Chapter 184: Hurry up and drag them out.

The other neighbors all gathered around at this moment, binding Jia Zhangshi, Qin Huairu, He Daqing, Yi Zhonghai and others.

It was at this time that the people in the courtyard also understood at this time that the eldest master was a hypocrite, who had been helping He Yuzhu before, that is, he did not have a son and a half daughter who wanted He Yuzhu to give him a pension.

Although Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi tried their best to maintain the stick terrier and not let the dog be bullied in the yard, but so many neighbors surrounded at once, just with the two women, how could they be the opponents of so many neighbors in the yard.

It was at this time that Qin Huairu and Jia Zhangshi had already been arrested by the people in the yard, and I don’t know who was in the yard at this time31? Unexpectedly, a rope was handed out at this critical time.

It seems that these two faceless women have done something wrong and have offended the neighbors in the entire yard, so with the help of everyone, they quickly tied up Qin Huairu, Jia Zhangshi, and the faceless He Daqing, Yi Zhonghai and others.

It was at this time that the stick terrier who originally wanted to escape was also tied up by the neighbors at this time, and what was even more funny was that the pair of broken shoes brought by Liu Guangfu were tied with a rope and hung around his neck.

When I saw this, all the people, this was satisfied, after all, after doing such a shameful thing, this is already the greatest endure for them, not letting them enter the game to eat peanuts and rice, even if they burned high incense in their last lives.


Under the combined force of everyone, the four people were quickly tied up, and the stick terrier walked in the front, and the neighbors pulled the rope at this moment, and the left and right clusters around them had already pulled them out of the courtyard.

Although the four of them used all their strength to resist when they tied them up, in front of so many neighbors, the strength they used to resist paled in comparison.

“Quickly drag them out, just when there are many people on the street, let everyone take a good look at their faces, let everyone see Qin Huairu and let everyone see, Jia Zhangshi and the two faceless old men in our yard, what the hell are doing.”

It was at this time that Li Yun over there continued to arch the fire standing in the yard, and this remark had just been spoken, which completely angered the atmosphere of these neighbors standing in the yard.

I saw that the strong men in the courtyard pulled the rope and had forcibly pulled the four people out of the courtyard, and at this time, they had already come to the street.

Even in Benggang, when he was walking in the front, someone slapped him on the head697, and insulted them while pulling them towards the bustling street.

The unprecedented liveliness immediately made everyone on the street interested.

This chaotic sound made all the residents living nearby walk out of their homes at this moment and come to the street to see the liveliness. As the saying goes, good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

In less than half an hour, Qin Huairu, Jia Zhang, and the courtyard were two faceless bad old men, and the problem of life style had spread here.

At this moment, those old men who did not work at home, the old aunts were also angry when they heard the news.

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