Chapter 183: Grab the cruise ship, Su Chen earns over!.

This time, in addition to the gambling king, several casino owners from the village also rushed over.

They all had their own channels and heard the news that the gambling king was coming to the mainland, so they all followed. These people are not stupid either, and they see the business opportunities of luxury cruise ships from the “God of Gamblers” movie.

Being able to sit in the position of a casino owner is still more or less active in the heart.

Therefore, the casino owners of these Australian villages, no matter what the face of the gambling king is, they have to squeeze on the plane and come together.

The gambling king’s side hurried to catch up, but he still encountered a competitor, and he was quite unhappy in his heart, but his face was still very indifferent.

His personable appearance made it difficult for other casino owners to step forward to block people.

Several casino owners who discussed together to take the plane have already studied from the movie [God of Gamblers], and that luxury cruise ship can only be built by Su Chen’s White Sail Shipyard.

During this period after watching the movie, they were not idle, constantly searching for information on luxury cruise ships, but there are not many shipyards in China that are now shipbuilding, and most of them have closed.

Under the economic downturn, only Su Chen’s Baifan Shipyard is still operating normally, and in a short period of time, the bosses can pick up ships As for those shipyards abroad, the orders are scheduled until next year, if you wait until then to transport luxury cruise ships to China, I am afraid that the yellow cauliflower is cold.

Therefore, these casino owners, even if they saw the gambling king’s displeased face towards them, they all followed hard.

After this group landed, Su Chen greeted him.

Su Chen was a little strange when he saw a large group of people behind the gambling king, he only heard the gambling king mention that he would come over, but he didn’t expect to bring so many people.

The owners of these casinos had also checked Su Chen’s information, and of course knew that the young looking man in front of him was actually the director of several factories.

Among these casino owners, the strongest one quickly stood up and greeted Su Chen: “Director Su, hello, after watching the movie [God of Gamblers] you invested, we also want to buy a cruise ship to see.” ”

When Su Chen heard this, he also suddenly realized, and when he saw that there was a new business coming to his door, he naturally greeted him with a smile: “Welcome all bosses to the mainland, let’s visit the shipyard together.” ”

When everyone heard Su Chen say this, they all nodded and agreed, they did not come to play this time, but to do business, so Su Chen did not say that he would receive them to eat, but it was in line with their wishes.

Everyone followed behind Su Chen and got into the car together, and Su Chen took them all the way to Baifan Shipyard to visit.

The annual leave on the side of Baifan Shipyard is a little stingy, after all, now is the time to make money, and the workers also understand this truth, and they voluntarily and consciously work overtime.

After overtime modifications by the shipyard’s workers, the original cruise ship has been completed for the most part.

According to Su Chen’s order, the workers directly converted the ship into a luxury cruise ship, while the remaining two cruise ships also completed the approximate frame.

Su Chen led a group of people to the shipyard together, and they all felt a little curious when they looked at the scene of hot work in the shipyard.

These owners of the casino have always been running business in their own casinos, and rarely come outside, let alone visit the shipyard and follow Su Chen all the way inside at this moment, they are full of curiosity about everything.

However, thinking that this time they came over, mainly to buy luxury cruise ships, the owners of these casinos no longer stayed, but followed Su Chen closely and came to the shipyard workshop.

Looking at the almost built cruise ship, it unfolded in front of his eyes, and the casino owner was even more excited.

Several of them are fans of the movie “God of Gamblers”, and they see the cruise ship that is exactly the same as the cruise ship in [God of Gamblers] in front of their eyes, as if they can see Gao Jin standing in the cruise ship.

Even the gambling king of Ao Village felt a burst of satisfaction when he saw this cruise ship.

Seeing everyone’s eager eyes, Su Chen greeted them with a smile: “This ship has almost been built, let’s go over and take a look.” ”

Hearing Su Chen say this, everyone agreed.

They came to buy cruise ships, and naturally they had to see how the real thing was to place an order.

Su Chen led everyone to the deck together.

The shape of the ship has been roughly built, but there is some meticulous work on the deck that requires workers to polish it carefully.

The whole ship is actually no longer a problem to launch, but there are still many details that need to be carefully modified by the workers.

The crowd stood on the deck, watching the workers in the distance, inserting a wooden plank into the armor wrench.

The shipyard workers did not squint, concentrating on the work at hand, as if they had not seen anyone else come to visit.

At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps behind everyone, and when they looked back, they found that it was the assistant on the shipyard side who was hurrying over.

He got the news that Su Chen was coming to visit, so he quickly put down the work he was doing and rushed all the way.

The White Sail Shipyard is very busy, with several ships under construction at the same time, so arranging these things also requires a lot of attention from the assistant.

Seeing the new guests coming, the assistant of the shipyard quickly sorted out the clothes on his body, and then slowed down and walked to the deck, Su Chen saw the assistant come over and beckoned him to the front: “You come to introduce the situation of this ship to the bosses.” ”

Not long after the shipyard assistant took office, he saw so many bigwigs looking at him at the moment, and his heart was nervous.

However, he still held back the fear in his heart and began to explain: “Hello everyone, this cruise ship has not yet been named, we will call it Baifan 1 for the time being.” With a length of 150.28 meters, a width of 21 meters and a displacement of 10,298 tons, the ship is divided into eight layers and can carry 350 tourists and a crew of 150 people. ”

Hearing this data, the gambling king was even more moved.

The luxury of this ship is beyond the imagination of the gambling king, he originally thought that the luxury cruise ship built by Su Chen would not be a one-to-one replica like in the movie, but he did not expect that the ship named Baifan No. 1 in front of him was really as said in the movie.

When other casino owners heard the data, they didn’t have much idea in their minds, but they just thought that the ship was indeed very long.

One of the casino owners asked, “What’s on such a big ship?” ”

After reporting the data, the assistant of the shipyard calmed down a little, and he said to everyone: “There are many facilities on this ship. In addition to restaurants and guest rooms, there are cinemas, karaoke, game rooms, saunas, swimming pools, bowling alleys, meeting rooms and many other facilities. As a result, the ship can meet most of the needs of guests. ”

Hearing the assistant’s introduction, everyone’s eyes lit up, but they didn’t expect that the functions of this luxury cruise ship were quite rich.

And according to this situation, this cruise ship is mostly arranged according to the layout in the movie, which means that it can also become a commemorative cruise ship.

Even if it’s just a ticket to the fans of the [God of Gamblers] movie, they will squeeze in desperately.

For casino owners, what was originally a trip to see has turned into a firm determination to buy.

After listening to the introduction, the gambling king made up his mind, and he said directly: “Director Su, just according to the discussion on the phone, I want this ship.” At the same time, you have built two other cruise ships with a framework, and I will also decide. ”

He said it unceremoniously, after all, the gambling king has a lot of money, even if it is three cruise ships, he can eat it.

Seeing this scene in front of him, how the gambling king did not understand that these cruise ships of Baifan Shipyard were the golden roosters for his future money.

However, the gambling king’s round this time made the faces of the other casino owners sink.

There are only three ships in total, the gambling king bought them all, he gave the bag, and what happened to these bosses?

In addition to the casino of the gambling king in Ao Village, the owner of the largest casino could not help but stand up and say: “You are a little unkind.” You have a ship, what else are you going to grab with us? ”


The gambling king sneered and said: “I have decided that I can naturally buy it, you came by rubbing my plane, and I didn’t have anything with you.”

When he spoke, he provoked public anger, and the casino owner immediately said: “In that case, how much money do you pay?” I’ll add another million. ”

Another casino owner also said: “That’s right, I also raise the price, another ship, I want to add five million.” ”

Hearing that everyone began to buy at a higher price, Su Chen hurriedly came out to play the circle.

Although Su Chen could get a high price this time, after the beams of several people were married, Su Chen’s way of doing business was not good.

After all, doing business is still making money with anger.

Therefore, Su Chen came out and said: “The first ship will not be changed because the gambling king has called to order it before, the other two can compete fairly, each of you write a price out, don’t show it to others, show it to me directly.” Whoever gives the highest price goes to whom. ”

Su Chen’s words were beautiful, and several casino owners who were originally angry also nodded at this moment.

They came here to buy a boat, not to quarrel.

At this moment, since there is a method that allows them to get a better and fair chance, they are naturally willing to agree.

The casino owner, who took the lead, immediately said, “No problem, I accept.” ”

Hearing him say this, the other casino owners also nodded in agreement.

The gambling king originally did not want to agree to come down, but looking at the situation on the scene, after all, he did not want to offend the other casino owners in the Ao Village, although the entire Ao Village now the casino business belongs to him alone, but if the others unite, the business of the gambling king will also be affected.

Therefore, he also nodded a little reluctantly and said, “Yes, I also agree.” ”

Seeing that everyone was willing to agree, Su Chen also breathed a sigh of relief, and asked the assistant to take a few books and hand them to everyone.

These casino owners in Ao Village are not the first time they have heard about cruise ships, and naturally know how much the cruise itself is.

They all had their own channels, and quietly heard the news, knowing that a luxury cruise ship on Su Chen’s side would sell for 30 million US dollars.

For them, the money taken out in one breath is naturally not a small amount, but the casino owners originally wanted to scrape together to buy one, but now after matching up with the gambling king, they have a breath in their hearts, and they must have an exclusive luxury cruise ship in their casino.

Now for them, whether luxury cruises can make money is secondary, and being able to make gambling kings eat turtles is the biggest purpose of their industry.

The gambling king’s arrogant appearance has already offended them. Therefore, they did not want the gambling king to buy any of the ships at all.

Several people looked at each other, and they already understood from each other’s eyes that they were the same casino owners.

Even if there was some dirt between them in the past, now they are comrades-in-arms.

The gambling king did not know that he had offended these casino owners, but he also knew that if he took these three cruise ships, he would definitely make a lot of money.

And this money comes clean and flowing, and it is also very worthwhile for gambling kings.

Su Chen said: “Then everyone write down the price, and then hand it to me when everything is written.” ”

The gambling king turned and thought for a moment, writing down the price of the two ships in his notebook.

Other casino owners also wrote down the price after secretly making a decision in their hearts.

They are holding a breath in their hearts, and some casino owners write very exaggerated in order to ensure that their prices can definitely be bought.

This time, as long as the gambling king is not allowed to buy other ships, it is earned for them. Soon, all the casino owners wrote the price.

Everyone handed over the book with the price written,– Su Chen.

Su Chen didn’t expect that the simple sale of the ship was sold into this look, and so many people rushed to ask for these three luxury cruise ships.

After all, Su Chen thought that it would be good to sell one or two ships at first, and now the [God of Gamblers] movie has just been released, even if there is a movie effect, I am afraid that it will be fermented for a short time.

However, just after the New Year, Su Chen’s subordinates had actually grabbed so fiercely, these three cruise ships were afraid that they would not be able to survive today. Su Chen nodded to the bosses and said, “Please wait a moment, I’ll take a look at the price uncle.” ”

This form of one-bite quotation can maximize Su Chen’s interests, after all, in order to grab the cruise ship, it is impossible for these people to quote the lowest price of 30 million, and they will rise more or less.

Next, Su Chen only needed to confirm who had the higher price and could sell it to him. Su Chen opened the book and looked down one by one.

The gambling king’s offer seems ordinary and not exaggerated. The price of 32 million US dollars is already quite high.

On the other ship, the gambling king gave 34 million.

Relatively speaking, the bids of these two ships were already much better than Su Chen expected. However, the further down he looked, the more surprised Su Chen became.

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