Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 212: Elder, change jade

Although he was a little confused, Ye Chen walked into the Xiao Clan's mansion, but soon he was slightly frowned by the scene inside and outside the main hall.

Corpses, there are corpses everywhere, and looking at the costumes of these people on the ground, Ye Chen also feels a little familiar.

"I'm back, haha, please sit down."

Xiao Wanshan, the elder of the Xiao clan, kindly pulled Ye Chen onto the high chair in the hall, his old face was filled with excitement, and the nails of his hands were also stained with unwashed red blood.

"Elder Wanshan is polite. This position can only be taken by the family elders. How can Ye Chen and He De..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Wanshan smiled and interrupted: "Brother Ye doesn't know yet. Now your contribution is too great. The elders of us and the patriarch have agreed to let you become the ninth elder of the family. So from now on, you will be the elder Ye of the Xiao Clan."

"Yeah, Ye Chen, even though he is only an elder outsider, he has the same rights as us, and he has absolute right to discuss and make decisions."

Another elder with a mouthful of white beards stood up and patted Ye Chen on the shoulder to make him sit down, while the others in the hall also nodded their heads looking at him with a smile.

Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Mei were taken to the inner courtyard with their eyes covered. At the same time, Xiao Zhan's figure appeared on the high seat in the hall, facing the corpses all over the floor, without showing any unexpected expressions.

"what's going on?"

Ye Chen has already recognized all the corpses on the ground, aren't they all from the Galley family? And most of them were lucky enough to survive under his sword, but unfortunately, they died after all.

"Haha, why should Brother Ye Chen wonder, isn't it your credit for our Xiao Clan to have today's great results?"

After Elder Wanshan said, he also explained the causes and consequences of why the ground was full of corpses.

It turned out that after Ye Chen made an uproar with the Garlie family, they got news that there was a mysterious person next to him to help him. After thinking it was a pharmacist, the Xiao Clan sent someone to strengthen him.

However, when they arrived at the Galley house, they also discovered that the Galley house was defeated. Therefore, they had this behavior of picking up the corpse to eliminate the troubles.

The two families that have not dealt with all the years have already accumulated grievances. Facing the good opportunities for the death of the plus powers, the Xiao clan also defeated all the rest of the plus powers and expelled them from the city of Utan. Take it back to the mansion and kill it, pronouncing the future sovereignty of the Xiao Clan in Utan City.

One of the three big families was destroyed. After the Xiao family swore their sovereignty, they could control all the shops of the Garie family.

And the greatest credit for all this is that he went to save Ye Chen, and that's why Ye Chen was named an elder outside the family.

"Ye Chen, you don't need to be polite. Although your cultivation level is average, you do have the only contribution to the family. This post of elder is an affirmation of your great contribution to the family."

Xiao Zhan finally spoke, but what he said was similar to what the other elders meant.

But Ye Chen knew that this elder's affirmation was just a few paragraphs that the Xiao Clan wanted to tie him down. After all, the pharmacist in their minds was not only good at refining medicine, but also a strong person, such a character. How could the Xiao family let it go.

As soon as I thought of this, I heard Elder Wanshan smile and say: "Ye Chen, your pharmacist friend, should you introduce us? After all, everyone will be partners in the future. If he agrees, we Xiao The clan can also enshrine it as a big family worship, and only need to practice alchemy to enjoy all the power resources of the Xiao clan."

"Yeah, Ye Chen is all from his own family. Since the master alchemist is your friend, isn't he a friend of our Xiao family? If he is willing to come, the Xiao Clan will not let him down. In Tanzania and even the surrounding city-states, we can all..."

Another elder persuaded him, but Ye Chen shook his head after hearing this, "I'm sorry, my friend said, he won't stay in this small place like Utan City, maybe he will leave soon. ."

"In such a hurry, is there any problem with the master alchemist, it is better to say it, and we can help."

Hearing Xiao Wanshan's words, Ye Chen couldn't help sighing, and stopped saying anything.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhan in the first seat raised his hand and interrupted Elder Wanshan who was still about to question him, and then smiled and said to Ye Chen: "You have worked hard today. Let's go and rest first. We will discuss this later."

"Thank you patriarch, then I will leave first."

After Ye Chen nodded and left the hall, Elder Wanshan suddenly said anxiously: "Patriarch, I haven't finished speaking, so why let the kid go? The appointment and stay of the alchemist has a lot to do with the Xiao Clan."

"No hurry, in my opinion, the pharmacist has a very close relationship with Ye Chen, and he can deal with the entire Garlie family for him, so as long as Ye Chen is the elder of our Xiao clan, he can't run away."

Hearing this, many elders immediately looked at each other, and immediately laughed again and again, dreaming about the future growth of the Xiao Clan and the dominance of Wutan City.

Ye Chen went back to his room, lying on the bed looking at the vast starry sky outside the window thinking.

His status in the Xiao Clan has risen too quickly. Within a month, he has already become an elder with a foreign surname. It seems that he will not be too far away from the completion of the first sign-in task.

Early the next morning, after Ye Chen got up, he ran to the Wutan City Auction House, bought a few jars of fine wine, and then ran to the other courtyard of Xiao Wanshan's residence where he had talked a lot before.

As soon as they knocked on the courtyard door, Elder Wanshan's voice came from the side: "Hey, Elder Ye Chen, what are you looking for in the early morning."

"I heard that Elder Wanshan loves fine wine. Ye Mou has a few jars of fine wines here. I don't know if I can invite the elders to drink together. By the way, I would like to ask if I can enter the Xiao clan's fighting skills Nabao Pavilion and choose something that suits me."

Ye Chen took out hundreds of years of aging and smiled slightly. When Xiao Wanshan saw this, he burst into laughter: "Ye Chen, I remember the old man said yesterday that although you are an elder with a foreign surname, you can also enjoy all the privileges of an elder. It’s a mere fighting skill Nabao Pavilion, and I’ll accompany you to take a look after drinking.

With that said, Xiao Wanshan dragged Ye Chen into the elder's house and couldn't wait to drink the 100-year-old wine.

This jar is worth half a thousand gold coins. After Xiao Wanshan and Ye Chen finished drinking one jar, the other party took other fine wines into their own precepts: "Brother Ye, you don’t drink too much, so you blush, let’s I have to do business. I will wait for you to accept this wine. We will have a good drink next time."

After all, Elder Wanshan took Ye Chen to the Xiao Clan’s Fighting Skill Nabao Pavilion. The guard at the door saw that both of them had elder badges on their waists, and they did not stop them, so they walked directly in.

"Come on, Brother Ye, you can copy and practice the fighting skills here, and you can get a little bit of the treasures."

Elder Wanshan pointed to the dazzling array of books and precious gems on the shelf, and started with a brief introduction of a mouthful of alcohol. The more inside the better, the better the hidden rules.

After Ye Chen nodded and thanked him, he could not help picking up a few profound-level fighting skills and flipping through them, but there was nothing good about the down-and-out Xiao Clan. There was a stack of heavy books that only had a local-level basic fighting skills. It is also incomplete.

Without going further, Ye Chen picked up a fighting skill casually, and walked to the area where the treasures and magic weapons were placed.

After reading it casually for a while, Ye Chen picked up a piece of quaint, broken jade with some strange patterns on it, but nothing more, it looked very ordinary and had no other advantages.

"Can I take it?"

Holding the ancient jade, Ye Chen asked quietly. When Xiao Wanshan saw it, he also smiled and said: "It is not possible to take it away. Although it is just a piece of ordinary broken jade that can sense the breath of life, it is not a big deal, but it has existed in the past. It’s an item in my Xiao family, so I’m sorry."

"Is it? It's a pity, but I really like this jade pendant. It looks very unique. I want to give it to someone I like."

Ye Chen shrugged helplessly and smiled, and when he put down the broken jade, a porcelain jade bottle suddenly fell into his arms.

Immediately, the lid covering the jade bottle was flicked off, and a crystal-clear pill suddenly rolled out from the inside.

Suddenly, a scent of medicine visible to the naked eye filled the entire storage room, and when Xiao Wanshan saw this, his eyes widened.

"Oh, the fifth-grade pinnacle pill given to me by my friend has dropped. Don't get it dirty. I have to give it away."

After that, he wanted to bend over to pick it up, but a hand Ying picked up the pill faster than him, and immediately there was a shocking sound from the side.

"Fifth-Rank, it's actually a fifth-Rank Douling building a foundation stone."

After that, Ye Chen saw Xiao Wanshan staring at the pill in his hand and swallowed wildly.

The effect of this pill can increase the success rate of 60% when a strong person in the realm of the big fighting master breaks through the fighting spirit. Such a precious five-stage peak pill is simply rare in the world.

"Brother Wanshan, that's mine, can you return it to me?"

Ye Chen said with a chuckle, but what he meant in his words was very complicated. Xiao Wanshan looked at the five-grade pill in his hand, and the horror of the Gallie family also sounded.

But if this fighting spirit builds Jidan, if it is given to the patriarch Xiao Zhan who is about to reach the 9-star battle master, wouldn't it be possible that there will be one more fighting spirit strong in their Xiao family.

It’s okay if I don’t want to, think about it. It’s true that Xiao Wanshan can no longer conceal this crazy idea, but if you want to grab it, the five-grade alchemists behind Ye Chen and the Xiao family can’t afford to offend them. The Galie family is an example. In exchange for things.

An idea came up in my Xiao Wanshan pretended to return the medicine to Ye Chenshi, while saying that although this medicine is good, you are also a contender. You may not be able to use it.

Since you like that piece of broken jade, you might as well exchange it. Give it to your sweetheart, Yafei, and you will surely get the heart of the beauty.

With that said, the fifth-rank fighting spirit building Jidan must also be placed in Ye Chen's palm, but suddenly, Ye Chen retracted his right hand and clapped his hands: "Yes, I'm only a fighter. Maybe I won't be able to use it in the future. It's not as good as a piece of beautiful jade."

"Yes, Brother Ye is smart."

Xiao Wanshan secretly smiled and withdrew the medicine, and quickly picked up the broken jade and stuffed it in Ye Chen's arms, and then said: "Well, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany my brother. You can leave after you choose your fighting skills. Brother, I'll leave first." After speaking, the man had disappeared from the attic and ran towards the patriarch's hall.

Soon, in the hall, there was a sound of excited laughter, and Ye Chen looked at the ancient jade he had obtained, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and slowly returned to his room.

However, not long after he came back, he found a note on the table with the words'come soon'.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen frowned, and then left the Xiao family mansion without eating breakfast.

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