Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 215: Little doctor, curious Yanran

Ye Chen followed Nalan Yanran and the others. After leaving Utan City, he hurried towards Yunlanzong. The journey was very safe. In the boundaries of the Jiama Empire, no one should dare to provoke Yunlanzong.

After running around for more than ten days, everyone came to the border town of the Warcraft Mountains. They wanted to go to the Yunlanzong, but they had to pass through the outer mountains to reach it, but it was not very dangerous.

"Let's take a break in Qingshan Town, wait a while and leave together."

Walking on the busy street, Ge Ye took everyone to a teahouse to rest. After running for a long time, everyone was a little tired.

"You rest, I'll go to the store over there to buy something."

After receiving Yao Lao's prompt, Ye Chen couldn't help but walked into a shop, looked up a light yellow lump, and then asked the price: "How much is this thing, I want it."

Hearing this, a young man ran over with his eyebrows jokingly and respectfully said: "This grandfather has such a good vision, this thing is the most precious **** of our shop..."

"Okay, don't blow it up, you and I know what this is, so let's just 50 gold coins. By the way, I will buy you some Huang Jinglian."

Hearing this, the young man immediately scratched his head in embarrassment. It's normal for a businessman to exaggerate, but this unremarkable thing can sell for 50 gold coins, which is beyond his imagination.

After that, the man quickly wrapped a dozen kilograms of Huang Jinglian, and incidentally carried the pale yellow object, packed and handed it out together.

After paying the gold coins, Ye Chen also threw the cloth bag containing the best medicinal herbs and blood essence lotus into Na Jie, but soon, a few exclamations and comments next to him immediately attracted his attention.

"Wow, it turned out to be a little doctor fairy!"

"So pretty, tut, that waist is really thin..."

"Idiot, do you want to die? Most of the mercenaries in Qingshan Town have been treated by little doctors. Be careful to be heard by others and cut your tongue!"

Ye Chen looked for her reputation, and from the gap in the crowd, she could faintly see the figure of a woman in a white dress.

As the crowd spread, he finally saw the face of the woman surrounded by the crowd.

The woman is wearing a pale white dress. Although her appearance is not stunning, she can also be said to be a rare beauty. Her smile cheeks indifferently reveal a fresh and ethereal temperament, which is unique. The temperament of the woman suddenly increased the charm of a woman by a large margin.

He turned his gaze on the woman, and finally stopped on the willow waist that was bound by a green belt, looking at the willow waist that was not full enough to hold, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with admiration.

Even if his vision is like him, he still feels that the white group of women in front of them is afraid that among all women, the waist is the most slender and weak, which is very eye-catching.

At this moment, the woman in the white skirt just looked over, and for a while, the two seemed to be attracted, admiring each other.

"Hello, my name is Ye Chen."

"I am a little doctor, and I am glad to meet you."

The woman in the white skirt took the lead in probing her hand, Ye Chen didn't twitch, and directly held the soft little hand.

"Buy herbs here? I don't know if you are interested in joining my team. I will go into the mountains to look for herbs later. I can share you a little bit by then."

Xiao Yixian Tiantian smiled and invited, but Ye Chen waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, although I want to drive into the mountains, we may be on a different path."

Hearing this, the little doctor immortal sighed in frustration, but he didn't get entangled. He just smiled slightly and said, "Well, well, I was expecting your master to protect me. It's a pity. I have to go into the mountains with those savage guys."

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help taking out a delicate and small jade pendant from his arms, and handed it over: "Meeting is fate, hold this jade, if I don't go far and you are in danger, then crush this jade. , Also on the periphery of the mountain, I should be able to find you."

"Thank you then, you are so kind."

Holding the jade pendant and shook it in his hand, the little doctor fairy greeted Ye Chen, and then left through the crowd, and Ye Chen also returned to the teahouse.

Seeing him come back, Ge Ye immediately smiled and said: "I have enough rest, let's go. I have sent a message back to the sect as early as in Wutan City. Don't let the lord wait too long." He said, He took the lead and walked towards the Warcraft Mountains.

Nalan Yanran, who was just behind, glanced at Ye Chen suddenly, then approached him and asked softly: "Who were you talking to just now, and why did you stand there for so long."

"Hey, hey, you can't control who I talk to, girl Yanran."

Looking at Nalan Yanran, Ye Chen couldn't help but wonder if this girl paid too much attention to herself.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, but don't forget what you said to me at the beginning, even if it is not true, I don't want you to change your mind like this."

"Huh? Change your mind?"

What is this saying? Ye Chen helped her forehead, and secretly asked what Nalan Yanran's little brain was thinking about, and actually said this kind of self. Does she really think she is beautiful?

After taking a close look at Nalan Yanran, Ye Chen suddenly touched his chin and nodded secretly: "It's really beautiful. Although it hasn't opened yet, the glamour in the temperament is rare."

"Enough to see, have you all entered the mountains? Look at the road carefully. Don't be eaten by monsters accidentally."

Nalan Yanran responded with a look at Ye Chen, and then curiously asked: "How old are you? Why are you the elder of the Xiao clan at a young age? I think you are not a few years older than me."

"Um, I am in my thirties. Being a small family elder is not too much."

"Well, it turns out that you are only thirty, not too old, but why do you look so young? It seems that you are only two or three years old than me. correct."

"Girl Yanran, are you talking too much?"

"Is there? I'm just a little curious about how you did it. Also, if you are not surnamed Xiao, where is your real home? Are you from the Gama Empire? Or from a foreign land."

Ye Chen couldn't help his mouth twitching, and he was speechless for a while.

At the moment, he wanted to silently not answer, but Nalan Yanran seemed to have a strong curiosity about it, and he followed closely, wanting to ask questions.

"You're still not a man anymore. When other boys see me, they are eager to get closer to me, but it's good for you to hide from me all the time. Am I that scary?"

Seemingly displeased by Ye Chen's behavior, Nalan Yanran grabbed his sleeve and asked very seriously.

"Am I a man, do you want to try? The kind that promises to make you a woman."


Ye Chen’s teasing words made Nalan Yanran blushing. She was just fifteen years old. How could she hear these shameful words, and now she no longer dared to entangled and walked to Ge Ye's side, but her gaze was always on. Ye Chen turned around.

For her, Ye Chen is like a benefactor and a mystery, but more, it makes Nalan Yanran feel an unparalleled sense of security, so she will take the initiative to approach Ye Chen, wanting to understand each other.

A group of three people quickly walked through the outermost periphery of the Warcraft Mountains, but even the outer periphery was attacked by several waves of Warcraft, but fortunately they were all low-level Warcraft, and the road to the periphery was almost at an end. .


The two figures got rid of the last wave of monsters and jumped out of the forest, but when Ye Chen wanted to go out, his left eyelid suddenly jumped violently.

Then I saw him standing on a big tree branch, looking back to somewhere in the deep forest of the mountains.

"Come out, soon, we will be able to reach the sect."

Nalan Yanran called Ye Chen, but the other party did not respond as if he had not heard of it. On the contrary, when he exerted force under his feet, he quickly jumped towards the inside of the forest, and quickly disappeared in front of the two of them. .

"Hey, Ye Chen, where are you going."

Looking at the disappearing figure, Nalan Yanran immediately wanted to go in and find out, but Ge Ye next to her grabbed her, and said with caution: "Young master, never, the place where the kid went is already close to the mountains. It’s a district. With our cultivation strength, it’s safe to do in the periphery, but if you go to the central district, if something happens to you, how should the old man explain to the suzerain.”

"I don't care. If it weren't for Ye Chen, the resignation this time would not have been so smooth, Elder Ge, you can save him."

Nalan Yanran was very anxious and kept looking into the forest, hoping that Ye Chen would come out and return to Yunlanzong with her.

But Ge Ye next to him sighed, lightly cut a hand knife at Nalan Yan and then the neck, and then drove her towards the sect at full speed.

Within a few days, Ge Ye returned to Yunlanzong with Nalan Yanran, and after a female disciple sent him to rest, he walked towards the Zongmen Hall alone.

"I'm back, how is the situation?"

In the middle of the hall, a woman with a beautiful face was gently wiping her sword, her expression was cold, noble and elegant.

"Sect Master is incompetent. Although the other party promised me to come, but in the middle area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains, the kid was allowed to run away, and the news of the alchemist did not find any traces, I suspect Ye Chen is the alchemist."

Upon hearing this, the beautiful woman inserted the sword back into the scabbard, then waved her hand loudly: "Go on, I'll take care of this matter."

With that said, Ge Ye hadn’t left the hall, but the beautiful woman disappeared first, and in the huge Yunlanzong building complex on the peak of Yunlan Mountain, a blue light burst out into the sky, and immediately turned towards the sky. Flew in the direction Nalan Yanran came back.

Mountains of Warcraft!

Ye Chen, who kept going deeper, chose the shortest path and quickly swept towards the mental power fluctuations where the jade pendant was shattered. When the Dou Zong cultivation base broke out, the speed was also astonishing.

However, when he arrived, he found that the jade pendant he had given to the little doctor immortal had broken and fell on the grass, but the other party's figure was not within the scope of vision.


Suddenly, an exclamation sounded. Ye Chen raised his eyes and looked at it suddenly, his unparalleled mental power burst into a tsunami-like turbulent, madly covered, and then his figure also moved towards the wind on the west side of the forest.

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