Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 708: Yaochi bathing past events

"Bah, baah baah baah baah baah! Damn it, **** it!"

There was a roar, and the Queen Mother, who was invisible and rubbing, immediately resisted the mouthful of stolen goods, and raised her hand to slap towards Ye Chen.

She was really, really so angry that she was accidentally squeezed into her lips by a mortal filthy thing.

And that sharp and special breath makes people want to go crazy and kill people.

How could she become like this, no, no, she must correct this mistake by herself.

There was a ruthless Queen Mother in her heart. Suddenly, her anger was frustrated, she blamed all the faults on Ye Chen for no reason, and wanted to do it herself.

It seemed that she didn't realize that whether it was because she was hiding in the sidelines, or she was dyed white by Ye Chen by mistake, or even her lips and teeth were dyed just now, it was her own work.

Obviously, Ye Chen did nothing wrong, right?

Obviously, Ye Chen was only doing something they love to do with his beloved girl, how could he become the culprit who annoyed each other?

However, all the truth and the truth do not seem to be so necessary at this moment.

In the queen mother's anger, the divine light in the palm of her hand was also rapidly rising and dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful immortal power surged, like a sea of ​​tides, madly gathering and absorbing the immortal energy within the six-fold day into its own use.

In a short while, Ye Chen, who was facing the palm of another mysterious invisible man, immediately felt a sense of decisive suffocation.

It was as if the air around the nose had been drained, and even if it was difficult to breathe, even the Hunyuan Xianli in the body showed signs of coming out of the body.

But fortunately, the Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong, which has an automatic system running all the time, is working hard to maintain the normal circulation of its celestial power.

Even the Thirteen Ye Jinlian at the pubic area, when Ye Chen was under such tremendous pressure, the flowers and leaves trembled slightly.

Therefore, within a short time, the discomfort that Ye Chen was in all over was relieved at the moment when the golden lotus trembled.

Those wonderful feelings are simply endless aftertaste, and even the soul shows a sense of transparency for a while, comfortably making him want to fall asleep naturally.

But obviously, the invisible person who exudes a strong breath will not give him a chance to sleep.

After the next palm was slapped, the power of the entire Sixth Heaven's Immortal Qi, accompanied by that infinite coercive force, slapped towards Ye Chen frantically.

A feeling of deja vu came into Ye Chen's heart for an instant, but it was a little different.

However, before he could recall his mind, the unmatched palm that carried the power of the entire six heavens had already come to the top of his head, and the speed was extremely fast.

But Ye Chen, who had recovered his cultivation base, did not panic at all.

Because after cultivating the good fortune Hunyuan Gong, the Hunyuan Immortal Power he cultivated was simply a huge leap in quality and different from the ordinary Immortal God power he had cultivated before.

Even if Ye Chen was only in the realm of Earth Immortal, but he saw him exuding pale golden mixed-element immortal power. With a flash of his hand, a space crack appeared behind him in an instant, and his whole body was wrapped and disappeared in the blink of an eye. In situ.

Immediately, the unmatched power of immortality also descended.

But it is a pity that the unmatched palm power capable of destroying the Ten Thousand Meters Immortal Mountain has passed through Ye Chen's location in one fell swoop, blasting a lonely air.

It was even more fiercely bombarded on the ruins of the stone pavilion. Instead, I only heard the ground clatter. After a loud noise, it occupied the huge complex of Guanghan Palace and was forcibly summoned by a force to Chang'e, who was in the air next to the Queen Mother. Under the fairy's eyelids, he razed to the ground in an instant, and then there was a rumbling and loud noise. The tens of thousands of hectares of Guanghan Palace, which turned into a flat ground, also sank toward the cloud shield layer in the ground in the blink of an eye.

There was a rush, as if from the ten thousand hectares of holes, the light and shadow of the fifth heaven of the six layers of the world could be faintly seen.

The horrified Chang'e was stunned, her small mouth opened slightly, unable to close it for a long time.

Even if she knew that the Queen Mother was the quasi-sage of the Heavenly Palace, did the Heavenly Court Cloud Shield, which was built by the ancient saints, be pierced by the Queen Mother's palm in an instant?

Could it be that this is the power of the quasi-sage?

So what kind of horror scenes should be for saints like Taishang Laojun when they really start their hands.

It is difficult for Chang'e to imagine that the peak of power within the Three Realms is so terrifying.

In vain, she had worked assiduously and successfully, at least after reaching the Daluojin Wonderland, she set out to escape the control of the Jade Emperor.

But now it seems that the power of the quasi-sage is simply terrifying and unimaginable.

Even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, it is not enough to watch, let alone, she is a little Jinxian, and she wants to cultivate to Da Luo Xiaoyao realm, and she doesn't know if it is a lofty goal that can be achieved.

Thinking of this, Fairy Chang'e couldn't help feeling more desperate than before, and the gloominess in her heart gradually deepened.

But at this moment, a cold voice sounded from his ears.

"Cunning kid, did you escape like this in the hands of this seat?

Very good, Fairy Chang'e, he will leave it to you.

After capturing him and sending him into the Jade Lake, your free body will be returned to you immediately by the Queen Mother. "

After speaking, the Queen Mother, who made a great noise, suddenly disappeared on the ruins of the Sixth Heaven with a pure white sound.

She had to deal with the stolen goods on her body immediately, and then return to the Sixth Heaven to preside over the overall situation with a brand-new look, and deal with the things that blasted through the sky.

After all, even if Ye Chen feels hateful, it makes people grit his teeth with resentment, but his identity still has to be kept secret, otherwise such a special person will be discovered by other outsiders, and the old gentleman will not be easy to explain.

And if really exposes Ye Chen, the saints in the Three Realms will definitely be alarmed.

At that time, even if he was the Queen Mother of the Heavenly Court Co-Master, Ye Chen couldn't remember this piece of meat.

That kid belongs to her queen mother!

The decision was made in her mind, and the Queen Mother and the Empress returned to the Yaochi Palace in an instant. After taking off all her clothing, she jumped away in the sky, turned into a beautiful landscape, fell into the Yaochi water, and quickly washed it.

But after washing in the jade pond, the Queen Mother suddenly heard something, and then she looked at the white-dyed clothes lying on the shore.

Then I imagined in my mind the crazy picture of Fairy Baihe and Ye Chen being next to the stone pavilion, as well as Ye Chen's strange hiding methods that are difficult to detect by the saint, and the trance-like service. Hand.

Then, she couldn't help but think of the fact that at the beginning of the Yaochi Hall, Fairy Baihe said that his techniques were unfamiliar and it was difficult to reproduce the power of Yaochi.

Could it be said that everything at the beginning was from Ye Chen's hands?

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