Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 679: Snipe and clam are connected, the fisherman is proud?

There was no trace of Ye Chen's trace in the Palace of Touling, so that the Queen Mother couldn't help but doubt her mind on the head of the Four Heavenly Kings at this moment.

At the Nantian Gate, Mo Liqing and others, who were still making the best choice for themselves, were still smiling for a better future.

"Old gentleman, it seems that Ye Chen is destined to miss me, so it will be inconvenient to stay here for a long time. Excuse me!"

After saying the farewell words, the Queen Mother planned to withdraw from the Palace of Dousing and go to Nantianmen to ask the four brothers of Mo Liqing.

Whether it is a man or a fairy, he is always full of desires and desires for what he can't get.

As the saying goes, it is the heart of the Queen Mother at this moment. The more she can't get it, the more she wants Ye Chen.

She has been in a high position all year round, and the heavenly court is the co-owner. There is basically nothing she wants in the Three Realms that she can't get.

But a mortal from the lower realms, a man Ye Chen, made the Queen Mother who had not received any setbacks, regretted in her heart.

It seemed that if she didn't find Ye Chen, she would have shortcomings in her heart, and the feeling of scratching her heart was quite serious.

Without hesitation, after the Queen Mother said goodbye, she turned and turned into an afterimage, and flew straight towards the Nantian Gate.

However, just as she flew out of the entrance of the Palace of Dousie, the old gentleman still sitting cross-legged on the catwalk, Shi Shiran hooked up his fingers, like a fortune-telling, slowly and compactly.

Immediately after stopping, a sound of unpredictable sigh was also introduced into the ears of the Queen Mother.

"Huh? This son actually disappeared? Not in the Three Realms, but away from the Five Elements."

As soon as the words came out, the Queen Mother, who heard the old gentleman sigh to herself, immediately flew back to the palace of Touzi, looking at the old gentleman who was also frowning slightly, and asked in doubt.

"Old gentleman, what do you mean by this? Could it be that Ye Chen has really died at Nantianmen?"


Taishang Laojun didn't answer directly, instead he spoke in a stalemate, and drew his fingers to make another round of calculations and speculations.

This time, the right hand of Taishang Laojun had already sketched layers of illusory scenes, so that even the Queen Mother could not see clearly.

But such an astonishing speed of deduction was in the hands of the saint Laojun, and it lasted for a long time.

It wasn't until a little bit of sweat appeared on his slightly wrinkled forehead that the deduction movement in Taishang Laojun's hand stopped slowly.

Seeing this scene, even the old gentleman sage horribly deduced the queen mother of the Three Realms' strength, suddenly couldn't help but whispered.

"What was the result? If that kid really died, wouldn't he be able to find it in the underworld? Old gentleman, what you said before is really a bit mysterious."

Yes, the five elements of heaven and earth are among the three realms.

This is a natural law that everyone follows, even a saint as strong as an old gentleman cannot escape this concept after all.

Only by truly breaking through the realm of saints and reaching the cultivation base of the Heavenly Dao, can we dare to speak out and transcend the world and jump out of the cycle of the world.

But the old gentleman just said that Ye Chen, who was clearly only in the bottom realm, had actually reached that realm. Who would dare to believe that.

"It's not here, it's not detached."

After a long time without a word, Taishang Laojun slowly exhaled his foul breath, then watched the Queen Mother slowly speak.

"After the old way of deducing Ye Chen's trace, it was discovered that his person was completely shielded from all qi, and everything exists fundamentally, as if only the fighting place of Nantianmen was left.

However, the reincarnation of the underworld, the fountain of death, has never produced a new soul to go.

So a simple deduction can conclude that Ye Chen's servant is not dead, but there is no trace of it, and there is no trace at all.

After that, the old Dao also used big deduction techniques to get a glimpse of the boy's past and present.

But in the dark, there is always a force stronger than the old way to stop and isolate my calculations.

Even if the old Dao had already used the great deduction technique to the extreme, he only caught a glimpse of the kid and made sure that he was not dead. At that time, outside the Nantian Gate, he incarnate and fled to the lower realm.

But the exact location, the veteran can't find out. "

Taishang Laojun explained and said that the queen mother and the empress who were listening to the side suddenly showed a burst of horror with her original and majestic pretty face.

Even Laojun, who is the best at deduction, couldn't find Ye Chen's trace. The identity and origin of that kid was too mysterious.

What's more, the Queen Mother can be sure that behind Ye Chen in the mere fairyland, there must be an extraordinary saint standing for protection.

Even, it is still possible that in the entire Three Realms, the first superpower who truly transcended the Three Realms and jumped out of the Five Elements, who can control the reincarnation of the heavenly realm.

If it were not possible, it would not be possible to explain that Ye Chen, a mere mortal, couldn't even figure out any information about him.

Among the three realms of Huanghuang, there has never been a guy who can make the old man so helpless.

Thinking of a series of final factors, the Queen Mother couldn't help feeling a little excited.

A peerless powerhouse who might have transcended the Three Realms and controlled the way of heaven was discovered by her.

Then, in the future, her queen mother wants to reach the realm of a saint, and even achieve transcendence, is it also a great possibility?

"No, Ye Chen belongs to this seat. You must find him quickly. Otherwise, once such a character is discovered by other quasi saints or saints of other forces, he will never be able to come into contact with Ye Chen again, and the powerhouse behind him. Up!"

With the thoughts in her heart, the Queen Mother, who hadn't had any moments of excitement for a long time, also had bursts of tingling in her heart, which made her become excited.

It's just that, with her heartbeat, all the old gentlemen on the side can see it.

At the right time, Lao Jun also coughed twice inappropriately. After awakening the Queen Mother from the fantasy, he slowly spoke.

"Mother Queen, the old way knows how you think in your heart.

But as a result of this deduction, I hope that the Queen Mother will not warn anyone else about what happened to Ye Chen.

After you and I find the Ye Chen boy, can you let him stay in my Dust Palace first?

Of course, if the queen mother wants to use it, she can also summon it at any time.

But this can only be between you and me, don't let others enjoy the benefits of the fisherman. "

The meaning of the words of the old man in the sky is very obvious.

The Queen Mother also knew that she had no choice when facing the saint, and the initiative was definitely not in her hands.

However, the old gentleman is not so selfish, completely forcing the arrogant generation, the intention of cooperation at this moment, simply hides how much sincerity, and the queen mother consciously has no reason to refuse.

Immediately, the Queen Mother nodded towards the old man, and said with a happy smile on the corner of her red lips.

"Then old man, how do we look for Ye Chen now!"

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