Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 408: Then step on your corpse

"Well, what a strong oppression, is Ye Chen really human?"

The girl with glasses who was sweating profusely turned her head tremblingly to look at the scene of the war in the cottage while she was still in a stalemate.

Immediately there was a desire to move, and the fox-eared boy facing him sideways couldn't help but fall to the side.

Immediately afterwards, a few pieces of silver flowers, precious as desert beads, slowly appeared, until the little girl with glasses frowned: "This time, it's only one minute."

She could feel that there was not much left in her Highness, and she was quite weak, but she just didn't know why the "maternity leave" incident in Ye Chen's mouth hadn't happened yet.

"Could it be that you have to work hard."

The girl with glasses was muttering there, but the fox-eared teenager who was lying on the ground suddenly turned white with foam at his mouth, and immediately turned into an ugly fox that looked like a yellow dog and lost consciousness. Become unconscious.

In such a scene, the little girl with spectacles could not help but shouted: "His Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness"

In the cliff cottage, the scene of the fierce battle, instantly cooled down and quiet.

Ye Chen walked in a leisurely manner, walked to Li Xueyang's side, and lightly tied the thick iron chains with her fingers.

Immediately, the chain refined by the special secret method, accompanied by a clanging sound, fell to the ground, and when it immediately touched the ground, it turned into a thick thickness at a speed visible to the naked eye. The floor is dusty.

Li Xueyang, who was already out of trouble, couldn't help but stared at Ye Chen in shock at the moment, and doubts grew in her beautiful eyes: "Are you really a human?"

In her understanding, it is unbelievable that there will be someone who can wipe out those chains that are close to the magic weapon level so easily.

With such a world-famous method, even Li Xueyang, who also has practiced spells, felt that to achieve this level, even the strongest Yiqi Dao alliance at the time would not be able to do so easily and casually.

"Of course I am a human, but I am better than ordinary people."

Ye Chen smiled slightly at Li Xueyang, and the powerful aura he exuded suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Ye Chen suddenly heard the long-lost mechanical sound of the system, announcing the completion of the sign-in task.

In this regard, Ye Chen was also a little helpless and secretly said: It is really intentional to plant flowers and flowers, and unintentionally plant willows and willows.

At the right time, the bald-headed bandit leader who recovered his ability to act, his face was unwilling, and he immediately saw him raising his sword and shouting: "Brothers, this kid is just bluffing. Let's go together. You can definitely kill General Bing and take power. City rule, kill me!"

The bald man thought beautifully, but the five hundred elite bandits had already felt Ye Chen's unfathomable strength before, and now they stood in place and looked at each other, not daring to move for a long time.

Seeing this scene, the bald bandit suddenly stepped on the ground, and suddenly a large flame appeared on his entire body, and the surrounding temperature suddenly rose.

At this moment, the aura of the bald bandit leader's cultivation base was also rising, and everyone around him swallowed and looked surprised.

Obviously, they didn't seem to know the strength of the bald man. Until this moment, everyone knew that he was also a cultivator.

"Now, you can listen to me. You kill General Bing for me, and leave that kid to me."

After the bald man finished speaking, a large knife with a height and width in his hand also burst into flames. Looking at the momentum, it was a bit invincible.

And the five hundred elite bandits behind him were also slightly determined, and immediately the whole person's eyes revealed a fierce murderous intent, staring at Li Xueyang, the knife and axe in his hand were creaking.

At this moment, the iron ball in the distance clapped his hands fiercely and shouted, "No!"

After that, the others rushed to Ye Chen and Li Xueyang and shouted straight to the bald head: "Cunning villain, Hugh will hurt me Boss Ye and General Bing. If you want to move them, step on my body first. Right."

As he said, Tieqiu's rough face suddenly revealed joy that was difficult to suppress, and he couldn't help smiling in his heart: "Fortunately, it's good to catch up. If Boss Ye makes a move, I'm afraid Tie will have a chance to show loyalty. But that’s not there. Alas, I’ve never played General Bing before, so the magic pill is nothing. This time, I have to seize such a good opportunity. I hope that Boss Ye will reward me if I am faithful. I'm good with one."

"Just you, worthy of being my opponent?"

The bald man roared, and the billowing flames rushed to the iron ball. The exaggerated huge flame directly scared him to swallow. After hurriedly swinging a few swords to resist, the iron ball quickly said: "Boss, save."

However, before he could say it, Ye Chen smiled with his hands on his chest, "Xiao Tie, don't worry, after you become a corpse and you have been stepped on, I will collect your body for you and bury it. I'm sure to choose it for you. One of the best feng shui treasures. How about the small river pasture west of Licheng?"


Iron Ball looked at Ye Chen eagerly and without tears, before turning to a pitiful move, the dog chewed on the mud, and rushed to the ground to escape the catastrophe.

But soon, the bald man's second sword flame slashed again. For a moment, he saw the iron ball showing desperation and stretched out his hand towards Ye Chen: "Thank you, Boss Ye, if there is a future life. , The iron ball is willing to follow you." As he said, he closed his eyes and waited for death on the ground.

With the cultivation level of his three-legged cat, he was not at all an opponent of a bald man with a big sword and magic weapon, and he couldn't dodge the second sword at all.

After watching their bandit leader play a huge advantage, those thousands of bandits who were watching the situation suddenly moved with their swords at the same time, one after another, they continued to attack the Li family soldiers beside them.

The five hundred elite bandits also ignored Ye Chen's previous threats and quickly jumped up with their energy, swinging a knife and slashing towards Li Xueyang.

For a time, the entire cottage battlefield seemed to be restored to the previous battle scene again.

Seeing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but shook his head lightly and said, "Stupid."

After he finished speaking, he saw a small seven-leaf splendid fireweed popping forward with his fingers slightly.

Immediately, that little horse-leaf fireweed flashed across the entire cottage in an instant, and then, those thousands of bandits who rioted again were swiping their swords for the moment and were instantly caught Burned into a mass of ashes, scattered and piled up in every corner of the cottage.

Today’s astonishing spike-kill scene immediately caused thousands of Li family soldiers to stare at each other in horror, and the iron ball, who was waiting to die, opened his eyes in a daze. The man with a knife turned into a cloud of ashes and scattered before his eyes.

"A very strong man is countless times stronger than His Highness."

The girl with spectacles on the cliff, nakedly covering her mouth, looked at Ye Chen who was smashing sentient beings in a mess, and in her small eyes, uncontrollable illusions could not stop rising.

"If you are with him, you should be able to take maternity leave."

Thinking about it, she turned into a handful of yellow sand and drifted from the cliff to the direction of the cottage Ye Chen, not knowing what she wanted to do.

At the same time, not far from the cottage, a huge weird species with a snake on its head flaming and slightly beautiful, immediately speeded up its advancement, and soon came to the open space outside the cottage gate, and its eyes were straight. He looked at Ye Chen, who was full of flames, and smiled with red lips.

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