Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 671: Find ‘Friends’ in the Nether

The sharp change in Fairy Baihe's expression can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye, and there is no hint of pretense at all.

The Queen Mother glanced at her sideways, but then waved her hand in a relaxed tone.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean to punish you.

I also know that Baihe, you are still a complete body so far, and you haven't done anything against the rules of heaven.

Between friends, there can naturally be men and women, which is also normal. "

Seeing Bai He had a misunderstanding of herself, the Queen Mother also took the initiative to disperse from the former Yonggui and solemn, and talked with her in a calm tone.

"Let's talk about it, how do you meet your friend on weekdays?

Since you can become friends, there are always some places where you can meet each other. "

The Queen Mother came down after another verbal questioning. Baihe didn't have any excuses at the time. After hearing what Ye Chen said about Dongsheng Shenzhou, the valley and small lake where they met, she spoke out.

When I heard the encounter in such a small place, the process of becoming friends is very simple, the queen mother's white face did not fluctuate much.

Only the attached hand took advantage of the exquisite chin and waved to the white crane: "Go, bring a few fairies together and find your friend. If he really has the magical skills in your mouth, this seat will consider your suggestion. of."

After that, the Queen Mother, who originally wanted to enjoy it, closed her eyes and refreshed her spirits after she was not satisfied.

And Fairy Baihe didn't dare to stay a moment longer when he got the order, and after walking out of the main hall of Yaochi with his feet, he quickly flew towards the outside of the palace.

When she completely left the scope of the Yaochi Palace, she stopped next to a huge leafy fairy tree, leaning on the trunk, breathing and patted her well-developed breast.

Fairy Baihe, who had never said such a big lie, was now covered with fine beads of sweat on her smooth forehead, and she knew how nervous she was without asking.

On the side, Ye Chen, who had returned to his normal figure, reached out and handed out a white silk kerchief to him, also comforting.

"Okay, Sister Fairy, you performed really well just now. If nothing else, we don't need to be so sneaky when we meet in Yaochi Palace in the future."

Ye Chen smiled at Bai He. The handsome smile that has been shining recently is also a slight stunned by the white crane fairy who has seen Chunxin's heart, as if he is completely immersed in his handsomeness.

After a while, Fairy Baihe slowly took Ye Chen's Sipa, and looked at him curiously and asked.

"Ye Chen, isn't it just to serve the Queen Mother again? Do you have to enter the Yaochi Palace?

In fact, the technique you taught me is not too difficult, as long as I learn it a few times, I can master it, so why take such a risk to enter the Yaochi Palace.

You can know the truth that the companion of the king is like the companion of the tiger. As the co-lord of the heavenly court, the queen mother is also full of risks and unexpected hazards at any time by her side.

Besides, your man will always be inconvenient in the Yaochi Palace, could it be...Did you..."

Fairy Baihe had some uncomprehensible thoughts about Ye Chen at first, but after savoring it, she seemed to wake up, stretched out her fine finger to point to Ye Chen, her small face was full of horror.

She didn't expect, nor dared to think, that Ye Chen, a man who went to heaven from the mortal realm, would dare to hit the queen mother and empress.

This, this, this is a desperate existence, the guy in front of me must be crazy.

The changes in Fairy Baihe's facial expressions were very exciting for a moment, Ye Chen couldn't help but smiled helplessly as she watched.

"My fairy sister, don't you think so much? I don't have the idea of ​​hitting the queen mother.

But, Ye Mou had some thoughts about her flat peaches and the countless techniques you said.

After all, I am too weak now, and I urgently need to improve my strength in order to better survive in the heavenly court. "

Ye Chen explained to himself for a while, then Fairy Baihe nodded, his whole person looked a bit natural and cute.

But soon, she blinked her distrustful eyes again, staring at Ye Chen forever.

Although he didn't say anything, it still seemed that there was some kind of big doubt.

Ye Chen also shrugged a little helplessly when she saw it, and said directly.

"Well, don't worry about this irrelevant question. I have to wait for you to come to Ye from the lower realm."

Ye Chen said, and his figure suddenly became smaller, and then he entered the other party's sleeves.

Fairy Baihe is not a little girl who can be cultivating to become immortal. Although she is still blank in terms of emotions, she is unambiguous when doing business.

After hiding Ye Chen, she immediately rushed to the residence of the heavenly fairies, and then found the three fairies who had the best relationship with her, and were ordered to go to the lower realms together.

This time, when the Queen Mother’s Order, the White Crane Fairy and the other females flew out of the Nantian Gate, they seemed to have no taboo. Without even saying hello to the four heavenly kings who guarded the gate, they went straight through the Nantian Gate and descended into the Mortal Realm. Away.

Looking at the hurried Baihe Fairy and others, the four heavenly kings who were guarding the gate tonight couldn't help but touch their huge beards, shook their heads and sighed softly.

"Hey, the fairies around the queen mother and empress are really getting more and more rude. Even seeing our four heavenly kings here, wouldn't they be polite?"

"Yeah, who would say no. But you don't want to think about it. The White Crane Fairy is the close female fairy next to the Queen Mother. She has a very noble status. Who dares to provoke her at will, and the fairy in Yaochi Palace? Don’t worry about it, it’s pretty good."

When it came to the queen mother's close female fairy, the brothers of the four heavenly kings who were looking at each other couldn't help but gave a wry smile, and then shook their heads.

Although the four of them are in the heavenly court, they also have the title of heavenly king. No, the cultivation base is not But now, they still have to come to Nantianmen for rotation and watch the night.

Alas, in this heavenly palace, there is no idea, it's really not good to be mixed.

The four heavenly kings, who were quite unspoken, all smiled bitterly and shook their heads, then they leaned on the Nantian Gate, each closed their eyes and took a nap, no longer thinking about them.

Fairy Baihe, who successfully descended into the mortal realm, had no way of knowing the careful thoughts of the four heavenly kings.

At this moment, she was following Ye Chen's instructions, searching aimlessly in the deep forest where she met.

After the four fairies went down to earth, Ye Chen immediately quietly killed Fairy Baihe and hid in the dark.

It's just that, for now, he doesn't plan to show up yet.

The lie has already been told, and Ye Chen is not such an easy-to-find mysterious friend.

After all, the more easily available things, most people will not cherish too much.

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