Chapter 45: Violent Beating of Jia Zhang’s Clan and Slapping of the Deaf Old Lady.

“Xu Damao, are you talking nonsense, believe it or not, I scratched your mouth?”

Seeing Jia Zhangshi lying with himself, Xu Damao subconsciously shrunk his neck and said with a stalk.

“Originally, I came to catch the stick terrier, your family stick terrier took Li Yun’s house to steal things, and now people come to take him into the juvenile detention center, don’t believe you ask the police comrades yourself.”

Xu Damao said and looked at the policeman beside him.

At this time, the policeman who followed Xu Damao stood up.

“Xu Damao is right, the stick terrier is suspected of stealing other people’s belongings in the house, and now he wants to go back with us for investigation.”

Hearing the police say the same, Jia Zhang was suddenly a little confused.

“I said comrade police, you have to talk about your conscience, our stick terrier broke his arm in Li Yun’s house, and now you still want to arrest him, is this trying to kill us?”

“Li Yun, the culprit of the broken arm of the bad stick terrier, you don’t catch it, and now you will catch my injured good grandson in turn, do you still have a little sympathy.”

Hearing Jia Zhang’s words, a puzzled look appeared on the faces of the policemen who came.

“Oh, you said that the suspected theft of your family was broken by Li Yun? What is the situation, please explain in detail, Jia Zhangshi heard the police’s questioning, and suddenly looked aggrieved. ”

“What else can be the situation, when our family stick terrier went to Li Yun’s house to get something, he fell on the cabinet of his house, and now his arm is broken, you say whether he is responsible or not.”

Li Yun on the side laughed directly.

“Jia Zhangshi, if you go to my house to steal something, you will steal something, and you still say to take it, do you want to face?” I’m not there, the door is locked, how did your stick terrier get in? Pry my door and still say this, do you want to face? ”

Several policemen who came were also speechless when they heard it, they thought that there was something hidden in the matter, they broke it when they went to steal things for a long time, and the old woman said so wronged.

“Ahem, your situation has nothing to do with Li Yun, Comrade Li Yun is still a victim, I will now formally inform you that the stick terrier is suspected of burglary and needs to go back with me for investigation.”

Hearing the policeman say this, Jia Zhang’s face instantly became ugly.

And Jia Dongxu, who was hiding in the house, couldn’t help but come out at this moment, and if he didn’t come out, he would really be arrested, from the moment the police came, he deliberately did not go out, hoping to rely on his mother’s nonsense and mud, so that this thing is just passed, now depending on the situation, his wish is in vain.

“Comrade police, our family stick terrier is a child, not very sensible, and blame me for not being optimistic about him, you see if you can be accommodating, I will definitely keep a strict watch on him in the future.”

Seeing Jia Dongxu come out to intercede, the police suddenly became a little impatient, the family regarded themselves as something, this is not a vegetable market, all come to bargain.

“I repeat once again, the stick terrier is suspected of burglary, and needs to go back with us to investigate, the cover-up is the same crime, if there is nothing wrong, call the person out.”

Jia Zhangshi was a little unconvinced when he heard this, someone actually dared to talk to him like this, he had been in the courtyard for many years, and he had never seen him reason with himself and win.

At that moment, he began to sit on the ground and splash, Jia Dongxu’s eyes were quick, and he stopped his mother, this is the police, if they don’t know the time, Jia Zhangshi will definitely be arrested.

“Qin Huairu, come out with a stick stalk.”

Jia Dongxu shouted into the house, and after a while, the police saw a beautiful young woman leading a sweaty child with a painful face slowly walking over.

“Comrade police, take a look, my son has a bit of a problem with his arm, and I will trouble you to help heal it at that time.”

Jia Dongxu pretended to be embarrassed and said, feeling proud, this policeman likes to arrest people, it just so happens that his family has no money now, let them help them treat the stick terrier.

Jia Zhangshi heard his son say this on the side, and suddenly a hint of joy appeared on the pig’s face, secretly saying that his son was really smart, although he entered the juvenile detention center, but he saved a lot of medical expenses.

Several policemen who came frowned when they saw the situation of the stick terrier, and then several people discussed together, and then one person came over and said to Jia Dongxu’s mother and son.

“In view of the current special situation of your stick terrier, we have granted him permission to heal his arm and then accept punishment, let him receive treatment now, by the way, because the stick terrier burglary has caused losses to Mr. Li Yun, you need to compensate Mr. Li Yun for the economic loss of fifty yuan.”


Hearing that he was going to lose money, Jia Zhang’s eyes suddenly expanded by more than twofold, and a pair of triangular eyes almost opened into squares.

“Okay, now tentatively like this, we will go back first, Comrade Xu Damao, after the stick terrier is restored, please notify us again.”

“Eh, okay.”

Xu Damao replied with a smile. Several policemen who came afterwards left.

Seeing that his wishful calculation was unsuccessful, and now he had to lose Li Yun fifty yuan, Jia Dongxu’s mentality suddenly collapsed, and he now had fifty yuan from his family.

Seeing the police leaving, Jia Zhangshi planned to go home without incident. Li Yun called out to her.

“Jia Zhang, have you forgotten something?”

Hearing Li Yun’s words, Jia Zhangshi instantly jumped up like a fat pig that had been stepped on its tail.

“Li Yun, don’t go too far, our family is already so miserable, what else do you want, the stick terrier didn’t get anything from you, you black-hearted beast, do you have to force my family to death to be happy?”

“Jia Zhangshi, if you don’t give me a hat, who will force you to die, just now the police made it clear, unless you are deaf, or do you want to resist the punishment of the law enforcement agency?”

Jia Zhangshi still had no intention of admitting his mistake when he heard Li Yun’s words.

“So what, did the police say that you were kind enough to ask us for money, don’t you know how difficult our family is, how can you be so vicious, we don’t have fifty yuan at all, and now we have to treat the stick terrier, don’t you have any sympathy at all?”

“No, get the money quickly, or I’ll go and tell the police, they shouldn’t have gone far by now.”

Hearing Li Yun’s categorical refusal, Jia Zhangshi was directly stunned on the spot, she has never seen such a simple refusal after she said the tragic situation in her family, even if others want to continue to ask for money from themselves, they will find a reason, this Li Yun directly pretended not to pretend? This directly made Jia Zhang’s follow-up means unable to be used.

“You… Li Yun, I didn’t expect you to be such a cold-blooded beast, you rushed to kill a family that was so difficult and hard for us, and you will definitely die a bad death in the future. ”

Jia Zhangshi hated Li Yun to the extreme, and cursed him extremely resentfully at the moment.

However, Li Yungen was too lazy to pay attention to this, he knew how to make Jia Zhangshi more painful than his dead parents, that is, losing money.

“I count three times, if you don’t take the money again, I’ll go to the police to help me.”



“Wait a minute!”

When Li Yun counted the two, Jia Dongxu was a little unbearable. He didn’t want to face the police again, and he still remembered the expression of the stupid pillar being arrested.

“Mom, you just give Li Yun fifty yuan, can’t you really be called by Li Yun to arrest us all?”

When Jia Zhang heard his son’s words, his face turned red in a hurry.

“Jia Dongxu, what are you talking nonsense, where did I get the money? Don’t say fifty, I don’t even have five dollars. ”

Jia Dongxu’s face was a little ugly when he heard Jia Zhangshi talk like this.

“Mom, you’re a little too much, didn’t you tell me at the beginning, every time the salary is paid to you half of the savings for fear of Qin Huairu’s messy spending, we have lived so tightly for so many years, now it’s time to use money, you tell me you don’t?”

Hearing Jia Dongxu’s words, Qin Huairu was suddenly struck by lightning, and she felt that her heart was smashed hard with a sledgehammer.

“Dongxu, you…”

“What’s wrong with me, you are a money-loser, I will give you good food.”

Jia Dongxu had no guilt, and looked bored in the face of Qin Huairu’s aggrieved look.

“That’s our life-saving money, now you let me take it out to Li Yun that little beast?” Dreaming, I can’t give him. ”

Hearing that Jia Zhangshi was rich, Li Yun was too lazy to find the police, and stepped forward to directly mention that she was two big-mouthed.

“I like to scold people, right, today Lao Tzu will swell your face and make you noisy.”

Seeing Li Yun’s action, Xu Damao on the side was directly stunned.

“I’ll go, this is also too handsome, do it without saying a word, dare to scold me and smash your mouth.”

Xu Damao looked at Li Yun behind his back, and he couldn’t stop envying, when he also had this ability, he wouldn’t have to be beaten by a stupid pillar every day.

“Stop, Li Yun, I’ll get you money now.”

Jia Dongxu saw his mother being beaten and quickly begged Li Yun for mercy.

Qin Huairu on the side saw the vulnerable appearance of Jia Zhang’s mother and son in front of Li Yun, and there was a trace of pain in his heart. Hearing Jia Dongxu begging for mercy, Li Yun did not let go of Jia Zhang.

“Give you a minute, and I’ll slap her in the face and know that your money will come over.”

Jia Zhangshi, who was put in the air by Li Yunti, looked angry when he heard this.

“Li Yun… Do you think…”


Seeing that Jia Zhangshi still dared to speak, Li Yun was two slaps in the face without saying a word.

“What I’m talking doesn’t include you talking, if I find you talking, a word slap.”

Li Yun looked at Jia Zhangshi and warned coldly.

Jia Zhangshi was beaten twice by Li Yun, and at this moment, a trace of fear appeared on the pig’s face when he heard his warning, which made Qin Huairu, who was watching from the sidelines, happy.

Seeing this scene, Jia Dongxu hurriedly ran home to get the money, and in less than half a minute, Jia Dongxu ran out with fifty yuan.

“Li Yun, this is fifty yuan, release my mother soon.”

Li Yun borrowed money and looked at it, counted it, and threw Jia Zhangshi over. Then turned around and left Jia’s house.


“What? Is everything you say true? ”

The deaf old lady looked at Yi Zhonghai with an angry look at the moment, and Yi Zhonghai sighed when he heard this.

“Of course it’s true, I personally watched the stupid pillar being captured by the security section.”

“What are you doing to eat, watching the security department capture the stupid pillar, it’s useless, help me back, I and Li Yun this dog thing is not finished.”

Yi Zhonghai was scolded by the deaf old lady a few words, his face was a little ugly, he lowered his head and did not speak, silently but the deaf old lady took out of the hospital.

The deaf old lady shouted loudly as soon as she returned to the courtyard.

“Li Yun, you are a beast inferior to pigs and dogs, and I actually harmed my good grandson Zhu and was put in the security department, I will kill you a rabbit cub.”

The deaf old lady roared as she walked, looking like she was not wearing the sky with Li Yun.

Li Yun, who was in the room, heard this sound and laughed disdainfully, he naturally understood why the old lady was in such a hurry, this is the most important candidate for the elderly by the deaf old lady, even more important than Yi Zhonghai, and now he was imprisoned in the security department by himself.

Eighty percent of the development of this stupid pillar in the factory in the future is finished.

“I don’t know if he knows the news that Stupid Zhu was demoted to an ordinary worker.”

Li Yun smiled at the thought of this, and then went out of the house, and as soon as he went out, he saw the angry deaf old lady.

And the deaf old lady originally planned to scold Liwei in front of Li Yun’s door, but at this moment, she suddenly saw Li Yun walking out and was instantly frightened, and even her voice was much smaller, and then she sighed, and then continued to look at Li Yun angrily.

“Li Yun, did you frame my good grandson Stupid Zhu and was arrested by the security department?”

“I framed him? Hundreds of people in the factory who have a problem with the character of the stupid pillar have seen it, how can I frame him? Or do you question the prestige of the security section in the factory, then you should go to the security section and run to me for what? Wouldn’t you dare to go to the factory to find the security department? ”

“I didn’t expect that you called yourself the ancestor in the courtyard all day, and it turned out to be an old thing who bullied the soft and feared the hard.”

Being ridiculed by Li Yun, the deaf old lady’s face suddenly couldn’t hang up.

“Li Yun, don’t reverse right and wrong, if you hadn’t framed my good grandson Stupid Pillar, how could Stupid Pillar be arrested, but I listened to Uncle Yi clearly, you don’t want to fool me, you hurry up now and release the stupid pillar for me, otherwise I can’t spare you.”

Seeing that the deaf old lady had to buckle the basin on her head, Li Yun sneered.

“When did I reverse right and wrong, I framed your grandson, isn’t Yi Zhonghai by your side, you ask him, let him say in front of me, did I frame it, if he says I am framed, then we will tell Director Yang tomorrow that I framed the stupid pillar, and then put your precious grandson back.”

Yi Zhonghai felt a little bad when he heard the deaf old lady mention himself, he is now not much different from everyone shouting in the factory, and he can’t wait to be invisible throughout the process, Li Yun’s words are simply asking for his own life, he dares to guarantee the deaf old lady today, and the director of the factory tomorrow dares to let himself sweep the gate.

The deaf old lady does not know the specific situation of the matter, but he has experienced it from beginning to end, when Director Yang was not only present, but also specially asked for instructions when the chief of the security section caught the stupid pillar, he now dares to say that Li Yun is framed, isn’t that equivalent to saying that Director Yang is framed, borrowing a hundred dares from him to take Li Yun’s words, he can only choose to continue to play dead.

The deaf old lady was ecstatic when she heard Li Yun’s words, and let Yi Zhonghai speak for herself and the stupid pillar, is there a problem with Li Yun’s brain, and Yi Zhonghai doesn’t know which side he is? Then she quickly gave Yi Zhonghai a look.

However, she waited for a long time, and did not wait for Yi Zhonghai’s response, and the deaf old lady was suddenly a little unhappy.

“Yi Zhonghai, what do you mean? This is trying to play dead, isn’t it? ”

Yi Zhonghai didn’t speak, but just signaled the deaf old lady to calm down with his eyes.

However, at this time, how could the deaf old lady, who thought that she had been betrayed by Yi Zhonghai, pay attention to his gestures.

“Okay, you don’t care, I’ll care, Li Yun, I’ll tell you, if you don’t release the stupid pillar from the security department for me today, I’ll be finished with you.”

Perhaps because of Yi Zhonghai’s instatement, the more the deaf old lady spoke, the more excited she became, and even walked in front of Li Yun, and the crutch was about to touch Li Yun’s chest.

Seeing this, Li Yun’s face turned cold, did this old thing forget the taste of being taught by himself. Syllable!!!

Li Yun directly slapped her to the ground, and half of her face was visibly swollen.

“You… You actually dare to hit me? I didn’t hit you this time. ”

Li Yun shook his head when he heard this, not bothering to continue arguing with him.

“, you’re welcome to bother me again.”

With these words, he entered the house.

At this time, the reward of the system comes to mind.

[Revenge on the deaf old lady succeeded, obtained god-level medical skills. ] Exhaustion]

Seeing this reward, Li Yun was a little happy, this year’s medical skills can be said to be the most practical. Jia family.

Jia Dongxu had a haze on his face, and on the side was Qin Huairu, who had been taught a lesson and had a blue and purple face, he could only vaguely distinguish from his figure and skin that he was a beauty, tears left from his cheeks, and Qin Huairu, who was lying on the ground, looked at her vicious husband next to her with a desperate face.

“Li Yun, I, Jia Dongxu, will not share the sky with you in this life.”

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