The stick terrier felt Su Yu’s cold eyes.

The scene of being pitted twice came to mind.

I couldn’t help but snort.

“I don’t bully He Xiaorou anymore, you quickly let me go!” The stick terrier shouted.

Seeing that the stick terrier was honest, Su Yu let go of the stick terrier and returned with the homework.

“That’s my homework!”

“Thank you brother-in-law!”

“I’m home, don’t bother you to have sex with my sister!”

Taking back the workbook, He Xiaorou broke into a smile.

Sweetly called his brother-in-law.

Then he jumped and ran into the courtyard.

Without this little light bulb.

Su Yu and He Xiulian finally had a chance to be alone.

The two came to a secluded alley nearby.

Talked about life for an hour.

Then they went home.

Walking on the way back to the courtyard.

Su Yu’s brows frowned slightly.

He was still a little uneasy.

This kid is simply bad overhead.

Maybe in the future, he will bully He Xiaorou at school.

You have to find a way to put this matter in order.

While thinking in his mind, Su Yu returned to the courtyard.

Enter the front yard.

Then I saw Yan Bugui sitting on a small horse, fanning a fan to cool off.

“Uncle San, why didn’t you wipe the bicycle today?”

Su Yu stepped forward and asked with a smile.

In the past, Yan Bugui was wiping bicycles.

Seeing that it was Su Yu, Yan Bugui quickly stood up with a smile.

He said in a low voice.

“Since you gave me the bait, I have gone to catch a big fish every few days to sell it to subsidize the family’s living expenses.”

“Now that our whole family eats and drinks well, we don’t need to take advantage of others, so I don’t wipe my bikes.”

There was still a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

If it weren’t for Su Yu, he wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably in the courtyard like he is now.

Su Yu couldn’t help but feel funny.

After his operation, he actually wiped out the two door gods of the courtyard.

The living conditions of the Yan family have improved.

Therefore, Yan Bugui does not have to calculate others under the guise of wiping bicycles.

And after Silly Zhu was reported by Su Yu, he didn’t dare to bring a lunch box home recently.

So Qin Huairu didn’t need to wash clothes.

Su Yu can also be regarded as a good person and a good deed.

There are no two door gods to do things.

Residents can also safely buy something delicious to go home without worrying about being cut off.

“Third Uncle, in the past two days of my absence, nothing happened at home, right?” Su Yu continued to ask.

Accepted Yan Bugui as a younger brother just to let him stare at home.

Yan Bugui hurriedly replied: “Don’t worry, I have asked the three aunts to keep an eye on it these days, and a few of them in the middle courtyard have not gone to your house to make trouble.” ”

He knew very well in his heart that as long as he held Su Yu’s thigh, he would have many benefits in the future.

So he worked very the task of housekeeping.

Let the third aunt keep an eye on Su Yu’s house during the day.

Even when I sleep at night, I have my ears pricked up.

I was afraid that the task was not completed well, which would make Su Yu angry.

Without Su Yu’s help, their Yan family’s life would have been beaten back to its original state in an instant.

“Well, well done.”

Su Yu nodded and handed the five catties of wild boar in his hand to Yan Bugui.

“This is five pounds of meat, you cut two and a half pounds from above.”

“Keep one piece for your family, and send the other piece to Aunt He.”

Yan Bugui’s face was ecstatic!

He didn’t think of it.

You can also get rewards in addition to bait.

“Okay! I’ll do it right away! ”

Yan Bugui hurriedly moved his little horse over and asked Su Yu to sit down.

He carried the meat into the house.

After a while, the meat will be cut.

He returned four catties of meat to Su Yu, and half a catty of meat was sent to Aunt He’s house.

Su Yu carried the remaining four catties of meat around for a while.

When I got home, I threw myself directly into the system space.

He brought back several bowls of pig-killing vegetables from Baiyun Village.

There is also the buckle meat made by Tian Runye.

In recent days, I don’t need to stir-fry by myself.

Just warm up the meat dishes you brought back.

At the same time that Su Yu was cooking.

The Jia family made a fuss.

“I don’t want to do my homework!” The stick terrier scratched his ears and cheeks at the homework for a while.

Then angrily threw the pencil on the ground and shouted loudly.

Jia Zhangshi quickly comforted: “If you don’t want to write, let’s not write, go out and run!” ”

She has no idea of right or wrong.

Whether the stick terrier is doing it right or not, it is very indulgent.

The stick terrier continued to shout.

“If you don’t write, you can’t!”

“Teacher Ran will criticize me tomorrow!”

Jia Zhang was a little helpless.

Homework must be written, but the stick terrier does not want to write it himself.

It stumped her.

Jia Zhang rolled his eyes.

Immediately asked.

“Stick terrier, what do you want to do?”

The stick terrier snorted coldly: “You guys help me write!” ”

Jia Zhang smiled bitterly.

She hadn’t studied a day and didn’t even know a word.

How to write homework for the stick terrier.

Even if it blew her head.

There’s nothing she can do.

“Good grandson, don’t worry first.”

“Wait for your mother to come back and ask her to write it for you.”

Jia Zhangshi couldn’t figure out the stick terrier herself, and as soon as her eyes rolled around, she threw the pot to Qin Huairu.

A few minutes later.

Qin Huairu came back from outside.

“Qin Huairu! Don’t worry about cooking yet! ”

“You wrote the homework of the stick terrier first!” Jia Zhang shouted directly.

Qin Huairu cried with a sad face.

“Mom, I’m only in the third grade of elementary school, and the stick terrier is already in the fifth grade, how can I help him write his homework!”

After she took over Jia Dongxu’s job in the rolling mill, although she also knew some words in the factory.

But getting her to do her fifth-grade homework was still a little too difficult.

Jia Zhang was silent for a few seconds.

Then the eyes lit up.

“That’s right, stick terrier!”

“Are there any of your classmates near us?”

“You go and steal his homework and copy it, won’t you?”

She felt so smart that she couldn’t help but applaud herself for the good way she came up with.

However, the stick terrier sneered.

“Do you still use this method to teach?”

“I’ve tried it a long time ago!”

“However, Su Yu, this damn bad thing for me!”

He stepped on it for several days before he figured out how to steal He Xiaorou’s homework.

Today, from the first shot, it was actually destroyed by Su Yu.

So he’s angry now.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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