Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 713: It's really not time to come

In the Seventh Heaven, the queen mother, who had arranged her appearance, raised her eyes and looked at Fairy Chang'e, who took the initiative to call Ye Chen and raised her face with shame, feeling bad in her heart.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Chang'e not only has no intention of continuing to attack Ye Chen at all, but also looks like it, I am afraid that it will be deceived by Ye Chen's servant soon.

What the first beauty of the Three Realms, a peerless fairy who doesn't look at any man in the world.

I originally thought how reserved and persevering, but I didn't expect that she hadn't left for long before she became such a harmonious picture.

Even if you say yes, do you want to be free and reborn?

Why did he become so indifferent and hopeless for so-called personal freedom in the hands of that kid?

The Queen Mother never expected that Fairy Chang'e would be defeated so quickly. Fortunately, she was still in the Seventh Heaven, and stopped the tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers who wanted to go down to check the situation of the collapse, which really disappointed her.

I don't know what kind of detached trick Ye Chen has. It's just that Xiao Baihe was deceived by him and lost himself, and now Fairy Chang'e will do the same.

Could it be that in this world, there is no woman who can withstand Ye Chen's heart attack?

Judging from this posture, if there is a chance, the Queen Mother feels that it is necessary to try Ye Chen's greatness in person.

I have never seen such a guy who is good at bewitching women's hearts, but because of this, he is the most suitable practice for his ruthless way.

Taking his strengths and cultivating what to do, there may be miraculous effects that complement each other.

Thinking about it, the Queen Mother's mood could not help but changed from the failure of Fairy Chang'e, and then the corners of her thin red lips turned into a special smile.

"The Queen Mother, don't I really need to wait down to Sixth Heaven to see it?

The cloud shield collapsed and the heavens were unstable. This was a catastrophe.

If it is not dealt with in time, the entire fellow immortal gods living in the Sixth Heaven will be affected by natural disasters. "

Suddenly, the head of the neatly arranged tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers, the eldest of the four heavenly kings, Mo Liqing, couldn't help but look at the queen mother and the empress who was blocking the army, and asked in a low voice.

The sudden collapse of Liuzhongtian must have been caused by damage to such a tragic situation, and it was logically necessary to send someone to repair it.

But now, why the Queen Mother wanted to stop herself and wait for others, it was really strange.

However, Mo Liqing was depressed, but the Queen Mother didn't pay any attention to it: "You will go back, and the mistakes of the Sixth Heaven will be dealt with by this seat. Don't be entangled here."

After that, the Queen Mother faintly glanced at Mo Liqing, who was full of beards, and after waving her sleeves, she disappeared into the Seventh Heaven.

At the same time, the tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals brought by the four brothers of the Mo family disappeared instantly between the sleeves of the queen mother and the empress, and they were sent back to the original sky cloud shield in an instant, as if from The future is too ordinary.

Seeing this sudden scene of the Queen Mother's action, all of Mo Liqing's brothers looked at each other a little bit. They didn't know why the Queen Mother appeared in the lower heavenly palace so frequently in the past two days. It is like looking for someone, a man.

"Could it be that the Queen Mother is also throbbing..."

"Shut up your dog's mouth, the queen mother's posture, in fact, we can be judged by people like us? Brother, Hugh is so nonsense, don't cause trouble to the upper body."

Hearing the voice of suspicion from the brother beside him, Mo Liqing suddenly yelled aloud. Although he had guessed this way in his heart, it was enough to just bury this ridiculous idea in his heart, and he took it out and said, that I really hate the head on my neck for a long time.

Mo Liqing shrank her neck subconsciously when she thought of the ruthlessness of the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother of the Three Realms.

The other three heavenly kings beside him were also afraid to look around, and then without Mo Liqing's command, they turned and turned into a streamer, stepping on auspicious clouds and quickly flew away from the seventh heaven, not dare to leave another one. second.

Ye Chen didn't know what happened in Seventh Heaven, but at this moment, he focused his eyes on Fairy Chang'e who stopped him, wondering what more sad things the other party wanted to say.

"Ye Chen..."

Seeing Ye Chen's gaze, Chang'e felt a little difficult to say what was on her lips for a while.

For some reason, facing a man who treats himself so special and is willing to devote his life to it, but does not ask for any greedy man.

I’m so used to rejecting Chang'e who only verbally talks about superficial things. I don’t know how to deal with it.

She wanted to say the phrase ‘yes, you won, I can do anything you want.’

But he was really scared. Ye Chen, like those superficial gods, would bring up the dirty things he was not used to, and express the evil thoughts he wanted to be unruly to him.

If ordinary people say so, that's it.

But like Ye Chen, she felt a slight difference. For the only innocent person who was not stained with filth, Chang'e couldn't bear to destroy such dreamlike and beautiful expectations in her heart.

She was really afraid of Ye Chen, and she would be like other men at the end, and just want to possess the body that is greedy for her, then she would rather just keep a good illusion of the other person in front of her. That's it, isn't it good!

"Fairy Chang'e, if you have something to say, just say it. Ye is here. I'll follow whatever you want.

Ye Chen shrugged and responded to Chang'e.

But the more he is so magnanimous, as if his heart is pure and flawless, the more he fears that he will destroy this kind of affection that is hard to find in thousands of years.

Chang'e said two words hesitantly, his eyes slightly dodging, and his small mouth moved slightly.

As if to entrust everything to the mouth, another indifferent voice dashed through the wonderful atmosphere that the two talents had just built.

"What else can you Chen, you are so bold and dare to seduce the fairy under this seat, what sin?"

As soon as this sound came out, Ye Chen frowned and looked at the beautiful shadow that suddenly appeared beside Fairy Chang'e. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and whispered, "How come it's not the time!"

After curling his lips slightly, Ye Chen also forced a somewhat displeased mood as he watched the heavenly court co-master and queen mother who had suddenly returned.

"If you ask me for a wish, please be careful with the Queen Mother.

You slander the trails and unreasonable words like this.

Yemou felt that he needed to find the old man to make sense. "

Hearing this, the queen mother's pretty willow eyebrows suddenly raised slightly upwards.

Immediately, she squinted her eyes and stared at Ye Chen and said: "Oh, you mortal boy, you dare to use the old man to press this seat, you are really ambitious.

Do you think that with the old gentleman as a backer, you can run wild in this huge heaven? "

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