Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 685: I'm sorry, this teacher doesn't pay me respect

"Huh? No, no, you can't learn that kind of fairy formula that is too dangerous.

Do you know how serious the consequences will be if there is an accident in cultivation?

The lighter is: the cultivation is completely destroyed, the meridians are broken, and you will never be able to practice in the future.

The important rule: Not to mention the sudden death on the spot, even the spirit will follow the wrong operation of the practice, and will eventually be destroyed with the body.

Everything will disappear, and even the traces of your existence in this world will die with the good fortune Hunyuan Gong. "

As ‘Wu Gang’ said, there was a thick look of fear in his eyes, as if he, as a quasi-sage, did not dare to touch half of it.

But Ye Chen wanted to practice, and even aroused the master, Wu Gang also refused, shaking his head slightly.

"Ye Chen, why don't we cultivate "Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong"?

As long as you are willing to worship me as a teacher, even if the deity licks his face and returns to my master, it is not impossible for you to ask for some of the top-level exercises that you are talking about.

Even if you want to use Xuan Gong and Dapin Tianxianjue and other top supernatural powers, I promise to find them all for you and teach them carefully.

It will take less than a hundred years to keep your kid, and you will have a certain amount of capital cultivation, and you will undoubtedly protect yourself.

But that good fortune Hunyuan Gong, forgive me for not being able to promise you, otherwise, if a seedling as good as you is destroyed in the hands of the deity, then I would really be a violent thing. "

It seemed that in order to further dispel the extremely dangerous thoughts in Ye Chen's mind, after Wu Gang had finished speaking, he stretched out his hand again.

Immediately after a gleam of light suddenly rose in his palm, a simple book with "Quiet Proud Proud God Jue" on the cover immediately caught Ye Chen's eyes.

Afterwards, he opened his mouth again and said: "This is the practice of the deity. If you reach the peak of cultivation, you can also spy on the realm of the saint.

It's just that every saint walks the same way, so if you want to thoroughly cultivate to become a saint, you must have your own understanding and epiphany of the way you want to walk before you can walk out of your own saint way.

Otherwise, if you can't achieve your own sainthood, you will be stuck in the previous state in your life.

This is also the fact that there are so many immortals in the world, but there are only a handful of those who have been able to become holy. "

Speaking of this, Wu Gang's face suddenly showed a touch of fascinating color, sage state, he has been pursuing something for a lifetime.

But somehow, the more eager it is, the more the saint's realm avoids him like a snake and scorpion, after all, it makes it impossible to comprehend his own way.


I couldn't help sighing, knowing I wanted more meaningless ‘Wu Gang’, and then looking at Ye Chen, he handed the fairy formula in front of him and said.

"Take it, follow the system as a teacher.

This is already the strongest fairy tactic that can reach the strongest realm, and with me here, you can avoid many detours during your cultivation.

Well, I have to tell you something.

As mentioned before, ** Profound Art or Great Grade Heavenly Immortal Jue, although the cultivation speed is extremely fast, but the highest and strongest, it can only be cultivated to the Da Luo Jinxian peak realm.

Compared to the Jingxuan Proud Immortal Art that was a teacher, to tell you, it's really weak, okay!

Although it was only a big difference during the period, the gap between Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-sage could not be made up by simple words.

Think twice, my good apprentice, choosing carefully is the greatest relief to you for being a teacher! "

Wu Gang continued to speak countless, and between the words, he was trying to find the pros and cons for Ye Chen, sorting out the pros and cons of the exercises he wanted in detail.

And he even sneered at the fairy tactics like ** Xuan Gong.

When he has cultivated to his level, he knows that the further the path of cultivation will be, the more difficult it will be.

Knowing that most of the talented individuals are trapped in the realm of Da Luo, it is even more difficult than reaching the sky if you want to go one step further.

Thinking of this, Wu Gang couldn't help but look at Ye Chen, raised his eyebrows at him slightly, and then handed over the Quasi-Sage Immortal Jue in his hand, wanting him to take it.

But looking at Ye Chen, he didn't show any signs of being moved by the Jingxuan Proud Immortal Art. He just stood quietly, his star pupils jumping for joy.

That kind of surging firm eyes, without speaking, means it's self-evident.

But Wu Gang also pretended not to understand, and still stretched out the fairy formula he had cultivated.

After the two stood in a stalemate for a long time, Ye Chen smiled and opened his mouth after all.

"Since Brother Wu Gang, you don't want to teach me, let's just give up on this matter of apprenticeship.

I, Ye Chen, did not repair "Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong".

I'm sorry, let's see you by chance! "

After that, Ye Chen turned around and flew away in the direction outside Guanghan Palace. He didn't even glance at Wu Gang's Quasi-Sage Immortal Art. The posture was like a decisive posture of non-good luck. Nothing. A little room for negotiation.

When Wu Gang saw this, his whole person was stunned, looking at the figure of Ye Chen who was going away.

He had never expected that he had clearly stated the great danger of that exercise, and he also took the initiative to give away his own fairy tactics.

But a little fairyland kid, unexpectedly, was so resolute that he refused, and there was no room for half a turn.

For an instant, Wu Gang couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: This young man really doesn't talk about martial ethics, this hand is decisive, and the monk who beat the deity to the second place is really puzzled.

After all, if you don’t choose a quasi-sacred technique with a true incense, you have to practice the technique that even he thinks 90% will die suddenly. This is not if his brain is sick, then the young man in front of him is just It must be crazy, or that the other party's dream is so big that he even dismissed the Quasi-Sage Realm.

Wu Gang horrified Ye Chen's intentions of determination, and Ye Chen, who was about to fly out of the Guanghan Palace category, had an unnatural feeling of a slight slowdown in the flying figure.

During this time, Ye Chen, who completely rejected the Quasi-Sage Immortal Technique, couldn't help but play with the little heart in his heart.

That's a quasi-sage-level exercise It is even possible to break through the saints to the end of cultivation.

To refuse like Ye Chen's resolutely, let alone others can't do such a thing at all, even Ye Chen himself has some regrets in his heart.

After all, it is a quasi-sage fairy formula, placed in the Three Realms, and it is also a treasure that everyone will fight for.

Say it doesn't hurt, it's fake.

However, when Ye Chen heard the "Good Fortune Hunyuan Jue", the whole person was trapped and couldn't get out at all.

He knew that even Wu Gang, a quasi-sage, was coveted by horror, and he didn't dare to practice the fairy formula, and it was very likely the most powerful existence in the Three Realms.

If you can get cultivation, the realm of quasi-sage, isn't it easy to get it?

Otherwise, Wu Gang wouldn't want to give up his own practice many times and change to a fairy formula that could kill him at any time.

In the face of such a fairy formula, what is the meaning of the Jingxuan proud fairy formula?

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