Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 268: "Feng Xiu Dan" attacked, the target was wrong

The night was dim, and the slender thief entered Gu Xun’s room and took out the red “Feng Xiu Dan” from the porcelain vase, but looking at Ye Chen who was sleeping, she didn’t know how to do it anymore. .

The pill needs to be taken to take effect, but this man has a very strong cultivation level. If she is forced to gag her mouth, she is afraid that she will wake up the other party immediately, if that is the case, she herself will fall into embarrassment.

But if he is more accurate, even if he wakes up, he is already powerless, and Ye Chenxiu will be sealed, and he will not be able to catch up with him if he has great abilities.

As I thought about it, the corner of the slender thief's mouth was slightly neutral, and a smile appeared. Immediately, she instigated a grudge and shattered the pill in her hand, condensed it into a small steel ball, and walked slowly with the medicine. Arrived beside Ye Chen.

She was very patient, didn't get too close, just stood aside and waited for Ye Chen to exhale, so as to implement her plan.

Soon, the sleeping Ye Chen turned over inadvertently, and then the corners of her mouth opened slightly, as if her mouth was dry and licking her lips. At this moment, the neutral woman who was already ready to take off suddenly slammed the pill in her hand. Ye Chen ejected from the opened mouth.

The speed was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, the compressed "Feng Xiu Dan" entered Ye Chen's mouth, very smoothly.

Seeing this scene, the slim and concealed woman's mouth couldn't help showing a smug smile, and then she thought to herself: "The matter is settled, then now this girl only needs to wait until tomorrow, and she can justly teach you this arrogant fellow, **** it away. Kaoru."

The bright eyes exuded an expression of joy, and then the slender woman wanted to turn around and leave.

But at this moment, a cold sound suddenly faintly remembered from his side: "This friend, since he is here, please stay and have a cup of tea."

Hearing this, the woman’s pretty face suddenly stiffened, but after thinking that the pill had been fed to her, her nervous face became natural, and the sky was dark anyway, the other party could not see herself, and after a while, Feng Xiu Dan It will happen.

Thinking of this, the slender woman couldn't help but chuckle and said: "You don't have to drink tea. I will visit you again tomorrow." She turned around and wanted to escape from Gu Xun'er's courtyard.

But at this moment, the cold voice sounded again: "My friend walks slowly, but you seem to have something forgot to take." The sound fell, a red light suddenly lit up in the dark, and the slim woman was not there yet. In response, a small round body rushed into her mouth in an instant, and then, driven by a strong vindictive energy, it also went directly into her belly along the throat.

The movement was fluent and flowing, and it was almost to the extreme, and it was not only the female thief with Dou Ling cultivation base that could escape.

However, the slender woman who was repelled by taking the medicine did not stop because of the incident. She turned around and flew towards the outside of the courtyard, but at this moment, there was a touch of panic on her pretty face. .

Because the moment she was about to enter the body, she felt a hot spot in her abdomen, as if the medicine had exploded.

"It's too late, I must escape from here as soon as possible."

'Feng Xiudan' enters the body, and it will not be long before she has cultivated completely, so at the moment, she can only run away in a hurry, in order to run to her grandfather’s vice-president’s home as quickly as possible. If Ye Chen came after him, she would be able to protect herself.

As for teaching the man next to Xun'er, it seemed that it would take some time. The woman didn't expect Ye Chen to be so vigilant even when she fell asleep that she was caught off guard.

The slender woman escaped very fast, and within a few seconds she had already condensed the wings of vindictiveness and flew out of Xun'er's small courtyard. Then, the vindictiveness was fully opened, and it turned into a road orange in the dark night when the fingers were invisible Guang, hurriedly flew towards the vice-president's house, which was not too far away.

But Ye Chen, who was still in the small courtyard, didn't mean to chase at all. He just touched his chin and guessed: "Female? But it doesn't look like Xiao Ziyan, but I'm in Canaan College. Did you offend that girl? Actually drugged me."

Shaking his head and laughing a few times, Ye Chen tore open the space next to him, and then stepped into it. Almost instantly, he appeared beside the rushing female thief, while keeping flying in parallel with it. , Asked with a smile.

"This girl, do we know? Yemou has no grievances against you, why did you drug me late at night? Give me a reason, otherwise, I will catch you and feed the fish."

After all, Ye Chen's eyes were full of coldness, and he was not soft-hearted because he was a woman. For a guy who wanted to plot against herself, Ye Chen wouldn't care whether she was a male or a female, so he killed them all.

But he is not a cold-blooded person, and it won't be too late to kill after finding out the reason.

Hearing Ye Chen's question, the slender woman thief couldn't help but glanced at him, and then the wings tremble on his back, speeding up his flight, and swooping towards the approaching vice-president's small courtyard.

"If I can't talk, I'll be saved if there are less than 100 meters."

Feeling the heat in the body getting heavier and heavier, so much that her small face was full of blush, the slender woman knew that her cultivation base was about to disappear, and she must not delay with this guy next to her for a second.

"Come on, come on, grandpa, come and save me quickly."

There was a scream in her heart, and the little thief was also shaking her spirit and consciousness, sending out distress signals to the courtyard in front of the building.

Not to mention, she quickly got a response to her divine sense call, and saw that a powerful divine sense suddenly popped out of the other courtyard that was already several tens of meters away, and quickly approached the little thief. ,

But just when the spirit of consciousness was about to hit the young woman Ye Chen, who hadn't received a response for a long time, suddenly raised her eyebrows, and after probing her hand to grab the woman next to her, she got into the tear. In the cracks in the open space, it disappeared in an instant, so that the powerful divine sense rushed into the air.

However, even so, there was a figure rising into the sky in the vice-president’s other courtyard. After flying into the airspace where Ye Chen and the two had left, he frowned and looked around and said: "What's the matter, Jia'er, wasn't it her just now? Are you calling me? Or, it's just an old man's illusion."

The fading voice of the call was like a dream to the sleeping Hu Gan, and it was very unreal, but he still came out to take a look.

But I didn’t notice the slightest figure of his granddaughter Hujia. At the moment, Hugan touched his head and sighed inwardly: “It seems that I am too worried about my indifferent granddaughter. She will only like boys more than girls when she is too young. Can't she be a normal girl? She has to go after that Gu Xun'er and be a problem girl."

After shaking his head, Hugan sighed a few times, then went back to the other courtyard to continue sleeping.

However, over the quiet creek a few miles away from Canaan City, a slender shadow flew out from the crack in the space, and fell directly towards the river below.

Ye Chen looked at the attacking woman who entered the water with a puff, struggling to stand up from Xiaohanei, panting, and for a while, the well-developed body suddenly showed a beautiful picture that was looming because of the poetry. The towering peaks were also fluctuating with Mo Ming's rapid breathing.

"What's the matter? Why is the face flushed like a monkey's skin after a drop in the water."

Looking at the little thief with a wrong look, Ye Chenxu stood in the air, suddenly uttering incomprehensible doubts.

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