs will be with you Mitel Auction house transactions, but there may be a lot of them, no wonder there will be more nuisances at that time."

Hearing that, Concubine Ya nodded and agreed directly. These things are not too difficult. Moreover, having such an excellent pill at her auction house will attract many customers to the door. This kind of self-interested transaction is natural for her. Will not refuse.

It's just that Ye Chen's undistracted gaze made him a little unacceptable. The beauty that has been coveted all the year round, now that she suddenly meets a man who completely ignores herself, Ya Fei is full of curiosity about Ye Chen in an instant.

Secretly, where did this guy come from? The cultivation base of this guy is a mere combatant, but he has a third-grade pill, and can be so calm when he actively releases his beauty. Everything makes Ye Chen like a mystery and fascinating to explore.

"I will offer a low price of 10,000 gold coins for a third-grade pinnacle pill. If we can get a good price at the auction in two days, how will we divide it with the son? You can come and see for yourself."

After sending out the invitation, Concubine Ya looked at Ye Chen intently. She wanted to get in touch with this man more and solve all the mysteries on him.

"No need. Ten thousand is ten thousand. I said that this batch of pills is a gift for Miss Yafei. As long as I finish 150,000 gold coins, all of these pills The disposal right belongs to your auction house."

After saying this, Ye Chen wanted to get up and leave. He had already seen several waiters walking over with a large bag of gold coins, waving them into the ring. He also grinned at Ya Fei and stepped forward. Out of the backyard.

"Miss, don't you want to stay? This son must be related to a certain pharmacist. If we can win direct cooperation with our auction house, it will definitely make a lot of money."

An old man in commoner walked over from a distance and reminded him intentionally.

"No need. That pharmacist definitely didn't want to reveal his identity, so he sent Master Ye, who is only a fighter, since the other party does not want to show up, then we don't have to worry. Anyway, Master Ye said, he will often come to harass in the future. "

Looking at the figure stepping out of the hospital, Ya Fei waved her hand to let the old man next to her back, she picked up the tea cup Ye Chen had drunk, turned it slightly, and looked at her frivolously. She also showed a strong curious look between her frivolous eyebrows.

When Ye Chen walked out of the backyard and came to the main hall of the main hall, the previous waitress suddenly stopped his way with a smile, and then took out a black najie and said: "Master, this is the herb that the lady asked me to prepare. Please take it. under."

"It's too polite, you go back and tell Miss Ya Fei that the money for these herbs will be taken as my credit, and a good medicine will be issued in the future and I will pay it back again."

Slightly glanced at the Na Jie, which was full of medicinal herbs, and under the full accumulation, there was a space of more than a hundred square meters. Such a gift just solved his urgent need.

Waved to the delicate waitress, Ye Chen walked out of the Mittel auction house, and immediately went shopping in Wutan City, spent all the 150,000 gold coins on his body, and swept away several drugstores, and then returned. Xiao clan.

But before Ye Chen came to the cabin where he lived, he hadn't sat hot, and the honest man who lived not far from the door called him out.

"Ye Chen, why are you coming back now? Come with me to participate in the Outer Sect Cultivation Test. I heard that this time the elder presided over. Maybe we will be selected and become official Xiao Clan disciples."

Looking at the honest man with a smile on his face, his name is Guo Guo, a very interesting name. I heard that his father likes grasshoppers, that's why he came up with this name.

"Don't expect too much of this, just our fighter's half-hearted cultivation base, how can the elders look at it?"

Patting Guo Guo on the shoulder, Ye Chen shrugged, and went to the Yanwu Square of the Xiao Clan with him.

At this moment, three serious-faced elders were standing next to the Test Devil Stone Tablet. When Ye Chen arrived, his own name suddenly rang.

"Outer disciple Ye Chen, come quickly to test the cultivation base."

It was a bit accidental, but Ye Chen still walked towards the magic stone stele and walked through the scene, it was not a big deal.

But when he put his hand on the magic stone stele, the elder beside him suddenly showed a strange smile at him: "Ye Chen, Seven Star Fighter, the selected inner door passes through, please go to the family hall to be sealed."

"Ah? Elder, did you make a mistake, I am the Seven Star Fighter."

At this moment, Ye Chen was no longer an accident, but obviously smelled a scent of conspiracy.

But soon, he thought of a possibility. After he arched his hands, he followed one of the obese elders to the main hall of the mansion, leaving behind a large number of excited foreign children. They felt that Ye Morning Seven Stars can pass, and there are many people in this square who are above the Seven Star Fighters.

Walking fast all the way, Ye Chen arrived at the Xiao Clan Hall in a short while, but just when he arrived, a hot and graceful woman greeted him with a light smile.

"Sure enough!"

Looking at the **** concubine wrapped in red silk, Ye Chen immediately knew the reason for his promotion to the inner sect.

"Don't look at me like that, you are working in Wutan City, it is very difficult for Chief Xiao not to know."

After Ya Fei noticed Ye Chen's hot gaze, she immediately dismissed herself aloud, and then the words of the patriarch Xiao Zhan who sat in the first seat of the main hall also proved her words.

"Ye Chen, the disciple of the family's outer sect, I have been in the field for more than a few months, and I have cultivated as a Seven Star Fighter. I am curious, why do you use so many medicinal materials at the Xiao Family Pharmacy, and why do you have a third-grade pill in your hand? "

Xiao Zhan's words were soft, not aggressive.

However, when Ye Chen heard it, he smiled mysteriously: "You shouldn't know, the patriarch should not ask, but my alchemist friend said that as long as the price of the medicine is sold well, the family will not be treated badly in the future. The pill he refines can also be sold by us."

We said the word very seriously. After Xiao Zhan heard it, his eyes couldn't help showing excitement, and the elders under his seat also showed a smile without concealment.

Can come up with a third-rank peak-quality pill. The alchemist mentioned by this child is also third-rank. If luck is fourth-rank, then in this city of Utan, no one can compare to their Xiao clan. , Maybe even able to dominate Utan City with this.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhan looked at Ye Chen and said, "What you said is true? Can we Xiao Clan really get the medicine alchemist's pill for sale?"

"Naturally, but he has a bad temper, so he won't see anyone other than me, and the rake may be very high."

"Although you can talk about it, it doesn't matter if the family earns less, but if you can really get the support of that pharmacist, you will definitely have your share in the promotion of inner disciple this time."

Looking at Ye Chen, who only had the cultivation base of combatants, Xiao Zhan didn’t think that the other party would lie, otherwise such a weak kid wouldn’t be able to come up with a third-grade you, the patriarch, I will definitely work hard to negotiate this. Yes. "

He clenched his fist tightly, Ye Chen's face was full of excitement.

When Xiao Zhan saw this, he also dispelled the only doubt he had about him, and let him retreat. He was just a fighter. If it hadn't been for the alchemist behind him, the opponent might not have been able to follow him in his life. Opportunity to say a word.

Seeing Ye Chen's departure, Concubine Ya also quit her hand, but when she just walked out of the gate of Xiao Mansion, Ye Chen's figure suddenly stood in front of her with a strange expression.

"Young Master Ye is thinking about doing this? Are you still suspicious of me?"

Concubine Ya was a little puzzled. Ye Chen wanted to stop herself so recklessly. She came to Xiao Mansion just to see the other party's situation. If it is difficult, she still wants to pull it out. It's really ignorant. Human heart.

"No, I just want to..."

Ye Chen looked at the concubine Ya who chuckled at him helplessly, and immediately said in a very depressed heart: "Damn system, you are ruining my reputation."

Stopping Ya Fei naturally had a purpose, but this purpose was the second sign-in task he received when he walked out of the Xiao Clan Hall. The original words of the system are as follows.

[Sign in the goddess mission is being released...]

[Objective: Yafei, sign-in task: Use any means to personally obtain an original and private clothing of Yafei! 】

[Reward: Get 300% favorability of Yafei, and increase the speed of automatic training by 100%. 】

[Additional rewards: Earth-level primary fighting skills, hidden breath tactics! 】

The moment Ye Chen got the task, Ye Chen's whole person was not good. Can he not know what the private clothes are, but how can he get such a private thing?

To steal? Ye Chen can't do it, he is not the kind of wretched person, so at this moment, he will stop the concubine Ya in public...

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