Chapter 62 Dear, this water pipe is rifled oh, are you sure not to come one?!!

When Su Chen rested well, there were not a few minutes left before the launch, Su Chen asked Assistant Zhang to call the other workers back, there were too few people here and it would seem intimidating.

After all, those people in the Black Continent were a little very barbaric, and Su Chen was not at ease, so he put these products produced in the factory on the bright side.

When everyone arrived, the loudspeakers on the exhibition signaled the start of the exhibition.

“The Yangcheng Weapons Exhibition has officially begun!”

Hearing the sound of the development coming from the radio, the manufacturers in the booth returned to their places one after another, afraid that there would be too many people to find the booth for a while.

“Director, I don’t know if those people from the mainland will say our words.”

“I don’t speak English.”

“If they ask how these pipes are sold and how to return, I practiced English all night last night and only remembered howoldareyo.”

Seeing everyone’s tangled looks, Su Chen patted them on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, leave the negotiations to me when the time comes.” You just have to watch from the sidelines. ”

With Su Chen’s assurance, everyone was relieved.

As soon as the show began, many people poured in outside.

Black skin came in through the doorway, all of them tall and tall, some wearing military uniforms, accompanied by translators

Su Chen was a little surprised, originally he thought that there should be fewer military exhibitions like this.

After all, the black continent has always been turbulent, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between countries has not been long ago, and these people in the black continent may still be struggling to survive locally, and they may not have the money to buy arms.

Su Chen presided over the booth with the workers of the rolling mill.

Half an hour after the opening of the exhibition, the people coming and going changed from the yellow-skinned officers of the domestic country to the black-skinned officers of the black continent.

These officers of the Black Continent were very impressed with the products at the weapons exhibition

But many of them had no excitement or anticipation on their faces.

This Yangcheng military exhibition has been held more than once 25, and many officers from the Black Continent have come to visit before, but they did not find any weapons worth buying at all in the booths of the exhibition.

In previous exhibitions, the weapons they saw were very backward, if not for a glimmer of hope, they would come to participate every time, and when they completely lost hope in this exhibition, even if more powerful manufacturers came to participate later, they would not come to buy products.

The weapons on other booths are somewhat backward and shoddy, but these factories may not be able to produce qualified products, you must know that the country’s demand for weapons is also very high, those serious manufacturers are mostly specialized in supplying the country to produce weapons, will not come here to exhibit.

The officers of the Black Continent were all picking and choosing all kinds of weapons at the exhibition, and they were all strong and muscular.

Su Chen could understand the native language of their own country spoken by them, so the self-righteous whispers of these officers were all listened to by Su Chen.

“This weapon is also too backward, I remember it was seventy years ago, I didn’t expect to see it here.”

“What is the difference between taking back this backward weapon and fighting the enemy with a stick.”

Two officers chatted quietly around a booth.

They were next door to Su Chen, and he could hear it clearly.

Su Chen glanced at the weapon on the side, this gun was indeed very ancient, just a little, almost comparable to a flintlock gun.

Although the asking price of this weapon was very cheap, he would not ask for it if he gave it to Su Chen.

After the two officers looked at the booth, they went to check it out again.

“I said don’t come to the military exhibition here, you see what kind of garbage they all take to perfunctory us.”

A tall officer had an impatient look on his face.

“After all, it is a powerful country in the world, let’s see if we can pick up good equipment.”

Another shorter officer reassured him.

The two have been shopping around this exhibition for most of the time, but they still haven’t found their favorite products.

The gold content of this Yangcheng military exhibition is too low for the officers.

They sometimes even wonder if the people of this country look down on them, so they take out this garbage to perfunctory them.

However, these officers will not say this even with their own people, after all, they are still accompanied by the interpreter, if the interpreter tells these words

Others, maybe these officers will be banned from entering the country.

Even if they can’t look at the weapons of these exhibitions, they are not willing to give up the opportunity to enter this powerful ancient country.

“This weapon looks really good, very powerful.”

“But one is worth two hundred dollars, I think it’s better to forget it.”

The other two officers whispered at a distance from Su Chen.

Su Chen glanced less, this weapon is a standard weapon, and it is also currently being used by the country, but to sell it to the officers of the Black Continent, the price will not be so beautiful.

Indeed, there are still some weapons at this exhibition that can make these officers of the Black Continent look at them.

It’s just that the price of these weapons is too expensive, and for these officers, even if they are crazy to accumulate money locally, they will not squeeze much money.

The people at the bottom are so poor that even if they want to buy weapons to defend their homeland, they can’t afford it.

Su Chen noticed that there were quite a few officers who even had patches on their clothes

The ranks of some officers looked relatively close to the domestic style, and Su Chen could also judge that there were several officers who seemed to have a good status.

Even so, however, they could not afford to pay the expensive price of a weapon.

After all, no matter how powerful weapons are, if you can only buy one or two, it is useless scrap iron in their hands.

The wars in the countries of the Black Continent are very simple, closer to Murakami’s armed fights.

In many cases, the weapons these soldiers carry are sticks or firearms that have been obsolete for many years.

There were many soldiers of the Black Continent, still holding flintlock guns, which were weapons that were only used during World War I.

Therefore, the officers can’t wait to upgrade their equipment, they don’t need much, even a dozen can change the whole battle.

It’s just that the Black Continent is also shrouded in the shadow of Eagle Sauce.

As long as they are willing to be a dog of Eagle Sauce, they can get many decent eliminated weapons.

But there are always officers of the Black Continent who are unwilling to succumb to the coercion of Eagle Sauce, but want to find a way out on their own.

It is precisely because of this that they came to the Yangcheng Military Exhibition, wanting to find weapons that would enable them to win the battlefield.

However, this exhibition was held for several sessions, and the needs of the officers of the Black Continent have not been satisfied.

For them, it seems that peace is already a hopeless thing.

Black Continent officers looked around for many weapons, but few placed orders for them.

Since these weapons are either too old, old or too expensive, most of them just take a look.

This time was basically the same as the previous exhibition, the Black Continent officers showed disappointment, walking in the exhibition, but still did not find what they wanted.

The weapons placed in the booths of these domestic manufacturers did not meet the needs of the officers of the Black Continent at all.

So don’t look at the flow of people so much, still no one buys.

However, one of these cookie-cutter manufacturers has a booth that looks very strange.

The Black Continent officers found that Su Chen’s booth did not have any banner ads

And all they put out is a round thing that looks like a water pipe.

There is no trigger and no gun body, it looks like an ordinary water pipe.

Such a magical scene made the Black Continent officers full of curiosity.

The ten sentences of the former middle school – Snabanzuo, the ringing eye can recognize what it is.

However, the water pipe that Su Chen placed on the booth made everyone scratch their heads.

His peculiar things here quickly attracted the attention of many officers.

“That booth looks very special, is he selling water pipes?”

“Could it be that the organizers of the exhibition could not find manufacturers to participate, so they took water pipes to make up the numbers?”

“I see that the person in charge of that booth seems to be very confident, so let’s go and see what he sells.”

The conversations of the officers soon spread throughout the exhibition.

The officers, who were disappointed with the other booths, chose to come to Su Chen’s booth to check the situation.

Soon, Su Chen’s booth attracted a lot of people.

The booth at the Red Star Rolling Mill was different from everyone else, and they did not display finished weapons, but only water pipes.

The product that Su Chen took was actually the only one in the entire exhibition, and it was not a booth with weapons.

Its special makes the officers very curious, what is the mystery of this water pipe?

But within a few moments, many officers gathered around the booth of the rolling mill, curiously pointing at the water pipes.

“Or you can ask first to see what he is selling.”

“Forget it, I don’t think this thing looks like a weapon.”

“Maybe ask what surprises you can have, after all, our other booths are pretty much the same.”

Several officers whispered in front of Su Chen, unaware of what they said, and had been thoroughly listened to by the young man on the other side.

Everyone hesitated for a long time, and they couldn’t see what was special about the water pipe.

Seeing this, several officers were ready to ask Su Chen.

One of the officers couldn’t hold back and asked Su Chen directly, he was speaking the native language of his country, and the exhibition interpreter on the side followed him, and he was also curious.

“What kind of weapon are you?”

Without waiting for the translator to say this, Su Chen directly introduced the man in the language of the officer’s hometown.

“This is a civilian product, a water pipe, used to connect water.”

Su Chen picked up the water pipe, placed it in front of the officer, and showed him it

Seeing that Su Chen could actually speak the local language, the translator on the side widened his eyes in surprise.

You must know that this officer’s hometown is a very remote country, and many people do not specifically learn their country’s language.

And this officer usually speaks English outside.

At first hearing the familiar hometown dialect, the officer was also stunned.

“Do you speak the language of my country?”

“I used to learn a little bit.”

Su Chen acted modestly, as if he had just accomplished a trivial thing.

So many people gathered in front of Su Chen’s booth, which also attracted the attention of the exhibition organizers, in addition to the officers gathered here and the accompanying translators, the 017 exhibition organizers also sent responsible persons to check it out.

Everyone watched Su Chen speak the language of the officer’s country so fluently.

They all showed surprised expressions.

Hearing what Su Chen said about the introduction of the water pipe, everyone was even more shocked.

“Are you kidding? Is the water pipe a code word for your country? ”

The officer did not believe that what was in front of him was just an ordinary water pipe, and asked Su Chen again.

“It’s really a water pipe.”

Su Chen denied the officers’ illusions.

As soon as he said these words, the people present turned from surprise to loss.

Originally, I thought that this thing was some hidden big secret.

I didn’t expect it to really be a water pipe.

The person in charge of the exhibition organizer was even more disappointed.

“It seems that nothing can be sold this time.”

Although this exhibition is nominally a military exhibition, in fact, many civilian products have appeared in the exhibition in previous years, so Su Chen said that this is a water pipe, and no one doubts it at present.

It’s just that they all feel very strange, how can someone like Su Chen who came with civilian products, especially water pipes, show such confidence.

The person in charge of the exhibition shook his head and said darkly.

“The black continent is already arid and short of water, who of them will buy water pipes.”

Just when everyone felt lost, and many people had already dispersed, Su Chen spoke again.

“Our water pipe is seamless steel pipe, and there are some small innovations in it, and in order to make the water flow faster, we have increased the rifling.”

As soon as these words came out, the people who were about to leave stopped and looked back at Su Chen.

In Su Chen’s words, especially the words rifling and steel pipe, he added emphasis.

Su Chen spoke English that they all understood, and the officers present instantly lit up their eyes after hearing it.

If it’s just an ordinary water pipe, forget it, but Su Chen, this is a seamless steel pipe

As officers of the Black Continent, they knew all too well the importance of seamless steel pipes.

To produce steel itself requires a certain heavy industry base, and to produce seamless steel pipes requires more solid technology.

None of the countries of the Black Continent has been able to produce it.

Their country has been plagued by poverty and hunger, let alone the production of seamless steel pipes, even if they are fired by the indigenous method, very few can be used.

The immaturity of the industrial chain has led to the development of heavy industry in the countries of the Black Continent, which is close to nothing.

If it weren’t for the fact that the country has been helping to build the Black Continent, they don’t want to produce weapons, and even leaving the Black Continent is a luxury…

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