Chapter 171 – The Stick Terrier Was Captured by the Natives, Miserable!.

The two chatted at the test site for a while, and only after the weather cleared outside did Su Chen stand up with the diplomatic ambassador.

The military leader did not plan to follow Su Chen now, he wanted to chat with Li Shengtian and the group to see if they could be set out.

Although what Su Chen said was not reliable, what he did was still very reliable. Therefore, the military leadership wants to know, how did these rain gas bombs come about?

It’s not that he wants to spy on Su Chen’s research secrets, the military leaders are just interested in the high-caliber students who have developed rain bombs. Not long ago, he also knew about the sudden increase in college employment rate.

It was because Su Chen’s Red Star Rolling Mill was involved in it that the employment rate of colleges and universities in Sijiu City increased. Looking at these high-caliber students, the military leaders even more cherished their talents.

Being able to develop rain bombs shows that these high-caliber students are still very good. If you recruit to work in a military factory, you may be able to build better weapons.

On the one hand, the military leader was pondering the poaching, and on the other side, Su Chen brought the diplomatic ambassador of Baba Sheep to the restaurant restaurant. The two sat in Su Chen’s box.

Su Chen specially explained to David Wang that the Baba Sheep diplomatic ambassador he was going to receive was a believer and had dietary taboos. David Wang’s ancestor was a palace chef, and naturally he also knew these taboos, and nodded so that Su Chen didn’t have to worry. The two sat still and waited for a while, and the table full of food came up one after another.

When the diplomatic ambassador saw it, they were all dishes that he had never seen before. All of them are very dressed up.

Seeing this, the diplomatic ambassador was even more curious: “What are these?” ”

He picked up his chopsticks and didn’t act jerky in the slightest.

Su Chen introduced the dishes on the table to the diplomatic ambassador one by one. The two happily ate a big meal.

The diplomatic ambassador was even more satisfied.

It was the first time he had eaten such a delicious dish.

When Su Chen saw that the diplomatic ambassador was eating happily, he also smiled.

After the meal, the diplomatic ambassador asked with some concern: “How will the trucks I ordered be transported to Baba Sheep?” ”

The diplomatic ambassador knew that there was no way to send someone on Babayang’s side.

Su Chen was not worried at all, he waved his hand and said: “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about the transportation problem, I can send things directly through the military’s channels.” ”

After all, he also knew that the Baba sheep were fighting hotly now.

Su Chen knew that if Mao Ran sent things over, he was afraid that they would be robbed by the white elephant instead. So transportation problems are bound to trouble the military.

During this time, the white elephants have clashed with Baba sheep on one side, and on the other hand, they have shown their international might. In the face of these white elephants who did not have a number in their hearts, Su Chen also wanted to see them unlucky.

When the diplomatic ambassador heard Su Chen say this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As a diplomatic ambassador, he certainly knows that his country is still very poor and weak, and there is no way to confront the Arab San. Not because the soldiers of the Baba sheep were not bloody, but they were not supported by strong weapons.

The diplomatic ambassador was even more worried that this time the weapons were shipped back, and they would be robbed by the tactics of the sea of people sent by Ah San halfway. With this guarantee from Su Chen, the diplomatic ambassador did not have to worry that the weapons he bought would not be useful.

While Su Chen and Baba Yang’s diplomatic ambassador were chatting and relaxing, on the other hand, the stick terrier finally fled the country’s land in Ethiopia.

He used all his strength to get out of the camp and fled without looking back. Taking advantage of the night, the stick terrier ran out for several miles in one breath.

But he soon became tired, and the pampering he had been pampering all the time made the stick terrier’s physical strength not very good, coupled with today’s high-intensity labor, the stick terrier felt tired.

He wrapped up his clothes and fell asleep under a large rock to lee. When the stick terrier woke up, all he saw was the blazing sun.

When the sun is scorching, the stick terrier wants to escape, but finds that he has unknowingly run into the desert. He obviously ran towards the port, but somehow ran in the opposite direction.

This area can be very dangerous, and the day in the desert is extremely hot. The stick terrier was completely unprepared to face the desert.

It was the first time he had arrived in such an environment.

Therefore, the stick terrier looked at everything in front of him and felt very frightened.

He never thought that the desert would be so terrifying, after all, when he came yesterday, although the surrounding facilities were rudimentary, they could barely survive.

After surviving the cold of the night, the thick clothes on the stick terrier took away the moisture on his body. The sun soon rises to its highest point, and the stick terrier can’t wait to throw away the clothes he is wearing.

However, there is not much water left on him.

Waking up early in the morning feeling thirsty, the stick terrier drank most of his kettle in one go.

While looking at the sun, he looked around for the markers he had found yesterday when he came to the land of Ethiopia. However, no matter how the stick terrier looks, it does not see anything noteworthy.

Soon the stick terrier could not stand the burning of the sun, and quickly found a place to avoid the shade and squatted.

He managed to find a big and stout tree, but the tree could only bring a trace of shade. For the stick terrier, it is tantamount to a drop in the bucket.

Even though he was in the shade, the heat of the sun was still evaporating the moisture on the stem stem. In the desert, it is like a steamer, and the sweat on the stick stem continues to flow out.

As a northerner, where had he seen this kind of posture, and the heat he had never experienced made the stick terrier feel extremely desperate. The first time I came to the desert, I was taught a lesson by the desert.

The stick was shrunk under the shade of the trees, and there was less and less water in the kettle, and he could only save a small sip. However, this does not quench thirst at all.

But there was no more water on the stick terrier for him to rehydrate.

Seeing that the sun was still hanging in the sky, the stick terrier was desperate to find that it was only afternoon. It will take a few more hours until the sun goes down.

And after the sun goes down, he has to face cold nights. The last drop of water in the stick terrier kettle was drunk by him.

However, the dilemma of thirst has not been solved at all. Seeing that he was about to die of thirst in the desert.

In desperation, the stick terrier had to untie his trouser belt and give himself a soak of urine. At least urine is water.

He was already so thirsty that his eyes were blackened and confused.

If you don’t add some water, the stick terrier is afraid that he will die in the desert. The temperature was still rising, and the stick felt a dry crack in his throat.

After drinking urine despite the stench, the stick stalk still felt very thirsty. The urine was simply not enough to relieve him.

Are you going to die of heat in the desert today? His heart was filled with despair.

At this time, the stick terrier began to regret why he didn’t stay on the land of Ethiopia, at least it would not die of thirst. However, at this time, he no longer knew where to go back.

No matter how much he regrets it now, he is no longer able to return to heaven.

Just when the stick terrier was so thirsty that he almost hallucinated, some voices came from his ears. Unfamiliar language sounded around the stick terrier.

The stick terrier raised his head with difficulty and saw a group of natives appear in front of him.

There were no strands on their bodies, and their dark skin seemed to glow.

The stick terrier was shocked to find that these blacks all seemed to be in a primitive tribe. A wave of fear rose in his heart.

However, the stick terrier does not have any ability to resist at the moment. He was so thirsty that he almost fainted.

These black natives patrol their territory and discover a strange outsider. Originally, they planned to kill the stick terrier.

However, a dark, fat indigenous woman stood up. She took a fancy to the appearance of the stick terrier.

I had never seen such a strange person, so the black woman was full of curiosity about the stick terrier. When the other blacks saw this, they did not intend to kill the stick terrier, but arrested him. This group of natives carried the stick terrier back to the tribe like a pig.

By the time the stick terrier woke up, it was already evening.

He was kept in a cage and everything outside was very strange.

The stick terrier looked at everything around him in fear, whether it was rusty iron or a lit bonfire, everything seemed so unusual.

He didn’t know where he was, and just as he was panicking, a black native came to the cage of the stick terrier. The native spoke a language that the stick terrier could not understand, and he opened the cage door while extending his hand to the stick terrier… The stick terrier shrank back in fear, but the cage was too small to avoid the hands of the natives.

The natives directly dragged the stick terrier out of the cage.

The stick terrier was afraid and motionless, and was dragged up by the natives, pushing and shoving forward. Soon he was taken to a black land by the natives.

The natives threw down a piece of wood in front of the stick terrier, which looked a bit like a hoe.

The male native gestured to the stick terrier that he was using this stick to cultivate the land. The stick terrier did not dare to move, looking at the natives as if in a daze.

Seeing this, the natives grinned fiercely, pulled out a whip from their waist, and pumped it on the body of the stick terrier. The stick terrier was beaten and screamed, and quickly picked up the stick.

Seeing that the stick terrier was willing to work, the aborigine said a few more vague words and pointed to the land to let the stick terrier work quickly. The stick terrier realized at this moment that he was taken prisoner by this native.

He immediately bent down and began to plow, not wanting to be beaten with a whip anymore.

While monitoring the work of the stick terrier, the natives took advantage of his lazy efforts to whip it. After a few times, the stick terrier no longer dared to be lazy, and could only obediently cultivate it.

He did not expect that although he survived, he was treated as a slave and had to sell hard work to survive. Although I don’t know what the situation of these natives is, the stick terrier is now invincible with two fists and four hands.

Just as he looked up, he found that there were also many indigenous people in the distance. Faced with so many enemies, there was no way for the stick terrier to escape.

Therefore, he could only cultivate with hatred while trying to get less whips.

Seeing that the stick terrier was doing well, the natives nodded with satisfaction and watched the stick terrier work under the shade of the trees on the side. After the sun went down, the stick terrier was finally brought back by the natives.

The stick terrier, who had a sore back, thought that he could return to the cage to rest well, but he did not expect that the natives turned a corner and led him to the location of a pile of dirt houses.

The stick terrier suddenly became nervous, could it be because he was unfavorable to his work, and he planned to kill him? In the impression of the stick terrier, these natives can eat people.

However, to the surprise of the stick terrier, the tall native, brought the stick terrier to a dirt house, and then motioned for the stick terrier to enter. The stick terrier has been beaten for a day today, and at this moment he is already very good at obeying orders, and when he sees this, he decisively enters the earthen house.

There is an oil lamp lit in the earthen house, and I don’t know what animal fat is made of it.

When he walked in, he saw a dark and fat indigenous woman in the room. The indigenous woman saw the stick terrier enter the house and waved to him with a smile.

The stick terrier walked over hesitantly. The 5.2 stick terrier looked at the female aboriginal in horror and pushed the other party.

However, he was already thin and weak, and coupled with a thousand hours of hard work, his back was even more sore and his legs were weak. In the face of a strong, black and fat female native, the stick terrier had no power to fight back.

The screams of the stick terrier were intermittent.

The next day, the stick terrier was still sleeping in a daze, and was woken up by a slap from the natives.

The aboriginal mouth said something, but the stick terrier didn’t understand it at all, but when he saw the aborigine pointing to the place where he worked yesterday, the stick terrier knew the meaning of the other party better.

The memory of yesterday’s beating was still fresh on his body, and the stick terrier nodded and obediently followed, taking tools to do those fortunate jobs, which were much harder than he was in the courtyard.

The stick terrier who has been pampered since childhood has not suffered this kind at all, but there is no way, he does not dare to resist at all, but whenever he has any action to resist, it is a beating.

At this moment, the stick terrier’s heart produced incomparable regret, regretting why he escaped and why he went abroad. So this period of time of the stick terrier is like this, repeating the daytime as a coolie, and at night being tortured by black and fat female blacks.

Such a painful life, as if there is no end in sight. The stick terrier tried to resist, but the native’s whip was so painful that he had to give in.

Such a day when life is better than death, day by day, the stick terrier gradually became numb. As long as you can survive, then this situation can only be endured.

On the other side, Qin Huairu, who was locked up in prison in Four Nine City, was still wondering why they had been locked up for so long, but the stick terrier had not come to visit them once.

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