Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 246: Practicing singular exercises and rushing to the imperial capital prison alone

"Wh, what? Brother Ye Chen, this technique is of advanced level, and it has a miraculous effect on restoring vindictive energy."

Xiao Mei's question came in his ears, Ye Chen couldn't help nodding while reading the exercise books.

This yin and yang exercises indeed have a strong ability to restore fighting energy, and those who practice this exercise can also enhance the cultivation of both sides, and the effect is very impressive.

However, the record also has extremely harsh conditions, that is, if you want to practice this exercise, you must have a person of the opposite **** who loves you wholeheartedly, otherwise if you force the practice, you will only be bitten by it, and it may even lead to'others'. Shortening of the aspect.

Seeing this, even Ye Chen, who is well-qualified, was a little palpitating. The secret path was well practiced, but he could find the wrong target, so he couldn't deal with it just by joking.

"Ahem, sister Mei'er, this exercise is in your Imperial Capital Academy, no one is practicing, right?"

"Yes, I just put it in an inconspicuous corner and ate ashes. I also accidentally turned it over and brought it out."

Seeing Xiao Mei's little head lit, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel doubts. After all, the practice of this technique is not only related to the happiness of one person, but anyway, if you really cultivate, you can also be able to quickly Let him regain his grudge.

As for the movements that he hadn't seen before, they were also very attractive, measuring the geometry of men in the world, thinking a lot of flowers, but unable to reach the state of this technique, it is really embarrassing.

"Why don't we try?"

Looking at Xiao Mei's beautiful eyes, Ye Chen couldn't help but say a word.

Xiao Mei, who had received his words, also showed a touch of joy on her pure and pretty face, and she lay beside Ye Chen, stepping on the half-empty leaf surface covered by the overlapping branches and leaves of bamboo shoots.

Immediately, a faint voice came into Ye Chen's ears: "Brother, I...I am number one..."

"I understand, but can you get up first? This kung fu is not suitable for lying down."

Ye Chen smiled, and placed the first page of records in front of Xiao Mei's eyes. Soon, they began to practice unspeakably above the bamboo shoots in the air.

The eight seemingly fragile bamboo shoots are overlapping, and the small vertical bamboo leaves are constantly falling, and they are very tough. Even under the pressure they should not bear, none of the bamboo breaks, but very elastic.

As a result, the two people under the bright moonlight constantly undulate with the tough bamboo shoots, making various rare strategic moves, constantly challenging the limit of the eight green bamboos.

And for those extremely challenging goals, Ye Chen implemented it because of bamboo's tenacity and Xiao Mei's enthusiasm, which made it much easier to get twice the result with half the effort and save a lot of effort.

Xiao Mei with a pretty face, but her small body possesses unimaginable charming power. The huge contrast can't stop Ye Chen's guilt after committing a crime.

It was an extremely complex feeling, like a tangled complex, so that every time Ye Chen saw Xiao Mei’s clean, unstained and complex face, he would give birth to the meaning of Houhu, but Xiao Mei’s passionate and unrestrained body, But it made him want to continue naturally, suffering from repeated torments, but Mo Ming had the feeling that people couldn't stop.

In the faint and quiet night, in the vast outskirts of the bamboo forest, under the silver moonlight, there is only a huge black shadow of bamboo tips floating indefinitely. Throughout the night, the eight bamboos continue to bend and be As for the insects and birds passing by, they all danced and leaped uncertainly with the notes.

Gradually, the strong aura of heaven and earth continued to converge from all directions, converging madly in the busy Ye Chen Zhoukong realm without interruption.

Xiao Meixiu is only a fighting master, and the aura that can be absorbed occupies a little, and also has to deal with Ye Chen's strange cultivation methods, and there is no time to absorb it.

At the moment, the extremely rich aura of heaven and earth was completely exhausted by Ye Chen's absorption and refining, and all turned into vindictive energy, constantly filling his dantian.

And under the operation of the automatic cultivation system, as well as Ye Chen and Xiao Mei's hard work all night, his cultivation level has also advanced from the five-star fighting sage to the six-star realm.

In the boundless horizon, a whit of white gradually appeared, and Ye Chen, who was still cultivating hard, quickly ended the battle with the rising sun, and immediately rubbed Xiao Mei’s messy hair. Take out a wind **** core from the spiritual world, smash it, set up an exquisite enchantment, and put it into the opponent's ring to slowly absorb it.

The sleeping girl, lazily revealing her slender and slender figure, is so peaceful and beautiful. The two did not know how to experiment with the cultivation methods recorded in hundreds of books overnight, so that even Ye Chen, who had a breakthrough in her cultivation, The waist is a little sore.

But once I think of the many cultivation methods recorded, it is not something ordinary people can use. If it is not for his natural health and strong cultivation base, it would be difficult to deal with it.

"Sleep well, I have to deal with some things."

For the girl Qiajing to caress the hair scattered on her white face, a bit of bamboo shoots under Ye Chen's feet, the person passed through the void gap that was torn by hand, and disappeared above the vast bamboo sea.

The outskirts of the Imperial Capital of Jiama, not far from the city, Ye Chen is just a space shuttle, and he has come to the towering buildings of the Imperial Capital Prison. It is just that he slightly spreads his spiritual power, but suddenly realizes that at this moment, he is only imprisoned in the prison. There are a few elders and thousands of Yunlanzong disciples, as well as members of the Nalan family.

And heavyweight figures like Sect Master Yun Yun and Old Sect Master Yun Shan are no longer in prison, and even the trail of Medusa no longer exists in the imperial capital prison.

"Where did they go?"

A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, Ye Chen had no time to think about the cause, and immediately stood in the void, and called out the magical abyss, and then rushed straight towards the prison.

Ye Chen's speed was extremely fast, and when she fell in the sky, like a shooting star, she left a large trace of blue flames in the sky.

"Who is the one who dares to trespass into the imperial capital prison."

The jailers guarding the jail yelled loudly, and Xuan even raised the spear in his hand high and looked at Ye Chen vigilantly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn't say anything, but asked coldly: "Sect Master Yun Lan, where has been taken?"

Hearing this, the team of jailers suddenly smiled and said: "Yunlan is the You said where else their suzerain can be taken, of course it is to be executed in advance, hahaha."

The empire has captured the entire Yun Lanzong in large numbers. This is not only the great cause of the royal family, but also the glory of their imperial soldiers. At this moment, seeing a big fighter like Ye Chen inquiring about the situation, a group of seven or eight jailers also raised their guns towards Ye. Chen threatened: "Leave here quickly, otherwise, our soul under the gun will have another soul."

"Sentence early?"

Thinking of one of the worst results, Ye Chen couldn't help showing a cold light in his eyes, and immediately stopped inquiring about anything, and hurried towards the inside of the prison.

"Boy, you are looking for death."

Seeing that Ye Chen ignored the eight of their jailers, some of them were tall men in armor, suddenly couldn't help but stab Ye Chen with a single shot.

However, the spear he pierced hadn't even touched the corner of Ye Chen's clothes, and a blood-red long sword suddenly appeared in front of him. In a flash, the eight armored soldiers were all covered at the same time. Sore neck.

Then, the unstoppable stream of blood flowed crazily, and the eight jailer soldiers were also surprised to find out why they could see the picture of themselves holding their spears, but they didn’t even think they wanted to understand, a few jailers with their heads falling. The body fell to the ground feebly, and no longer had any vitality.

At the same time, the speeding Ye Chen, with the Demon Abyss sword flying around him, as if he had self-consciousness, constantly galloping through the air and quickly skimming and sliding, killing all the jailers close to him and bringing up A little bit of scarlet blood, Yu Kong also outlines an extremely **** and distorted death line, and in the long corridors of the prison, there are constantly accumulating corpses, and the jailers and soldiers who are watching are rushing to stop one after another. Inhaled a few breaths of cold air on the spot.

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