Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 741: Arrogant monkey grandson

Ye Chen really thought this strange scene was too strange.

But looking around, in the huge water curtain cave, there are no traces of other monsters at all, let alone any kind of behind-the-scenes promoters.

"Great King, the Great King is back!"

Just when Ye Chen felt puzzled, a shout was heard from the monkeys in the Water Curtain Cave.

After a while, all the little demon monkeys in the Water Curtain Cave gathered towards Ye Chen, and within a short while, his surroundings were already surrounded by water.

But such a warm welcome is obviously not entirely welcoming Ye Chen, because the monkey grandchildren who gathered here, after a simple greeting with Ye Chen, immediately asked about the trail of their great king, Sun Wukong. .

It's just the same, just like a few years ago. Ye Chen's answer to the surrounding group of monkeys and grandchildren is still four words: the time has not come!

But in the face of such an answer, a monkey general who was obviously taller than the surrounding little demon monkeys, suddenly looked at Ye Chen a little unconvinced.

"Great King, why are you still keeping us secret?

Today is different from the past. Our monkey clan in Huaguoshan is already the overlord of this area.

If the king was still in the past, I am afraid that it is no longer an opponent of some of our best.

But, our prince is talented and intelligent, if he practiced the demon technique with us, he might already be able to dominate the East and win the Shenzhou.

Otherwise, you can invite the king back.

For one thing, let our great king practice together, and besides, today's Huaguo Mountain, there is also a leader who will lead our group of monkeys and grandchildren to conquer other mountains. "

The strong monkey general said a lot, and the meaning was obvious, that is, he has been cultivated, and obviously his self-confidence is too swollen.

Moreover, in the face of the monkey general's report, the other little demon monkeys who were thinking of their own king all nodded in response to the monkey's future.

Even the eyes of every little demon monkey were filled with pride, and they had completely ignored the monsters of all races in the world.

I'm afraid that if it wasn't in time, these guys' cultivation base would rise a little bit, maybe Heavenly Court wouldn't take it seriously anymore.

Seeing this scene, I feel deeply that the cultural level and cultivation level of these little demon monkeys in the Shuilian Cave has risen a lot, and they have some understanding of the world's structure.

However, so rampant, Yang Yan dominates the demon world in the East and wins the Shenzhou, which is a bit too arrogant.

At the same time, Ye Chen became more and more curious. Which of these monkey grandchildren taught them? Isn't this disabling?

Yes, it just didn't help.

Although on the surface, the overall strength of the monkey group has improved a lot, and even the future cultivation realm will have some influence on the pattern of the lower realm monsters.

But such a defiant, even ranting, if this is spread out, I am afraid that it is not for the demon king of any realm, that the monkeys in the water curtain cave will be wiped out.

Moreover, while practicing at the same time, such a majestic demon aura was released, spreading straight among the flowers, fruits, mountains and forests.

Isn't this a trick? Which **** passed by here, seeing this demon-powered state, won't be quick after removing it casually.

After all, there is still an antagonistic relationship between the fairy gods and the demons, and the strength of the Heavenly Court cultivating the Dao against the monsters of the mortal world is even more thunderous.

It is self-evident that the risks are so great.

Looking at the tall monkey general who spoke proudly, Ye Chen was a big king in name, but he couldn't help but reveal a solemn expression in his eyes.

"I won't discuss these first, my second brother naturally has a better place to go.

But you are waiting for the monkey grandchildren, why are you cultivating the demon technique, who taught you this, so you are not concealed.

Could it be that you are afraid that the heavenly soldiers and generals in the court will not have long eyes, and you want to get together to cut leeks in exchange for merit? "

Ye Chen was really depressed and walked up to the self-righteous Monkey General, staring at him with cold eyes.

"Just you, tell the great king everything that has happened over the years, and remember that there must be no concealment.

Otherwise, you, you, don't blame me, the great king, for being merciless to your subordinates.

Today, I didn't want to teach you a lesson, Yemou, I really can't help my second brother! "

During the speech, Ye Chen's expression became colder and colder.

When all the monkeys and grandchildren saw this awe-inspiring scene, they all stunned their heads, their eyes dodging not to look at Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen is a human to the monkey group, their king, Sun Wukong, has clearly said it.

Even if you are disrespectful to his great king, you can't help but listen to the admonitions of the great king Ye Chen.

For a while, the entire Shuilian Cave became silent.

But there are also a few little demon monkeys with stronger cultivation bases, looking at Ye Chen with surging eyes, half an inch off the ground, and a look like a sparrow wants to try. Obviously, they can't suppress their own animality, thinking I have to ask Ye Chen for advice.

After all, at the beginning, their great king, Sun Wukong, had a lot of opinions and supported Ye Chen, the human being, as the great king of the monkey group.

Therefore, now that he has some strength, coupled with his natural brutality, I am afraid that he already has the guts to fight Ye Chen.

And Ye Chen, who noticed that these little demon monkeys were moved, also smiled casually, secretly saying that the monkey grandchildren of his second brother seemed to be itchy.

Thinking of this, the mana-enclosed Ye Chen didn't say anything, but stood calmly on the spot, raised his hand to the thousands of monkeys in all directions, and said with a hook.

"Don't bear it, let's go together.

Today, I will take the place of my second brother and help him teach you a truth.

What do you mean, there are people outside the world, there are days outside the sky! "

As soon as the voice fell, a rebuttal appeared in the field as But we are not humans, we are monkeys! "

With these words, the monkeys and grandchildren who surrounded Ye Chen suddenly grinned.

I don't know if it was because of that sentence, or he understood that what Ye Chen said in his words was not the difference between human beings and monkeys on the surface.

However, because of this, the on-site atmosphere in Shuilian Cave is also slightly eased a lot.

But even so, a group of little demon monkeys with soaring confidence all started to move stupidly. With their demon-like energy tumbling, they all wanted to try Ye Chen, the great king, why did he be treated like his own great king? respect.

"Don't bear it, come on!

Don't you all still want to dominate the East and win the Shenzhou, but even you big kings can't do it, how can you talk about conquering a continent? "

With the mentality of teaching, Ye Chen couldn't help but uttered another sentence, stimulating the mentality of the thousands of little demon monkeys who were dissatisfied, so that most of the monkeys and grandchildren stopped scrupulously, and they turned towards Ye Chen. Demon beam bombardment.

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