Chapter 75 Accept the tractor factory and make Yang Xue’s mouth sour!!

Once the plant director and workers’ representatives agreed, there were no other obstacles.

“Since there is no problem, then let’s sign a contract, and then ask someone from the notary office to come and notarize it.”

Su Chen said to Director Wu.

He also moved quickly, after all, if the contract could be signed earlier, the tractor factory could become a factory under his name earlier.

And the night is long and dreamy, there is no need to delay it any longer.

Director Wu was also very willing to sell the factory to Su Chen.

Su Chen took out two contracts, which were adapted from the contracts he used when he bought the rolling mill before.

Director Wu asked the accountant in the factory to take a look, and he himself carefully examined the contract.

“You go and ask someone from the notary office.”

Director Wu instructed his assistant to sign the contract and let the notary public confirm it together, and he could not sign it privately.

In this way, even if there is legal effect, but when it comes to such a large factory as a tractor factory, there may still be loopholes.

Director Wu’s assistant got the order and immediately ran out.

He went to ask the people from the notary office on his side, while Director Wu and Su Chen continued to look at the contract.

“The content of the contract is written like this, there is no objection.”

“I will take over the factory with 500,000 wholly, and then I will not fire these employees.”

In fact, there are still many details in the contract, but the main content is only these Su Chen pointed to the terms on the contract to show Director Wu one by one

Although Director Wu didn’t think much about the contract, as the director of the factory, he also understood it, so he looked down and carefully examined it and agreed.

“No problem, that’s what we just said.”

Seeing Director Wu agree, Su Chen handed him another contract.

After both parties have determined that there is no problem with the contract and there are no objections, it is signed immediately.

Su Chen had already written his name and stamped the official seal directly in the back, just waiting for Director Wu’s side.

Director Wu checked that there was no problem, and also happily signed his name and stamped his official seal.

The contract is now in force.

Fortunately, although the tractor factory is also remote, there is a notary office staff living nearby, so it does not take much time to call people over

The assistant director of the factory Wu was also very fast, and when the two discussed the details of the contract, they had already quickly run to the notary office to pull people.

“Your tractor factory is going to be sold?”

The notary office employee was pulled by the assistant and asked in disbelief.

Although the Red Star Rolling Mill is now in full swing, everyone knows that the state-owned mill will only decline, so it is unlikely that anyone will be willing to take over at this time.

Hearing the doubts of the notary office staff, the assistant gave him a blank look and said.

“Then it must have been sold to find you, otherwise let you come over for lunch?”

“I tell you, our future director is the director of the rolling mill.”

“Are you talking about that Red Star Rolling Mill?!”

The staff of the notary office looked shocked.

The matter of the Red Star Rolling Mill had long been spread in Sijiu City, and he thought that he had heard it wrong, and repeatedly confirmed it several times.

The assistant was tired of hearing it, and quickly nodded.

“It’s that Red Star Rolling Mill, you move quickly, our director is going to sign the contract now.”

“Hurry, this is a historic moment!”

The notary office employees ran forward desperately without being pulled.

Although Su Chen took over the Changhong Tractor Factory, it does not necessarily mean that it can be brought to glory, at least it will certainly not be on the verge of bankruptcy as it is now.

The staff of the notary office was in a state of excitement at the moment.

If he could bear witness, it would be one of the most famous moments in history.

The two ran back and forth to the tractor factory, and the assistant took the notary office staff all the way to the conference room.

The two came just in time, Su Chen and Director Wu had just finished reading the contract and were ready to sign.

When the notary office staff saw this, they understood that this was genuine.

He quickly began the notarization session.

When the notarization was completed and the contract was signed, Changhong Tractor Factory officially became a factory under Su Chen’s name.

Director Wu also breathed a sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

He no longer had to worry that the tractor factory would run and that employees would be laid off.

He no longer had to bear these pressures.

With Su Chen at the moment, it seems that the future Changhong Tractor Factory will be better and better.

Yang Xue saw this scene on the side, and her mouth was a little sour in shock.

When she followed Su Chen, she didn’t plan to interject Su Chen’s decision.

It’s just that seeing that Su Chen actually bought the tractor factory, Yang Xue still felt a little unbelievable.

They just walked around the tractor factory, and it didn’t even take a few hours for Su Chen to actually sign a contract with Director Wu.

Yang Xue is not a flower in a greenhouse, she followed this circle and already understood how profitable the tractor factory is.

Don’t look at this factory now only a little more than three hundred people, but they are fully equipped, and the workers also have technology, it will not be long before they can receive orders, they will earn at least 100,000 yuan a year.

A factory like this good can actually be bought with 500,000? And this is still a wholly-owned acquisition.

It’s also too cheap!

Yang Xue couldn’t believe that Su Chen had such a method.

She had also heard about what happened when Su Chen took over the rolling mill before.

When Yang Xue inquired about Su Chen’s situation, he had already heard that the contract signed by the rolling mill that Su Chen took over before was a responsibility system, and Su Chen had to be responsible for the rolling mill not to fail, otherwise he would not only have to bear losses, but also pay legal responsibility.

Otherwise, the rolling mill would not have been taken over by Su Chen at such a low price.

If Yang Xue knew that there was such a factory, maybe she would take over at that time.

But the Red Star Rolling Mill is actually not so easy to take.

Yang Xue admitted that even after she took over the rolling mill, she would not necessarily be able to meet the conditions in the contract.

Unless she wants to use the identity of the Yang Group.

After all, examples like Su Chen that can bring a rolling mill back to life are really too rare.

Yang Xue also admired Su Chen doubly because of this.

If the tractor factory also signed this kind of contract like a rolling mill, Yang Xue could also understand why it only needed 250,000 to buy it.

But at present, the tractor factory contract signed by Su Chen is no responsibility, which means that even if Su Chen buys the tractor factory and sells it to others, there is no problem.

You must know that the rolling mill is not allowed to resell, even if he holds it in his hand, he must create benefits for the rolling mill.

Yang Xue was completely incomprehensible.

Could it be that everyone in the tractor factory is stupid?

Why would they allow Su Chen to pocket the tractor factory at such a low price?

Yang Xue’s doubts were something she couldn’t figure out anyway.

However, the reason for all this is actually very simple.

The reason why Director Wu was willing to believe Su Chen, and the reason why the employees of the tractor factory were willing to agree.

It’s all for the same reason.

That is Su Chen succeeded.

After Su Chen signed the contract with the rolling mill, he really took the workers of the rolling mill to live a good life, and there will be a steady stream of foreign exchange orders in the future, and the workers’ lives have a head, so the people of the tractor factory will be willing to believe Su Chen.

If the person who came to buy this time is not him, but other nobodies.

Neither Director Wu nor the other employees of the tractor factory would want to believe it.

After all, Su Chen has a reputation, and he has very hard strength.

Therefore, for Director Wu, it did not matter how much money he had, he sold the factory more in the hope that the workers could also live a good life.

The workers of the tractor factory are looking forward to Su Chen bringing them a better life

That’s why they are willing to accept such a young person as their new plant director.

After Su Chen signed the contract, he carefully returned one of the revenues.

“Director Su, this Changhong Tractor Factory also belongs to you, I hope you can take it with you to do better and better.”

Director Wu looked out the window with a little nostalgia.

Extending his line of sight is a very old sculpture of a tractor.

That’s the hallmark of the Changhong Tractor Factory.

At this time, he recalled the moment when he had just taken over the Changhong Tractor Factory.

At that time, the tractor factory was still a well-known factory, with more than 3,000 employees.

Although it is still small compared to the scale of a rolling mill, repairing a tractor is enough.

And at that time, the Changhong Tractor Factory was a veritable manufacturer of tractors.

However, in recent years, it has become more and more lonely, and even to this day.

Looking out the window, Director Wu’s emotions were very complicated.

Su Chen said with a smile.

“There is no problem, the tractor factory is in my hands, I will develop it better and better.”

Su Chen shook hands with Director Wu.

“Then I’ll go find my new employee.”

Director Wu nodded and followed.

Everyone came to the factory together.

Now Su Chen came here no longer as a visitor, but as the owner of this factory.

As soon as they entered, they immediately caught the attention of the employees.

The employees of the tractor factory stopped their work, and the production line was also stopped.

“Hello comrades.”

Su Chen looked around and stood on a table.

As soon as he spoke, the entire staff of the tractor factory could see it.

“My name is Su Chen, I don’t know if you have heard my name, I am the director of the Hongxing Rolling Mill, and I will also be the director of the Changhong Tractor Factory in the future.”

“Now that this tractor factory belongs to me, I will not fire the old employees at present.”

As soon as he said this, the employees of the Changhong Tractor Factory at the scene immediately cheered.

Finally, the savior was expected, and the employees were very excited.

Su Chen had to press down with both hands to calm down for the employees to calm down before continuing to speak.

“I know that everyone is holding a fire in their hearts now, and when the tractor factory is completely reopened, your treatment will gradually be on par with that of the rolling mill.”

Su Chen noticed that the current production line, the scale was too small, and most of the employees had nothing to do.

It is precisely because the tractor factory has not received many orders for their production.

Therefore, the Changhong Tractor Factory is not at all resuming work.

Even if these parts are now produced in the factory, Su Chen estimates that they can only be used to repair the Longhong 28 tractor outside.

The workers became even more excited to hear that they would be treated better.

“Can we also get piecework like a rolling mill?”

“And we can get one percent profit by designing a new product, do we also have such treatment?”

“Can we really pay our salaries?”


For a time, the workers’ questions poured towards Su Chen.

Su Chen pressed down with both hands and waited for the workers to be a little quieter before he began to answer.

“Of course, you will be treated the same as the employees of the rolling mill.”

“However, it depends on the production efficiency of the tractor factory after that, and it will not be in place in one step.”

“Don’t be impatient everyone, as long as everyone works hard, the treatment will be raised soon.”

When Su Chen said this, he was not prepared to feed these employees too full at once.

After all, tractor factories and rolling mills are different.

As latecomers, they must not be treated the same as the workers in the rolling mill

If Su Chen gave them the best treatment as soon as he came up, then the workers of these tractor factories are likely to be passive.

Moreover, there will be many workers who think that Su Chen is a good talker, so they deliberately delay.

Su Chen knows very well that there are many thieves among the workers, don’t see that they have such a deep affection for the tractor factory at the moment, if Su Chen thinks that these workers are harmless to humans and animals, then it is a big mistake.

Didn’t a seemingly honest person like a stupid pillar also do something to harm the interests of the factory?

Therefore, Su Chen will not take it lightly, but deliberately use this method to make the employees of the tractor factory grateful to him.

When Su Chen improved his treatment step by step and accepted all the employees of the tractor factory, it was also time when Su Chen was willing to regard the tractor factory as his core factory.

Until then, tractor factory employees were not willing to be treated on an equal footing with rolling mill workers.

For these ideas of Su Chen, the employees of the tractor factory were completely unaware.

They only note that their treatment will be improved and that they will not be fired now.

With Su Chen’s assurance, the cheers of the employees almost overturned the roof.

This is the promise of the only director of the Four Nine Cities and even the whole country to make the state-owned factory bigger and stronger.

Most of the state-owned factories have closed down in the face of the current wave of reform, and even those who are still alive are only surviving.

Only a very small number of state-owned factories can maintain a relatively good operating situation.

Like Su Chen, who took over halfway and did better and better, it was unique.

Being able to work under such a powerful plant director, the employees of the tractor factory are also full of confidence.

Another reason why Su Chen did this was to avoid an unbalanced mentality among the workers in the rolling mill.

As long as Su Chen took over the tractor factory, then this news could not be concealed, and the workers of the rolling mill would know about it sooner or later.

Once Su Chen decided to make the employees of the tractor factory treated the same as the workers in the rolling mill, then the workers in the rolling mill would think that Su Chen paid more attention to the tractor factory.

In this way, the unbalanced mentality will make the workers in the rolling mill passive.

Why is it that such a small factory does not have more income than the rolling mill, they can get the same salary.

In order to prevent the workers from having such thoughts, Su Chen made a decisive decision to press the tractor factory first…

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