After punishing the stupid pillar, Director Yang sat down again and talked and laughed with Li Yun.

Let the stupid pillar look at gritted teeth.

“Comrade Li Yun, don’t let those who have no brains affect our mood.”

Director Yang sat down and said deliberately, what the silly pillar said just now made him very dissatisfied, after all, he is still sitting here, the silly pillar came to make trouble and did not put himself in the eyes at all, if it were not for fear of bad influence, the silly pillar would have to roll up tomorrow and get out.

After being punished by Director Yang, he had to sit on the side with a hopeless look at the moment, he was kicked by Li Yun just now, and now it is not convenient to move, helplessly sitting on a stool to rest, apprentice Ma Hua is waiting on the side, at this moment he is full of discomfort looking at Li Yun and Director Yang and others pushing cups and changing cups.

Li Yun picked up the quilt and touched it with Director Yang.

“What the director said is, I won’t be affected, if only the fly liked to buzz and slap it to death.”

“Hahaha, what Brother Li Yun said is, let’s not affect the mood for an insignificant character, just shoot to death.”

Nan Yi felt extremely relieved when he heard Li Yun’s words, and felt that he had simply said it in his heart, and agreed with Li Yun incomparably.

Director Yang nodded with a smile, and several people drank a drink.

And the silly pillar on the side heard several people sneering at themselves, their faces were blue and purple, and the workers in the canteen who showed to eat also looked over.

Feeling the mocking gaze of this crowd, the silly pillar felt that he was stripped naked and placed under the public.

Li Yun and the three also noticed this scene.

Director Yang is very satisfied in his heart, this stupid pillar is so eyeless, if he doesn’t give him a little color, it’s time to kick his nose on his face in the future, as the director of the rolling mill, where he goes, others are not respectful, this stupid pillar actually dares to ignore his own big noise.

This matter made Director Yang more and more angry the more he thought about it.

“The two of you are right, it seems that there are some fish and dragons mixed in the factory during this time, I will talk to the security department later, if I let other factories know, I should say that my director is a mascot.”

Nan Yi smiled when he heard this.

“The director said and smiled, everyone sees the achievements of Director Yang in the factory for so many years, how can it be said to be a mascot, the rolling mill is so big, it is normal for borers to occasionally appear, no one can help this.”

Director Yang nodded after hearing this, he was very useful to Nan Yi’s.

“What Comrade Nan Yi said is indeed correct, there are too many people in the factory, and the management is justified for being negligent for a while.”

The silly pillar on the other side heard several people who had been sneering at themselves, and finally couldn’t sit still.

The pain in the ninja’s body was going to leave.

He scolded Li Yun half to death in his heart, if it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t be so humiliated with Ben today, since yesterday, he has not had a smooth encounter with this dog thing.

But today this revenge could not be repaid, he gently rubbed his chest, glanced at Li Yun with a grim expression, and then prepared to leave with the help of Ma Hua.

Li Yun looked at the appearance of the jumping beam clown of the silly pillar, and took out a bad luck talisman from the carry-on space and used it on his body.

At this moment, the silly pillar just got up and prepared to leave.

Everyone saw the silly pillar’s posture and understood that he could no longer stay here, even if the ninja was in pain.

“This fool really did his own thing, ran over inexplicably, was beaten in vain, and didn’t have half a month’s salary, you talk about how brain-dead can do this kind of thing.”

“You say this, it seems that it is indeed true, this guy is really a neurotic, sent to the door to beat people, but the kid deserves it, with the things he did, it is good that he didn’t kill him.”

“That’s right, this dog thing lost his conscience, and he actually embarrassed the workers on the issue of eating, and he will definitely die a bad death in the future.”

When everyone saw the silly pillar get up, they cursed in a low voice.

Silly Zhu also probably heard everyone’s discussion, although they deliberately suppressed their voices, but there were too many people in the cafeteria, and their voices would unconsciously become louder when they spoke.

Hearing what everyone was saying about him, Silly Zhu’s face suddenly darkened, he didn’t want to stay here for a moment now, he just wanted to leave quickly.

“Hurry up!”

Silly Zhu urged his apprentice Ma Hua.

“Yes Master.”

To say that this MCA is indeed loyal, even now he still stands firmly beside the silly pillar, but unfortunately he was let down by the silly pillar later.

Silly Zhu put his hand on Ma Hua’s body, but at this moment, his stomach suddenly rang, and then his face changed drastically, and his legs twisted uncontrollably.

Ma Hua, who was holding the silly pillar, also felt this situation, and looked at the silly pillar with some doubt.

“Master, what’s wrong with you.”

“Quick, help me to the toilet.” Stupid Zhu did not dare to speak loudly at the moment.

When everyone saw the appearance of the silly pillar, they suddenly became a little curious.

“What’s wrong with this guy all of a sudden, why has his face become so ugly.”

“Eh, looking at this expression, it seems to be diarrhea, I have only seen this expression on the face of people with diarrhea.”

“Haha, this guy has been retributed for doing a lot of bad things today, and it seems that he has a hard time enduring.”

The discussion of everyone was also heard by Li Yun and the three, and seeing the appearance of the stupid pillar, Nan Yi gloated.

“It seems that this kid has done too much for his lack of morality, and now he has been punished.”

Director Yang also smiled when he heard this, everyone has a deep understanding of diarrhea, it is really difficult to move an inch, and now the expression of the stupid pillar has obviously reached the limit.

Li Yun also didn’t expect that the bad luck talisman would actually have this effect, it seems that the stupid pillar is going to be embarrassed today.

At this moment, the stupid pillar in the center of everyone’s eyes felt that he was being grilled on the fire, but he was completely unable to care about these things, and now he had only one goal.


“MCA, can you be faster.”

Silly Zhu’s face was already a little deformed, his facial features were twisted together, cold sweat flowed on his forehead, and he squeezed out this sentence with all his strength, and then closed his mouth tightly.

Now he doesn’t even dare to speak easily, for fear that he will suddenly be unable to bear it.

Seeing the silly pillar whose teeth were about to be crushed, Ma Hua immediately increased his strength in his hand and quickly walked to the toilet with the silly pillar.

Everyone in the audience also stared closely at this scene.

“It’s too late for hope, it’s too late for hope.” Someone is already cursing in a low voice.

Everyone thought together at this moment, that is, if the stupid pillar was too late.

There are even people making bets.

Some people think that the silly pillar should be able to endure to the end, and some say that the silly pillar will not last that long.

Director Yang and Nan Yi on the other side were also somewhat integrated into the atmosphere of the scene.

“You say, can the fool endure it to the end.”

Nan Yi spoke, his face looked very excited at the moment, obviously she was very happy to see her old opponent embarrassed.

Director Yang did not speak when he heard this, after all, he was the director of the factory, and it was impossible to carry out such a childish act.

And Li Yun already knew the answer, and it was obvious that the stupid pillar could not resist the power of the bad luck talisman.

At this time, the silly pillar in the field was already close to the toilet, and he squeezed Ma Hua’s shoulder tightly, and Ma Hua grinned in pain.

However, he also knew Master’s current situation, and he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Silly Zhu saw that the toilet was close in front of him, and immediately gritted his teeth, it had reached the last step, and he definitely could not fall short.

Thinking like this in his heart, his hand subconsciously increased his strength.

“Ouch!” Ma Hua, who was already pinched by the silly pillar, could no longer hold on after the silly pillar increased his strength. The shoulders shrank consciously.

Then the silly pillar leaned directly towards the MCA because of the unstable center, and the MCA was originally unstable at the moment, and was directly pressed to the side by the silly pillar.

At the moment when he was about to fall, Silly Zhu realized that something was wrong, and pushed Ma Hua away to use his power to rush into the toilet at the end, but he was a little deformed due to patience, and he fell in front of the toilet door under his feet.

“It’s over!”

The fallen silly pillar instantly felt a heat under his ass.

Seeing this scene, the workers suddenly boiled.

“Hahaha, let me just say, I can’t help it, it’s difficult.”

“Laugh at me, such a big person still pulls his pants in his pocket, this will put me on hold, and there will be no face to come to the factory in the future.”

“This is the end of doing too much lack of morality.”

Hearing the mockery of everyone, the silly pillar collapsed directly.

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