Signing to the Goddess from Douluo

Chapter 748: The 6 worlds will be chaotic

As soon as Lao Jun left, Ye Chen and the Queen Mother quickly separated, and then the three women and one man who were still there, all chased in the direction where Lao Jun was going.

The Queen Mother was also suspended under her feet, her body like a swallow, flying lightly and smartly, catching up with the old gentleman in a short while.

But two "sages" can achieve a chic posture, but it is suffering Ye Chen, Chang'e and Yutu.

They whose cultivation bases have been sealed can only jump horizontally and vertically on the tree heads in the forest like bitter and hanky.

Just like in the ancient legends of the present world, a hero with a strong and light power, freely among the mountains and forests.

Although they are not too tired, the two fairies Chang'e Yutu are both women who have already achieved the position of immortality.

This time he moved horizontally, inside and outside the jade body, I don't know how many years there has been a body that has not been contaminated with the dust of the world, and the sweat is involuntarily flowing, and his pretty face is flushed.

Obviously, for the two fairies, such a long-distance land and forest raid was also a long-lost mortal feeling for them.

Huaguo Mountain is located on the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, off the beaten track, thousands of kilometers away.

It took a lot of time to fly on land like this, and when they arrived in a small town called Peach Blossom Town, the sky was already dark.

"Lao Jun, Queen Mother, let's find an inn and rest here.

Everyone is very tired, and I need to replenish water and food. "

As soon as he entered the gate of the town, Ye Chen greeted everyone.

In Taohua Town, the roads are shining with candles, and on both sides of the street, Qingshi Road, there are also many houses and buildings, and the scale is not small.

However, seeing such a human scene, the Queen Mother slightly frowned and said.

"It's better to continue on the road, it's better to go to the mortal city."

Hearing this, Chang'e and Yutu, who were already a little panting, did not speak either. They followed the queen mother to the earth, so she was looking forward to her head.

But Ye Chen watched them sweating with fragrant sweat and sweating on their foreheads with little hands. There was a little disgust and discomfort in the two pairs of beautiful eyes.

After all, I have been a fairy for a long time, it is rare to be so tiring, and the clothes are dirty, and my body is sweaty.

Even the two pitiful little faces are stained with black marks, but they don't know it.

Without the power of immortality, Chang'e and Yutu were not much better than mortals.

He only cultivates energy without refining the physical body, so it looks so embarrassed.

"Or, let's rest for one night."

Ye Chen raised his hand and said openly.

Upon hearing this, it seemed that the Queen Mother who was breathing a little tired and gasping behind her could not help but looked back slightly for a while, and then changed her words immediately.

"Forget it, it's getting dark, just rest here for one night."

Having said that, the queen mother moved forward and walked towards a tavern not far from the town where it is integrated with meals and lodging.

And when Chang'e and Yutu heard this, the breath that was lifted in their chests suddenly slackened away, and smiled at Ye Chen from the heart, the beauty of the United States was filled with stars.

"The guest officer, please, do you want to eat or stay?"

After the five people entered the tavern, a young man who was not thirteen or fourteen suddenly ran over with a white towel on his shoulder and asked with a smile on his face.



Suddenly, two different voices suddenly sounded, and the boy was also standing still in embarrassment.

At the right time, the Queen Mother turned her head to look at Ye Chen, her beautiful eyes said indifferently: "I wait, why don't you have to eat Nafan... meals."

Hearing this, Ye Chen shook his head calmly and said, "If someone doesn't eat, it doesn't mean that others won't eat either."

With that, Ye Chen's eyes also turned to Chang'e and Yutu.

When the two nodded, they shook their heads one after another, saying in unison.

"Eat and live, we all want it!"

Afterwards, the old gentleman on the side also smiled and said: "Don't forget, there is still wine!"

"Hey, this old man is really a sensible person. When he comes to our Peach Blossom Town, he will drink very hard.

Wait a minute, the little ones will soon bring you our most famous peach blossoms. "

The young man yelled, and after he walked into the inn and sat down in front of a few people, he ran towards the back door of the living room non-stop, thinking about it, that place should be the back kitchen.

The tavern doesn't look very big, but the speed of serving dishes is really nothing.

Less than ten minutes later, a table of eight immortals that could sit on eight people was already full of food.

As for the peach blossom stuffing, the young man even brought up the three jars earlier and placed them at the feet of Lao Jun.

It's just that the food and drinks gathered together, but only Ye Chen and Laojun Taishang sat facing each other, and the other three Keren also went into the reserved guest room to wash.

"Come on, Ye Xiaolang'er, I'll toast you a glass."

The old gentleman poured a glass of wine on his own, and then raised a jar and handed it in front of Ye Chen. The posture was like a drunken posture with him.

As for drinks, Ye Chen is also always willing to come.

Grasping the edge of the wine jar with one hand, he greeted the old man.

"Come on, kid to toast you too, drink!"

After speaking, after the jar cup slightly collided, Ye Chen raised the jar and gulped it.

After a few sips, the wine in the jar was reduced by one-third.

Seeing this, the old gentleman couldn't help showing a smile. He raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, he also smiled indifferently.

"It's been a long time since I was so recklessly happy.

Although this stuffed peach blossom is not a top grade, it is sweet and strong, and has some stamina.

Not bad. "

After all, the old gentleman didn't care about the red tape tricks anymore. He grabbed a jar of wine and confronted Ye Chen and poured it fiercely.

I don't know how many years, as a saint, Lao Jun hasn't had such a happy drink with a person for a long time.

To become the strongest immortal in the world, Taishang Laojun has gained a lot, and there are countless things that can be lost.

But as far as the word "friend" is concerned, looking at the three courts and six realms, in the glorious world, there is no one who can be found anymore, so he can sing with him without any scruples.

In the past days, although he also looked down on everything, he was completely indifferent to rights and so on

However, as a saint, even if the old gentleman didn't want to fight with others, grab anything.

But as the strongest, there are not many people in the six realms staring at him.

There was no action on the surface, but in private, the undercurrent has been surging for a long time.

Especially the other two in the Three Qings, they were calculating each layer, and they wanted to seize the faith of the mortal world from the hands of his Dao ancestor.

Even secretly backing Buddhism, letting it arbitrarily make it big, right now, it is faintly trying to threaten the position of the supreme heavenly court.

Speaking of this, the old man didn't care about it, but the six worlds will be chaotic when the dispute is together. He doesn't care, but where is the dawn of the eternal world.

However, as the strongest saint, it is not easy for Lao Jun to directly intervene, otherwise it will not benefit any party.

Thinking of this, Taishang Laojun, who had killed a jar of peach blossoms in one bite, couldn't help but look at Ye Chen, who raised his head and drank alcohol, with a hint of hope in his eyes!

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