Chapter 168: Don’t Let Them Slip Away!.

Even if he goes to school, he is afraid that he will be bullied by others, and at this moment, Qin Huairu regretted it to the extreme, knowing that it was such a result now, and he should not have done such a thing at that time.

Looking at the stick terrier not far away, she clenched her fists at this time, gritting her teeth deadly, at this moment, she regretted it, but there was no regret medicine in the world.

It was at this time that Qin Huairu looked at Li Yun in the middle of the courtyard, her eyes were full of expectation, she hoped that Li Yun could help her at this time.

Although He Daqing on the side was a man, he was also very scared at this time when he heard that he was going to parade them through the street. You must know that not to mention their courtyard, it is the residents nearby, and no one has been parading the streets for many years.

The people who were pulled by the masses to the streets to show the public must have committed a taboo and moved the middle road, otherwise they would not have been so miserable to them.

At this time, He Daqing rolled his eyes, and a cold sweat broke out on his back, as if he was looking for He Yuzhu’s figure at this time, hoping that he could come out to help him intercede.

After hearing this method, the neighbors standing in the yard also felt that this was indeed a good method at this time.

People like this kind of skinless and faceless should make their affairs public, and parading the streets to show the public can also be regarded as a negative teaching material, reminding everyone to be a human being.

“This method is good, we should let them parade the streets to show the public, it is to shame them, anyway, these people have thick skin, and they are not afraid of losing people.”

“Yes! Tie up a few of them and parade through the streets, or I’ll find a broken shoe! ”

“Since they don’t want face, we don’t have to show them mercy, living in our courtyard, we are already embarrassed enough”

“Good! Since everyone has decided so quickly, waiting for me here, I will go find a rope and tie them all

“You guys see Jia Zhangshi talking about business, this shameless guy, ready to slip away, everyone stops him, don’t let it slip away.”


It was at this time that some neighbors had already begun to act, returning home with ropes and coming into the crowd again at the most central speed.

At this time, Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang, and He Daqing had become the focus of the crowd.

At this time, the neighbors standing in the yard had already controlled them, saving them from slipping away.

Although the method proposed to parade the streets at this time has not yet been recognized and agreed by several uncles, standing in the courtyard, the vicious eyes of these neighbors have seen from Li Yun’s eyes that she has acquiesced to this proposal.

So at this time, even if the second master does not agree, it doesn’t matter.

At this moment, these neighbors standing in the yard have nothing but Li Yun in their eyes, as for the big belly, is it that the second uncle has long ignored it, after all, Li Yun is not only well-liked in the yard, but what he says is now the most authoritative in the courtyard.

So at this time, the neighbors standing in the yard went to the house to prepare things when Li Yun’s words fell 2.4, and wanted to punish some of the people who lived in the yard, Jia Zhang’s and so on, and did not want to face.

It was at this time that Liu Guangfu, who was not too big to see the excitement, also returned home at this moment.

After pushing open the door, I saw that after he rummaged through the cabinets and got under the bed, he found a pair of broken shoes that he had not worn for many years, and took them out at this time.

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