Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 725: Yutu: This time I can beat Ye Chen

Seeing that Chang'e was still defending Ye Chen, Yutu knew for a while that it was impossible for his owner to understand it quickly.


   If you want to expose Ye Chen, it will take some time to prove that the guy's true face can be hidden.


   Chang'e is a good master who is kind to him, and Yutu doesn't want him to suffer any harm.


   So in my heart, I have made up my mind to stop Ye Chen's bad thoughts towards Master Chang'e even if she sacrifices herself. In this case, her Yutu can also be regarded as repaying her favor.


   After all, Ye Chen also helped her, otherwise, today and today, I am afraid that I will be tortured forever by those of the same kind.


   "Huh, but you can touch me, but it's absolutely impossible to get involved with my master."


   took a deep look at Ye Chen with an indifferent face, Yutu couldn't help but confided in her heart, and then she rushed towards Chang'e with a rare sweet smile.


   "Good master, as long as you stay away from that Ye Chen, Yutu will always listen to you. Yutu will go wherever you go."


   After finishing speaking, Yutu put down the basin in the water at will, then hugged Fairy Chang'e's jade arm, and walked quickly outside the sleeping hall.


   Ye Chen, who discovered that Yutu had such a strong sense of defense against him, shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression, and said inwardly.


   "It's fireproof and anti-theft, you can't prevent the emperor!"


   Thinking, a light curtain appeared in front of Ye Chen's eyes, which showed the task of completing the task of sleeping with Fairy Chang'e for one night.


  Another task is to dance with Fairy Baihe on the feast of the Yaochi, and you can successfully complete the two major tasks of signing in to the goddess.


   But, Bai He is his own, and the remaining characters seem to be very easy.


   There was a smile at the corner of his mouth. After Ye Chen cleaned himself briefly, he walked out of the sleeping hall.


   However, he had only just walked out, and before he had even left the small courtyard outside the sleeping hall, a snow-white little jade rabbit suddenly jumped in front of him.


   Then, after the jade rabbit in front of him turned into an adult girl, he hurriedly said to Ye Chen.


   "The master asked me to inform you, hurry up and escape from the heavenly court, and never come back again, go, hurry up!"


   Yutu's voice was very hurried, and every word in the words meant to let him go. Obviously, Yutu was in the gap where he was washing, and he walked outside to hear some news.


   Or maybe, following Fairy Chang'e, I met the Queen Mother, and this time hurried back to issue a warning.


   But in the face of such a situation, Ye Chen, who had already consumed most of his savings and training materials, had already figured out a countermeasure.


  Since you are not cultivating and you don't have enough resources, then you should face it bravely. After all, he didn't make any serious mistakes.


   Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but continue to walk outside the courtyard, and when he passed by Yutu's position, he also patted her little fragrant shoulder.


   "Don't be nervous, the most taboo thing for cultivators is mood disorders. Fairy Yutu, you are so frizzy, you are afraid that your future achievements will be limited."


   Hearing this, he couldn't think that not only did Ye Chen not rush to escape, but also pointed the contradiction to his jade rabbit. He immediately stopped in front of Ye Chen, and said with a solemn expression of sullenness.


   "Ye Chen, don't you have any points in your heart for the sins you made yourself?"


   Now the master is in the front hall of Yaochi, for you and the Queen Mother are dealing with you, to cover your escape.

   But you, why are you so stubborn? Listening to our words is okay, go, leave the heavens quickly, and return to your mortal realm.


  Don’t stay in the palace anymore, come here to harass the fairy and Master Chang'e. I beg you, isn’t it? "


   Yutu's words were full of emotion, and Ye Chen couldn't help but rub his hands and rub the other's head.


   didn't make any explanation immediately, and flew directly towards the front hall of Yaochi.


   "If this is the case, then Yemou can't injure your master and servant anymore, can't I surrender myself?"


While    was speaking, Ye Chen's figure had already flown out of the courtyard, and immediately the speed of his raid showed signs of explosive acceleration.


   However, before he started to accelerate, the Yutu who transformed into a humanoid girl once again stood in front of Ye Chen.


   Immediately, I saw Yutu's original red pupils mixed with sullen anger, and immediately turned out complex emotions and stared at Ye Chen.


   "Go by yourself, don't force this fairy to do it.


  Also, there is no need for you to worry about my master’s affairs, we can handle it. "


While    was speaking, Yutu suddenly surged out of heavenly powers all over his body, and it was in a state of full firepower.


   This time, she seemed to be ready to stop Ye Chen from taking a step forward, planning to use force with her.


  Although he had never beaten Ye Chen before, but according to his previous experience in the game, Yutu felt that if he kept the peak immortal power state and stimulated, he wanted to stop Ye Chen.


   After all, even if Ye Chen is a strong fellow in Earth Wonderland, but Earth Wonderland is only Earth Wonderland after all. It is only about the reserve of fairy power and the endurance of fighting with all strength, and the ultimate victory will only be yourself.


   However, the little Yutu who has been trapped in the system space for a day or two may not know Ye Chen yet. After all, Ye Chen has not convinced Ye Chen who is not.


   "Yutu, why are you doing this? I don't run away, but take the initiative to bear everything.


   According to You have no reason to stop me?


  Also, are you sure you want to do it with me again? Did you forget that before..."


   "Stop talking nonsense! Ye Chen, you have no choice.


   The fairy and the master mean that they want you to return to the mortal world. Can’t you do something as simple as that?


   You are a mortal on earth, why should you stay in this heavenly palace as deep as the sea?


   Take your Fairy Baihe and go, if possible, we will see you again. "


   Ye Chen didn't finish his words, Yutu looked at Ye Chen partingly, as if the difference between today is always forever.


   But what Ye Chen wanted to tell him was, did he have no reason to escape? He took the elixir and flat peach that both the old king and the queen mother had promised. What a mistake!


   Thinking of this, Ye Chen couldn't help but slowly raised his hand. After preparing to forcefully surrender Yutu, he went to the front hall of Yaochi to meet the Queen Mother and Fairy Chang'e. They still had an appointment.


   However, just as Ye Chen raised his hand to prepare for the use of force, a heart-palpiting crazy consciousness suddenly felt like a big Luo, suddenly pressing from Gao Tian, ​​making people breathless.


   Immediately, a voice of vicissitudes of life with a clear meaning of anger, and even the momentum of the overwhelming Mount Tai, exploded.


   "The Queen Mother, quickly blockade the Yaochi Palace, that little guy is hiding here!"

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