Come to think of it.

He put away most of the chicken and rice flowers.

Then three were deliberately left.


Su Yu silently recited in his heart.

Then summoned the system mall.


The system mall immediately appeared in front of Su Yu, showing a transparent appearance.

It’s like a touchscreen computer.

Su Yu’s fingers slid gently.

Look through the various items in the mall.


The movement of his hand stopped.

The gaze fell on a brown bottle product.

“Buy!” Su Yu silently recited again.

The system voice immediately sounded in Su Yu’s mind.


“The host consumes a dollar!”

“The purchase of the product is successful!”

“Already placed in system space! Please collect it by yourself! ”

Su Yu closed the system mall.

Then look inside the system space.

Sure enough, a brown bottle was found inside.

As soon as his mind moved, the brown bottle appeared in his hand.

Look down.

A white label is attached to the bottle.

There are three words written on it.

“Concentrated sulfuric acid!”

There is also a note below: The corrosiveness of this sulfuric acid is only effective for humans.

Su Yu carefully opened the lid of the concentrated sulfuric acid.

Immediately, a pungent smell came out.

He covered his mouth and nose with a wet towel and picked up a syringe from the corner of the wall.

It was left by the doctor when he was sick and had an injection in the past.

Su Yu used a syringe and carefully extracted a little concentrated sulfuric acid.

Three chicken rice flowers were injected one by one.

Immediately, three more chicken rice flowers were placed on a plate and placed in the most obvious position on the table.

The concentrated sulfuric acid and the needle were then collected into the system space.

Get everything ready.

He deliberately closed the door and left the courtyard.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the stick terrier to take the bait.

This time, it will definitely teach the stick terrier an unforgettable lesson.

The stick terrier pretends to play in the yard.

In fact, he kept staring at Su Yu’s family.

I just wanted to wait for Su Yu to go out, so he could come to the door and steal something.

“Su Yu really went out!”

“The sun is about to go down, what is he doing?”

“Leave him alone! I’ll steal the chicken thighs first! ”

The stick terrier quietly followed Su Yu for a while and found Su Yu walking towards the distance.

He judged that Su Yu would not be able to come back for a while, just right for stealing.

Glancing around.

At this time, everyone was eating, and no one noticed.

He quickly sneaked to the door of Su Yu’s house.

Then with a gentle push, the door opened.

“Hehe, Su Yu didn’t even close the door, it seems that he is not guarded against me at all!”

“He has chicken thigh meat for me to eat, I stole it all for him this time!”

The stick terrier walked into the room with a word to himself.

Then I saw the plate on the table directly.

Inside are three chicken rice flowers.

His face suddenly turned a little ugly.

“How come there are only three pieces of chicken!”

“The rest was actually eaten by Su Yu?”

“Is he a pig? So edible! It’s almost time to catch up with my grandma! ”

“Let me see again, is there any other good thing in Su Yu’s house!”

The stick terrier was about to rummage around the house.


Su Yu’s voice sounded in the front yard.

“Aunt He! You bought a bag of sweet potatoes? Let me help you! ”

“Thank you, Xiaoyu!”

“It’s nothing, you usually take care of me so much, and you should do some work!”

The stick terrier was taken aback when he heard this!

“Su Yu actually came back so soon!”

“This place should not stay for long!”

“Hurry up!”

He couldn’t care about stealing anything else.

Grabbed three chicken rice flowers and ran all the way home!

“Grandma! I’m back! After entering the house, the stick terrier shouted happily!

Jia Zhang was waiting with his eyes open.

She quickly stood up!

“Where’s the chicken thigh?” Hurry up and show Grandma! ”

The stick terrier smiled and spread out his palm, revealing three chicken rice flowers.

Jia Zhangshi immediately frowned, “Stick terrier, why did you only steal three grains, it’s hard to go there, you don’t know to steal more?” ”

Three grains is not enough for her to stuff her teeth, how can this be divided!

The stick terrier said depressedly: “I want to steal more!” But that’s all that’s left! Later, I heard Su Yu’s voice talking to Aunt He in the front yard, and I was worried that I would be caught by Su Yu, so I quickly ran back! ”

“That’s the case, then I don’t blame you.” Jia Zhangshi said, and then reached out and grabbed the stick terrier’s hand, “Here, let grandma taste two first.” ”

Good fellow, there are three in total, and she actually wants to taste two.

It’s really shameless.

The stick terrier is also a freeloader.

If he stole more, he could also give some to Jia Zhang.

But now there are only three, where is he willing to give up.

Seeing that Jia Zhangshi stretched out his hand to grab it.

He quickly opened his mouth and stuffed all three chicken rice flowers into his mouth.

Then chewed up.

At the beginning, the stick terrier felt the aroma of chicken and was quite happy.

However, he soon realized that something was wrong.

Because my mouth suddenly hurts!

It’s like there’s a fire burning!

Then it hurts more and more.

The pain changed from burning to cutting like a knife!

“It hurts!”

“My mouth hurts!”

“It hurts me!”


The stick terrier spits out the chicken rice in one bite!

Then lie on the ground!

Roll back and forth with your mouth covered!

I still cry and cry out for pain!

Jia Zhangshi and Qin Huairu were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them!

“Good grandson! Don’t scare Grandma! ”

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What the hell hurts in my mouth!”

Don’t look at Jia Zhang’s usual whistle, but she is an old lady with little knowledge after all.

When encountering a major event, the six gods are suddenly masterless.

Although Qin Huairu also had no master, she knew to ask for help.

Hurriedly rushed out to find Silly Zhu and Yi Zhonghai to help.

Following Qin Huairu to Jia’s house, Silly Zhu also scratched his head when he saw this.

Instead, Yi Zhonghai picked up the chicken and rice flowers on the ground and looked at them carefully.

And then exclaim!

“Not good! There is concentrated sulfuric acid in the meat! ”

“This thing is very corrosive!”

“It can burn people’s skin!”

“Bring the water! Let the stick terrier gargle! ”

Yi Zhonghai is well-informed and can see at a glance that it is concentrated sulfuric acid!

He beckoned everyone to fetch water!

Qin Huairu hurriedly brought an enamel jar over!

“Open the mouth of the stick terrier! Gargle for him! ”

“Stick terrier! Don’t swallow after gargling! Be sure to spit it out! ”

Yi Zhonghai shouted, broke open the mouth of the stick terrier, and poured water into it!

The stick stalk drank several sips of water in a row, diluted the concentrated sulfuric acid in his mouth, and flushed it out.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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