Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 735: Hunyuan lotus seed that can fall into the sky and destroy the earth?

Sudden changes, as if the world is about to be destroyed and reborn, the heavenly palace swayed and trembled, and gradually fell silent in the darkness.

The Hunyuan lotus seed in Ye Chen's hand didn't appear for a while, just like the source of the darkness of all things, bursting out an endless black light, centering on it, and swallowing it madly in all directions.

Within a short time, the front hall of the Jade Lake was completely occupied by darkness, as if falling into an abyss devil's cave, it was difficult to show a trace of light.

In this situation, not to mention that Ye Chen, who took out the Hunyuan lotus seeds, was a little confused, and even the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother on the side could not help showing a sense of horror in this dark strange scene where she could not see her fingers.

"What is that? Old gentleman, what's the matter? Why do you feel that the rules of heaven and earth are boiling, and the causal cycle around you is also collapsing?"

The Queen Mother looked at the endless darkness around her in disbelief, suddenly feeling unsure in her heart.

Even with her quasi-sage realm cultivation base, she couldn’t see what Ye Chen was holding, but what she could perceive was that the ominous thing that resembled a lotus seed must not belong to this world, or even The antagonistic relationship between each other makes it unclear.

However, what was different from her was that when the Grand Master saw the Hunyuan Lotus Seed in Ye Chen's hand again, his slightly old face not only showed no surprise, but the corners of his mouth also showed an exaggerated smile that he had never had before.

Suddenly, the entire Yaochi Palace suddenly sounded a silent smiling face, and the Queen Mother on the side realized that her own Yaochi Palace Hall, which was swallowed by the strange darkness, could no longer hear each other.

In this situation, looking at the silent smile of Taishang Laojun on the side is also very strange.

?`?Д?′)!!, what's the matter?"

Ye Chen, who also didn't know what happened, saw his Hunyuan lotus seed appear, and such a weird sight happened, and he quickly took the lotus seed back into his dantian.

And at the moment when the Hunyuan lotus seeds disappeared, the unknown darkness was blown away like a remnant wind, and the auspicious colored clouds, warming the golden sun, also filled the hall of Yaochi Palace again.

Seeing that everything was returning to normal, the Queen Mother appeared in front of Ye Chen for the first time, her beautiful eyes stared at him and kept asking.

"Then what is it that can disturb the rules of the world, the cause and effect of heaven?

You guy, born with a unique personality, doesn't look like any kind of personality in the Three Realms at all.

Why, even the lotus seed you took out is so extraordinary and amazing. "

"Ah, this....

Then I go? Then I go? "

Ye Chen stood there and laughed twice, with a rare expression of bewilderment.

To be honest, facing the unknown Hunyuan Jinlian in his body, he also expressed helplessness and never understood.

After all, in Good Fortune Hunyuan Gong, there was no information about Hunyuan Golden Lotus, and he also practiced according to the normal steps.

As for why the unexpected product of Hunyuan Jinlian came out, Ye Chen said, he is a hen.

"Well, let's not discuss this yet.

Also, this is not a place to talk, let's go to the old-fashioned Tussik Palace together. "

Suddenly, the old gentleman who had been laughing but didn't speak, Yoyo spoke.

As soon as he waved his sleeves, Ye Chen felt that the world had changed suddenly and everything was moving.

In the blink of an eye, his figure had already moved from Yaochi Palace to the inner courtyard palace of Dousiz Palace, and at the same time, the old gentleman and queen mother also appeared here.

"Old gentleman, is it so serious?

Ye Chen, what is the lotus seed that I took out just now? How could that kind of transcendent vision erupt. "

After returning to the Palace of Dousiz, the Supreme Lord did not ignore the question about the Queen Mother this time.

But when the corners of his mouth covered with white Hu were slightly open, Lao Jun walked to Ye Chen's side again, his vicissitudes and indifferent old eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay, okay, that's great.

The old way really didn't misunderstand the person, Ye Xiaolang'er, you really are the person I dream of, the treasure of the six worlds, Wandan does not change!

With you here, why do you worry about the saints not breaking the old ways, and the ways of heaven will not allow you.

Haha, hahahaha............"

The old man in the sky would say that he didn't open his mouth. This openness was quite amazing.

The Queen Mother couldn't hear her frowning, and Ye Chen, who was staring at her, felt the sense of osmosis slowly from deep in her heart.

In any case, it is a dream to be said by such a saint, whoever faces such a scene will find it strange and oozing.

"Ahaha, the old man is serious.

Ye Mou is nothing more than a nameless pawn, and his cultivation level is not a god, so he shouldn't be so important to him. "

Ye Chen laughed dryly, then looked at the queen mother, and then said.

"Then, Queen Mother, should we go to the Lower Realm now?"

I have not forgotten what I promised you, and I will never break my promise when I say it to the Lower Realm of Today. "

"Oh? Do you remember agreeing to this seat and being practiced in the lower realm of this Queen Mother? Haha, it's really hard to convince people.

This seat thinks that you are hiding in places such as Fairy Chang'e, thinking about sneaking out of the heaven, and letting you go free from the lower realms.

Agreement, what is the vow between us? "

The Queen Mother glanced at Ye Chen, and then at Taishang Laojun, who was slightly excited, and she instantly understood that this cunning fellow wanted to leave Laojun's control next.

But it's a pity that the more Ye Chen thought so, the more the Queen Mother wanted to do it anyway.

After all, she has not received any compensation for the tragic loss of Pan Taoyuan.

As for her, she couldn't think of any way to exploit Ye Chen and scrape it off.

Then, it would be better to use Lao Jun's hand to let this Ye Chen know well that it is not him who is a stray immortal who can arrogantly do things like this.

At the very least, he had to make up for the lotus seed that seemed to be capable of falling into the sky and destroying the earth just now.

"Haha, Ye Xiaolanger, don't We won't make you embarrassed again."

Suddenly, the Taishang Laojun spoke again, but the content was completely different from what the Queen Mother thought.

Not only didn't seek compensation, but even chose to forgive like this?

"What are you doing, old gentleman."

Some queen mothers who were dissatisfied with this statement suddenly muttered in their hearts.

But soon, Taishang Laojun's continued words made him even more shocked.

Only Wen Laojun looked at Ye Chen with a kind smile, his old eyes were bent into old crescents, and he lightly patted Ye Chen on the shoulder.

"In this way, anyway, the old way is fine in the Tiangong, it is better, I will go with you.

Oh, by the way, where are you and the Queen Mother going? Speaking of it, the old way hasn't moved around for many years.

Fortunately, for this opportunity, the activities seem to be pretty good..."

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