Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 689: The Heart of the Jade Emperor

The three most powerful guys in Heavenly Court sat next to each other. Look at me and I look at you, as if there is nothing else to discuss and nothing to say, but no one got up and left even if they were sitting like this.

Even if the Queen Mother was anxious to go to the Sixth Heaven to find Ye Chen to determine if it was really there, at this moment in front of the Jade Emperor, she had no choice but to maintain her usual grace and sit there quietly.

Since Taishang Laojun had this intention to let her stay, the Queen Mother would not worry about herself, and went to Ye Chen without authorization.

After all, Ye Chen's identity at this moment is more than just a man who can serve her.

Rather, it concerns whether the pinnacle forces of the entire Three Realms will lead to a war.

Once there are other saints who know Ye Chen's unusualness, they are afraid that they will not even be able to discuss it, and they will directly kill the heavenly dignitaries to share.

However, the extremely unique Ye Chen may be the singularity that can help the saint break through the realm of heaven. The amount is that no matter how high and strong the realm is, he will not give up the slightest.

The Queen Mother didn't want to, and the overlord would not do that even more. She was a mere person. If she was known much more, she wouldn't know how to divide it.

Moreover, who doesn't want to be the first to break through the shackles of the saints and reach the realm of heaven that all creatures in the world dream of.

Beyond detachment from all souls, the strongest existence in the palm of heaven.

However, the Jade Emperor, who still didn't know the truth, looked at the old emperor and queen mother with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, raising his teacup.

"The three of us don't have to be too polite. Come and have a drink together."

Having said that, the Jade Emperor took the lead to drink the tea in the cup, and the old gentleman also smiled lightly and nodded, and then began to taste the tea.

Only the Queen Mother looked at the Jade Emperor with disdain at this moment, and the tea cup she had picked up was put back on the table. Obviously, she didn't buy the Jade Emperor's battle.

And some of the Jade Emperor who was accustomed to take it for granted, did not care about the unreasonableness of the Queen Mother, and then turned to look at the old monarch, Taishang Laojun, and spoke out the purpose of the palace.

"Lao Jun, in the past few days, when this emperor was practicing, the immortal power within the sense of time has been turbulent for no reason, although it will soon subsided, but after a hundred years, this emperor's cultivation base has not improved by half.

It's really close to the realm of touching a saint, and my heart is unavoidable. You are the strongest saint in the Three Realms, Lao Jun. Can you help me today? "

When the Jade Emperor spoke, his original solemn face also showed a dignified look.

The problem he was asking was not just an illusion. Over the years, he had been very distressed and couldn't get any further trouble.

Originally, his Jade Emperor's aptitude was not too strong, he had cultivated for hundreds of millions of years to reach the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, but he was still unable to cross the last step to become a saint.

Speaking out, people from all other forces are probably watching his jokes in secret.

After all, you are the co-lord of the heavens, and the Three Realms are coming, and this will not break through the saints after all, as if they will always be trapped in the realm of quasi-sages forever.

How can the Jade Emperor, who can enjoy the supreme resources of the Three Realms all the time, be able to bear it? He wants to be the real master of the Three Realms, with the palm of his hand, and enjoy the worship of all living beings as an immortal saint.

It's just that the strange state of cultivation has always hindered him, preventing him from making any further progress.

"You don't need to worry too much about this matter, Jade Emperor. Just take care of your own position and affairs, and manage the sentient beings of the Three Realms. If your cultivation base is difficult to grow, you will automatically solve it."

"But old gentleman, this emperor has done his best for the Three Realms, and there is no slack. Why is it still trapped?"

Taishang Laojun's answer, it can be said that he didn't say anything, and he seemed to answer and not answer, and soon made the Jade Emperor feel a little dissatisfied.

What he asked for when he came to the Palace of Rates was not a simple sentence, but a specific answer that he wanted to resolve the difficulty of cultivation as soon as possible.

Only in this way can he fulfill his long-cherished wish, step through the hurdle of a saint, and become the veritable Heavenly Emperor among the Three Realms!

However, as soon as the Jade Emperor made a few complaints, he realized that he had said the wrong thing, and Xuan even immediately bowed his hand and bowed his hand to the old gentleman.

"I'm sorry, old gentleman, it is the emperor who is taking the picture, and he is a little impatient. But this emperor is also thinking about these problems related to the sage state, and has to solve it. Otherwise, the imminent external chaos in the heavenly court will not know me as one of the three realms. Can China gain an advantage there."

Hearing this, Taishang Laojun also smiled disapprovingly, and immediately raised his hand and waved the white hair whisk on his shoulder, and said indifferently.

"Rights and wrongs, at the end, everything is deterministic. Whether the Jade Emperor can achieve the way of a saint is all up to you, sitting in the seat of the three realms, where the dust is coming.

Thinking of reaching your realm, the Jade Emperor didn't need to change anything. Perhaps he would go to the end of his own way, and the matter of cultivation would not become a dilemma. "

In the words of Taishang Laojun, a little truth was revealed, which seemed a little bit mysterious.

After the Jade Emperor heard this, Wei Mi couldn't help but raised his eyes, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

"Is this asking this emperor to abandon the position of Heavenly Emperor? Or just let it go?

It's really a headache, why these saints always make people feel like they are in the cloud when they speak, so that the emperor has finally failed to find the truth.

Follow your own way, what is this emperor's way?

Is it the way of the emperor that is obsessed with the bones, or the way of nature that gives up everything? "

After listening to the words of Taishang Laojun, the Jade Emperor's mind suddenly developed a difficulty in choosing. He did not know what kind of path to take to successfully enter the realm of sage.

Just as he was thinking and confusing, the queen mother on the side said something coldly.

"Since you have practiced, haven't you even seen your own way clearly, the Jade Emperor?

Or else, how about you also accompany this seat to cultivate the ruthless way of heaven?

After all, although the progress of this seat's cultivation is slow, there is no sign of stopping.

Believe that as long as you stick to the way in your heart and achieve the realm of a saint, it is only a matter of time ~ Queen Mother and Empress After finishing speaking, she got up a little impatiently, and said to the Supreme Master.

"Old gentleman, if I disturb you a lot today, I will leave first."

"Go, the Queen Mother is polite, as long as you are free, you can come to the palace at any time, but there are not so many etiquettes to observe here."

The Queen Mother, who had long wanted to leave, also nodded and said: "After that, I am afraid that I will disturb Laojun from time to time. If there is any interruption, I will leave first."

After that, the queen mother turned around and walked outside the palace.

At the same time, the Jade Emperor, who was still thinking hard about his cultivation base, remembered this for another purpose, and then he asked aloud in the direction of the queen mother's departure: "The queen mother made a lot of trouble today. I don’t know if I need help from the emperor. After all, there are all female fairies under the throne. It should be inconvenient to do things.

Hearing this, the queen mother who was leaving didn't even turn her head, she raised her hand and replied slightly: "But yes, no need!" After saying that, the person had disappeared outside the gate of the palace.

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