Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 432: Sisters fly together?

Feeling a large, soft impact, Ye Chen couldn't help but opened his eyes slightly, and immediately stared at him with a pair of moving beautiful eyes.

But what is more moving is a more presumptuous beauty than those charming eyes.

In the middle of the night, the Snake and Fire Fairy approaching herself is as if she is going to'eat' his whole person alive. The pure and lustful body is like a poisonous snake that eats the human soul. If ordinary men are bewitched and approached by it , I am afraid that even the roots of the'bones' will not be left, and they will be eaten up completely.

Ye Chen grabbed the thin and soft jade hand of Snake-Haired Fire Fairy, and immediately said with a slight stern look: "There is still business to do tonight. If you really want to do this tonight, after helping this emperor complete this thing, I will be fully Be satisfied with you. Only then, you will not ask to escape."

As soon as this remark came out, the enchanting vertical pupils of the Snake Hair Girl suddenly burst out with an agitated look visible to the naked eye. Immediately after a slight movement of the enchanting posture, he fell to the ground from Ye Chen and said on his knees.

"Thank you for the kindness of the host, so tomorrow night, no, after tonight, please be sure to cherish Snake Ji."

With that said, Snake Hair and Fire Fairy’s charming eyes are getting more and more wrong. Even if she is half kneeling on the ground, she will burst out weird and very twisted movements. If she sees people on the spot, she wants to step forward and punish one severely Fan.

It's just who Ye Chen is, and this temptation scene is just a trivial matter to him.

Right now, after he slowly got up from the bed, he quickly agitated his anger and digested the food in his belly.

Immediately, his figure swayed slightly, and he appeared directly on the top of the building, bathing in the night and saying: "Start, take action!"

Hearing this, the snaking girl who was still in the house swept out the window and immediately followed Ye Chen, flashing rapidly on the roofs of the many houses of the huge building.

But it didn't take long for the two of them to disappear. From the window, they sneaked into a room below them silently.

Looking at the little girl who was sleeping in a big letter in the room, Ji Dun and Ye Chen spoke slightly.

"Master, what are we doing here? Is it because what you want me to do for you is related to her?"

Ye Chen, who was in the complete aura, nodded slightly, and then his left hand was bent into a blade, and his right hand was chopped off with one move.

Seeing this scene, Snake-Fighted Ji suddenly looked flustered, and hurriedly walked to Ye Chen's side to cover his wounds and said nervously: "Master, what are you doing? Just tell me what you want to do. Snake Ji will definitely do. I helped you do it, why do you treat yourself like this."

Hearing this, Ye Chen couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hush, and his eyes trembled slightly: "I'm fine, just one hand, it can grow out casually."

As soon as the voice fell, on Ye Chen's broken right wrist, a faintly brilliant flame mixed with starlight burst out from his wound, and immediately regrown a brand new right hand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, her eyes were full of nervousness, and then she calmed down, but at this moment, she looked at Ye Chen more and more curiously, not knowing what her master wanted her to do, and even cut off her right hand.

But it didn't take long for him to imagine that Ye Chen handed his right hand to the Snake Hair and Fire Fairy, and immediately immobile a touch of spiritual power mixed with his own mental thoughts into his mind.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen's figure disappeared without a trace in an instant, and came back to the top of the building to face the moon.

But still staying in the room and receiving Ye Chen's mental strength, the snake-fat girl muttered to herself with a face full of confusion: "Master, what's wrong? Since I want to do that, why not do it myself."

However, she quickly realized after looking at the right hand of her owner.

Immediately afterwards, Snake Hair and Fire Fairy didn't dare to neglect, and walked directly to the bedside of the little girl who was asleep but with a carefree posture, and Liu raised her eyebrows slightly.

"It is your blessing to be favored by the master's right hand."

After the words were finished, the Snakehead Fire Fairy condensed a pink flame with her fingers, and directly waved in front of the little **** the bed who was completely inconsistent with her body.

Suddenly, the little girl who was asleep suddenly fell into a deeper level of sleep, without knowing that the enchanting woman beside her had already come to her side.

And the Snake Hair and Fire Fairy, who had done everything, took another fluttering palm, and directly took off the obstructive clothes in front of her eyes, and then she started to act according to Ye Chen's instructions.

But when she put that right hand on the towering and wide peaks, Ye Chen on the top of the building frowned suddenly.

The heart violently concussed: "What is going on, why does the cut right hand still have feelings?"

Suddenly, Ye Chen couldn't help but want to enter the little girl's boudoir again to prevent something from happening.

However, eagerly trying to complete the task and fighting Ye Chen for 300 rounds, the Snakes and Fire Fairy had already broken Ye Chen's right hand and proceeded directly to the second and last one that the owner said, which is more difficult. Complicated task: refers to breaking the cloud.

It's just that when she was busy, Ye Chen on the roof of the building, looking at her newly grown right hand, felt the same delicate and indistinct response, and fell into a state of speechlessness.

Originally, he wanted to take a trick, but now, there is no difference between breaking his right hand and doing it himself.

And at the moment in the house, the Snake-Familiar Girl, who is moving with his right hand, is just like Ye Chen's presence, she is moving with her complete right hand, without any difference.

"Young Master Ye, it's like this late at night, why are you standing on the roof alone?"

Suddenly, a lingering soft sound suddenly entered Ye Chen's ears, and immediately the figure of Tushan Rongrong also slowly floated beside him.

But Ye Chen, who saw her, immediately turned around and looked away, trying not to let the other party discover the abnormality of his body, and then slowly replied: "Ah, the moonlight is so beautiful."

As he said, Ye Chen felt more and more that his right hand was in a high-speed frequency. The Snake Hair and Fire Fairy worked very hard, as if it was possible to help him complete the task at any time.

It's just that the faster the frequency Ye Chen feels more eagerly personally, and a certain reaction is also from the sky.

"Well, the moonlight is beautiful. I didn't expect that Young Master Ye loves the moon so much. Why don't we sit down and enjoy it for a while."

Tu Shan Rongrong said in a soft voice and sent out an invitation, but Ye Chen was really in a bad state at the moment, so he wanted to refuse.

However, at this moment, Tu Shan Rongrong suddenly jumped to his side in the air, his small face looked kind, and he wanted to continue to say something.

Just as her small mouth opened, she suddenly raised her hand to cover her mouth, looking at what was wrong with Ye Chen with a shocked expression on her face.

"Well, listen to me...not what you think."

Ye Chen grabbed Tu Shan Rongrong, but facing him who was not normal at the moment, Tu Shan Rongrong was under the beautiful moonlight, and his expression became more and more gentle and said: "If, if Ye Chen Brother, if you really want to, Rongrong... Rongrong can..."

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