Chapter 83: Qin Huairu was complained by Line 7, and Jia Zhang stole gasoline into his home.

Qin Huairu’s family.

“The people of this compound are all beasts”!

“I’ve got a dime..”

“These beasts are not willing to help me pick up money”

Jia Zhang scolded fiercely.

In Jia Zhang’s heart, the people in the compound were a group of beasts. She gave out a dime.

No one is willing to help her go to the dung pit to collect pension money. Qin Huairu shook her head slightly.

She didn’t understand Jia Zhangshi very much.

The dung pit is so smelly, if you want people to go in and salvage, you must give at least five or six pieces. Out of a dime, how can anyone go.

“It’s just that these people want money and want to go crazy.”

Jia Dongxu on the side also echoed.

Qin Huairu became even more speechless at this moment.

She also didn’t understand why she didn’t want the tall and handsome Lin Yun in the first place. Instead, he followed the fat and ugly Jia Dongxu.

He also worked as a coolie in Jia’s family for so many years.


Early the next morning, Yi Zhonghai took the money and walked towards the labor camp. Lin Yun also rode his bicycle towards the rolling mill.

As soon as he arrived at the cesspit, he saw that Jia Zhang had already arrived here. Her eyes stared at Wang Tiezhu, who was picking up dung.

“Wang Tiezhu, as long as you help me pick up my purse, I will give you a dime”

Jia Zhang stretched out a finger.

Wang Tiezhu just glanced at Jia Zhangshi, and then said: “Ten yuan, I’ll help you pick it up”

“Ten dollars, why don’t you grab it”

Jia Zhang scolded fiercely.

In Jia Zhang’s opinion, Wang Tiezhu should help her fish for free. Instead of a lion opening its mouth and asking for ten bucks.

Wang Tiezhu glanced at Jia Zhang, then dragged the dung truck towards the distance.

“Don’t go, I’ll give you a dime and a half”

Jia Zhang shouted loudly. Inside the rolling mill.

Inside the seven workshops.

“Where did Uncle Yi go?”

“Why won’t it come yet”?

“I have so many products here”

Qin Huairu’s face was covered with sweat.

A lot of products have been piled up in front of her. The employees behind her will finish the product soon.

If Uncle Yi doesn’t come back, she will definitely be told by online employees.

“What’s going on”?

“Why don’t we have any products online?”

“Look at Qin Huairu, there are a lot of products”

“What’s going on with Qin Huairu”?

“After so long, how can I only make three products”

“In this way, our wages are not to be deducted”


The employees on Line 7 immediately discovered that Qin Huairu was abnormal.

In front of others, there is no product at all, and there is no waste product. Only Qin Huairu’s front piled up a lot of products.

There are also more than two dozen scraps.

“Go, let’s tell Director Lin to go”

“Let Director Lin transfer Qin Huairu to the apprentice line”

“It’s such a person, how can he be on Line Seven”

“Doesn’t that mean we get fined?”

Numerous employees number seven prepared to walk towards the office. When Qin Huairu heard this, his face suddenly changed greatly.

If Lin Yun knows.

Lin Yun must have transferred her to the apprenticeship line as soon as possible.

At that time, she could only get twelve or three yuan a month as an apprentice.

“Don’t go”!


“Don’t go and tell Director Lin”!

“Woo, please give me another chance”


Qin Huairu stopped in front of many Line 7 employees. As she spoke, she cried loudly.


Many employees of Line 7 saw the crying Qin Huairu, and they didn’t know what to do for a while.

“What happened”?

It was at this time that Yi Zhonghai walked in.

“Master Yi… Qin Huairu is too slow to make products, and the scrap rate is also very high..”

“It’s just, she’s on our line, and we’re sure we’ll have to be fined every day.”

Many employees spoke up.

After Yi Zhonghai heard this, his face changed slightly.

He never thought that Qin Huairu would be so stupid. They have been working on Line Seven for so long.

I can’t even make a product.

And after more than two hours of drying, five normal products were not made? Even Jia Dongxu back then was not as stupid as Qin Huairu.

“Huairu, she still just came over”!

“So I don’t understand”!

“I will definitely be familiar in two days”!

“So be it, I’ll help online this morning”

Uncle Yi said out loud.

“That’s okay, with Master Yi’s help, our speed must be very fast”

“Well, let’s trust Master Yi once”

When everyone heard that Yi Zhonghai was helping online, they immediately stopped pursuing Qin Huairu. They have returned online.

“Thank you, Uncle Yi”!

Qin Huairu was very happy at the moment.


Yi Zhonghai sighed again, he didn’t expect that Qin Huairu was actually dumber than Jia Dongxu. A fitter product, learned for three whole days without learning.

But fortunately, Silly Zhu and Xu Damao have already come out. Wait for Silly Zhu and Xu Damao to come over.

He doesn’t have to worry so much.


Office. Lin Yun was writing the document.

“No, my gasoline seems to be still on the table”

It was at this time that Lin Yun remembered that the three bottles of gasoline rewarded by the system yesterday were still on the table.

“Stick terrier, shouldn’t be interested in gasoline..”

Soon Lin Yun let go of his heart.

Because the stick terrier was admitted to the hospital yesterday, and the smell of gasoline is very pungent. It is impossible for a stick terrier to steal gasoline.

… Inside the courtyard.

Silly Zhu and Xu Damao walked into the courtyard together.

With the help of Uncle Yi, the two of them finally walked out of the labor camp.

“Look, Silly Zhu and Xu Damao are out”

“Uncle Yi is also too powerful”!

“Just go to the labor camp and get Xu Damao and Stupid Zhu out”

“You have money, you can get them out”

“Stupid pillar actually steals someone else’s bicycle”

“Will their jobs be lost”?


The onlookers pointed at Silly Zhu and Xu Damao. The faces of Xu Damao and Silly Zhu were very ugly all of a sudden. One by one, they hurried towards the house.

…. Xu Damao’s family.

Xu Damao had just arrived at the door, and his face suddenly changed greatly. Because all the windows of his house were smashed.

Only a field of glass slag remained.

“This must have been done by Jia Zhang”! Xu Damao scolded fiercely.

Xu Damao also knew that this was done by Jia Zhang.

However, Xu Damao did not have any way, and did not dare to trouble Jia Zhang. After all, he harmed Jia Zhang, and Jia Dongxu had been in the hospital. If you go now, Jia Zhangshi will lose money with him, which is not good.

Qin Huairu’s family.

“Damn Zhang Tiezhu, don’t give me a dime and a half”

“I think he just wants my pension money”

Jia Zhang scolded viciously.

“That is, that Tiezhu family is so poor that they can’t even afford to eat, and they don’t go to fish for a dime and a half.”

Jia Dongxu on the side echoed.

“Grandma, Grandma..”

It was at this time that the stick terrier hurriedly ran in.

“My good grandson, what’s wrong with you”?

Jia Zhang looked at the stick terrier.

“Grandma, I see that Lin Yun’s family has good things”

The stick terrier said excitedly.

“What’s the good”?

Jia Zhangshi suddenly became interested.

She just lost her coffin book yesterday, if she can steal something from Lin Yun’s house and come back. That’s pretty good.

“Grandma, it seems to be vegetable oil”!

“Lin Yun on the table”! The stick terrier spoke.

“Vegetable oil..”

Jia Zhangshi suddenly became excited.

The life of their Jia family is very difficult. Usually when eating, you can’t see oil at all.

If you can get vegetable oil, the family will eat very fragrantly.

“Mom, you hurry up and get Lin Yun’s vegetable oil”

Jia Dongxu is also very excited at the moment.

“Good, good, good grandson, let’s go and steal Lin Yun’s vegetable oil”

Jia Zhang quickly walked out.

…. Lin Yun’s doorstep.

Jia Zhang and the stick terrier hurriedly came here.

“Grandma, see if it’s vegetable oil”

The stick terrier pointed to the three pots of oil on the table and said.

“Yes, yes, it’s vegetable oil”!

Jia Zhang was very excited.

If they can steal this pot of gasoline, then their family will not have to worry about eating vegetables in the future.

“Good grandson, you hurry up and bring the oil”

Jia Zhang pointed inside and said.

The stick terrier hurriedly pushed Lin Yun’s house and walked in.

Soon after, Jia left with a jug of gasoline.


Jia Zhang’s family.

Jia Zhang sat down breathlessly in his chair.

After three round-trips, Jia Zhang finally got the three pots of oil back.

“Stick terrier”!

It was at this time that the silly pillar walked in.

“Silly pillar, what are you doing”


Jia Zhang glared at Silly Zhu fiercely.

“The stick terrier has always wanted to play with small firecrackers, and I just bought a box..”

Silly Zhu said as he took out a box of firecrackers.

“Thank you silly uncle”!

The stick terrier was very happy to see the firecracker. At the same time, bottles were blown up in the room.

“Mom, open it quickly and see what’s inside.”

After the silly pillar left, Jia Dongxu urged.

Jia Zhang quickly opened the gasoline jug.

Also at this moment, a pungent smell came out of it.

“What is this thing”?

“Why is it so pungent”?

Jia Zhangshi scolded fiercely, and then pushed down the gasoline kettle. Soon countless gasoline leaked out of the pot.

“Mom, this seems to be gasoline..”

Jia Dongxu’s face suddenly changed.

Gasoline is a very easy thing to catch fire.

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