Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 699: I don't know how to be a fairy

The Grand Master, who believed that his erudite calculus ability was the best in ancient and modern times, did not want to care about Ye Chen at all. After his body suddenly disappeared, Ye Chen was the only one left in the huge front hall of the palace. , The huge alchemy furnace in the middle of the hall was being roasted by the raging fire.

Some helpless Ye Chen couldn't help but look at the circular wall of the main hall inside. The wooden cabinets displayed star-like bottles and jars, which looked so alluring.

To be honest, Ye Chen really felt that the elixir refined by the elder of the Taishang, coupled with his own automatic training system.

Regardless of the lack of celestial power, he can practice celestial tactics on a large scale, and continuously improve his cultivation level, and there is no sequelae.

After all, the automatic cultivation of the automatic cultivation system, even though Ye Chen didn't need to allow Ye Chen to practice successfully by himself, it seemed that he didn't comprehend the truth of the fairy formula at all.

But the fact is that with the detailed truths of each level of automatic cultivation, Ye Chen can simultaneously sense the progress and perception of each step of the system's cultivation.

Whether it is the movement of various immortal powers and the tempered physical body of Baihai's five internal organs, every step and every detail will be as if they were personally cultivated, there is no difference at all.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Chen could take the initiative to cultivate himself when he felt that the automatic cultivation of the system was a bit slow.

Because he should understand the exercises and the theory of perfection, he knows well.

Even in order to better facilitate the actual practice of his own practice, Ye Chen occasionally practiced on his own, experiencing various differences.

But the conclusion made him feel that he didn't need to be so tired at all, because he didn't notice it at all, and his self-cultivation was exactly the same as his self-cultivation comprehension.

Such a conclusion made Ye Chen completely feel that, in fact, it is really good to be a salted fish.

But staying in the Palace of Dousie, with such a perfect opportunity, was actually restricted from letting Ye Chen eat the elixir to practice...

This, this, is the violent thing that the old gentleman said.

Unable to sigh, Ye Chen finally looked at the various elixir gourds in the main hall of the palace, before pacing towards the outside of the palace gate.

Speaking of it, now he has the exercises he needs, and there is a saint like Laojun who voluntarily leaned on behind him as his backer.

In this way, wouldn't Ye Chen be able to walk sideways on this huge thirty-sixth heaven?

A smile appeared unconsciously at the corner of his mouth, and immediately after he waved his hand, the white crane fairy who was hidden in the system space suddenly showed a graceful figure outside the palace of Touzi, under the thin white earrings, a strand of white feathers It also rises slightly with the wind, which looks very beautiful.

"Young Master Ye Chen, is it really you?

Wasn't I still in Yaochi Palace just now?

Also, when I woke up before, I discovered that I had actually gone to a beautiful place full of sand and ocean, but it didn't take a while to get to the son again. "

Fairy Baihe, who had regained consciousness, suddenly said a few words in circles as he watched the surrounding environment of Tiangong suddenly returned.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she seemed to think of something important again, and suddenly she hurriedly raised Ye Chen's arm, and without any suspicion, she quickly walked towards the South Heaven Gate of the lower heaven.

"This is not the time to discuss this fairy, Ye Chen, you must leave the heavenly court soon, otherwise the Queen Mother will not let you go.

Now, the female fairies in the entire Heavenly Palace should still besieging the entire Heavenly Court border.

But I know, Ye Chen, you have a way to hide all your breath, right? You can escape by yourself, right?

Otherwise, with the cultivation base of the Queen Mother's Quasi-Sage Realm, how could you not be able to find your trace. "

Self-judgment of the white crane in front of her, the leaping step under her feet became more and more rapid, as if one second later, she would lose something very important, she couldn't bear it, and couldn't give it up.

Even if Ye Chen didn't let her find it when he was in the Lower Realm before, as if he had lied to her.

But in the Yaochi Palace, the Queen Mother forced her to confess Ye Chen's trail and forced her to find her, and was forced to do nothing.

Didn't Ye Chen rescue him? That being said, the man she was holding had never deceived herself from beginning to end.

The thoughts in her heart couldn't help being very active, and the fairy Baihe grabbed Ye Chen's small hand that was rushing quickly, and she was trembling and sweating slightly.

It's not because of fear, fear of the Queen Mother, but inexplicably feeling a little new excitement in his heart at this moment.

I couldn’t stop muttering to myself: “This feeling is the feeling of sharing the same life and death, and the feeling of inseparability. It’s so mysterious and amazing. It’s clear that both of us are dangerous now, and we may be caught at any time The queen mother will be sentenced to death if found.

But why at this moment, I don’t have the slightest fear, and even feel that if I can stay with him in this life, even if Yan Ming refuses to accept death, it would be good to become a lonely ghost..."

Fairy White Crane's thoughts are constantly rising, and the emotions that have been taboo since childhood are constantly fermenting and unfolding in such a ‘high pressure’ atmosphere.

Gradually, from a ruthless machine that only knew about cultivation, he became a fairy of flesh and blood.

When he noticed her unusually nervous state, Ye Chen not only let her pull herself at will, but happily ran for a while in the heavenly court.

Until, the two concealedly passed through several layers of heaven, and once again came to the time of the six-layered day.

Only then did Ye Chen vigorously hold back the Fairy Baihe, who wanted to speed up the attack, and completely rushed out of the Nantian Gate, looking affectionately at the other's beautiful eyes and said.

"Sister Fairy, in fact, I'm safe now, we don't have to run You protected me at all costs in the Yaochi Palace, so from now on, mortal Ye Chen will come. Protect you.

Baihe, are you willing to accept my protection? "

He tightly grasped the hands of Baihe who was stunned in the opposite direction, his eyes were staring at each other without a moment, and they kept getting closer, pulling in the distance between the two of them.

Soon, the faces of Ye Chen and Fairy Baihe were less than two to three centimeters together.

The gradually hot breathing of the two parties was also slightly swooping on the faces of the two of them, and as Ye Chen approached actively, it seemed that they could stick together at any time.

And the Fairy Baihe, who was incomprehensibly said by Ye Chen's nearly confession, did not seem to realize the true meaning of Ye Chen's words when his love was first opened.

So that she didn't resist Ye Chen, who was constantly approaching her, but she didn't just stare at Ye Chen.

"Your cultivation base is not as strong as mine. To protect, this fairy will always protect you!"

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