Silicon Valley

Chapter 331 windows95 released

The day after Henry returned to the United States, Microsoft held a press conference to officially release the Windows 95 operating system.

This time, Microsoft spent $300 million on publicity. The release site of Windows 95 was located on a 12-acre sports field on the campus of the University of Redmond. More than 70,000 people around the world watched the conference through satellite broadcasts, and the media coverage was overwhelming!

Henry also watched the press conference via satellite TV.

At the beginning, the Rolling Stones song "Start-Me-Up" played, and the picture was so beautiful that Henry almost couldn't look directly. Bill Gates, Ballmer and others actually got excited on stage.

Rub, rub!

Rub on this smooth rubbing floor!

Yes, they all "improvise" dancing in the devil's way!

Henry is also drunk...

Then, all kinds of bragging began at the press conference.

"Windows 95 is a hybrid 16-bit/32-bit Windows operating system that brings the most powerful, stable, and useful desktop GUI ever!"

"Furthermore, it is also the first Windows version that is specially bundled with a version of DOS, that is, all software under the DOS system can run on Windows 95. In addition, the Windows system has added a "Start" button and a personal computer desktop. The tool bar on the top is very convenient for users! At the same time, we also integrated the best browser IE4.0, providing HTML support!!!”

"At the same time, a total of nearly 100,000 people/hour were invested in the development of the Chinese version of Windows 95, and more than 6,000 sets of test versions were distributed for users to test and ask for suggestions. We believe this will be a disruptive operating system!"

The implication, windows95 Chinese operating system to hang the operating system!

The Linux system started slowly, and it is indeed not as mature as the Windows system. Therefore, Henry was also a little worried. Henry, however, sells a combination of hardware and software. With Williams Electronics as the backend, even if it doesn't make much money, it will suppress Microsoft. The Chinese are not rich yet. They prefer cheap and high-quality things, and they are not familiar with the windows system! If you use more operating systems, you will not be used to the windows system.

Very few Chinese can afford a computer. In 1995, schools generally had computer rooms and computer rooms outside. After the cost of Internet access was reduced, there were Internet cafes. As long as the relationship between the school and the Internet cafe is opened, what system does the user use. It's not what Henry said.

therefore. Hongnian Technology has been committed to the market development of schools and Internet cafes. Especially in the area of ​​Internet cafes, Henry started the plan of the Hongnian Internet Cafe Alliance, that is, to invest in Internet cafes with Hongnian Computers and open chain stores with locals! The other party invested in the land and the house, and all the other Hongnian technology companies took care of it.

In this way, Hongnian Technology can not only control the chain of Internet cafes, but also encircle a large amount of land all over the country. Internet cafes are a lucrative industry, and Hongnian Technology can definitely make a lot of money. Master the Internet cafes, what software is installed on the computer. It's also what Henry said, there is no monopoly in China, I don't know how cool it is!

Now that the windows95 operating system has come out, Henry has to let Hongnian Technology speed up the pace. At the same time, Apple's operating system should also step up development!

At the press conference, Bill Gates and others finished bragging and were about to turn on the computer and give a system demonstration.

However, Niubi was blown loudly before. At this time, the computer actually blue screen... Bill Gates and Ballmer have black lines on their foreheads, which is extremely embarrassing.

Henry also laughed when he saw this.

Even so, Henry also knows that windows95 is indeed powerful, and it is estimated that the European and American markets will be swept by it. If the Chinese market can withstand it, it can be regarded as a victory!

Windows 95 went on sale that night, however, many people lined up overnight to buy it. Even many people don't know what windows95 is, just because the advertisements of Microsoft's windows95 system are too classic!

Microsoft's bid to license the Rolling Stones' "Start-Me-Up" may be Microsoft's biggest marketing battle.

The "start" key of windows95 is start, along with this song, in the commercial clip, the operation screen of clicking the Start button will appear constantly. Under the tight editing of the entire commercial, the Rolling Stones' energetic, fashionable and dynamic performances make this operating system with 11 million lines of code look very, very cool, and it is simply a fashion trend!

In just four days, Microsoft's Windows 95 system sold 1 million copies, shocking the world.

Microsoft's stock has also skyrocketed, and its market value has risen rapidly, breaking through $300 billion, chasing Cisco!

Soon, a new world's second richest man was born... He is Bill Gates, worth more than 70 billion US dollars!

The world was sensational. If it weren't for Henry Williams, Bill Gates would be the richest man in the world, leaving behind the one with more than 30 billion US dollars!

As for Henry, people have already regarded him as the richest man. His assets are at least one trillion US dollars. How can others compare? Cisco $390 billion, Amazon $180 billion, eBay $150 billion, Alibaba $110 billion, icq $270 billion, Noah's Ark $192 billion, Williams Bank of America $250 billion, and so on. Williams Electronics, which has not yet been listed, is a world-class hardware giant with an unpredictable market value. In addition to real estate, hospitals, games, clothing, aerospace, entertainment media, etc... It is impossible without a trillion dollars in personal assets!

After Forbes magazine exposed Henry, Henry sent someone to acquire Forbes magazine. In the current "Forbes Rich List" ranking, although Henry's name is written in the first place, the assets behind are always a row of question marks. Henry said in his heart, what my brother did is purely for the sake of others, so as not to hit others... You see, Bill Gates only has more than 70 billion US dollars. If brother's trillions of assets are exposed, wouldn't it embarrass him? If you want to reveal, you have to wait until your brother's assets are more than all the assets of the other Fortune 500 combined. This is the time...

Alas, a long way to go!


This time, Microsoft's windows95 system is bound to the IE browser, but the current Netscape is not the previous Netscape. This is the 360 ​​Netscape browser, bound with 360 McAfee Security Guard. 360 McAfee Security Guard has monopolized more than 70% of the entire Internet market, and has won the trust of users. If there is 360 McAfee Security Guard not installed on the computer, netizens will download one by themselves. Don't worry about 360 McAfee security guards! As a result, the user viscosity of the 360 ​​Netscape browser is also extremely high. Even if the windows95 operating system is bound to the IE browser, not many people will choose to use it! The 360 ​​Netscape browser will certainly be robbed of a part of the market, but it will never be defeated by the IE browser. The status of 360 Netscape browser will still be unshakable!

However, in the face of the mighty Microsoft Corporation, Henry did not dare to relax at all. After all, Henry knew the most powerful influence of the Windows 95 operating system! Relying on the operating system, Microsoft has successively entered browsers, portals, instant chat, search, e-commerce, video, software, etc., there is nothing it does not do on the Internet!

Microsoft turned into a "crab" for a while, rampant and domineering!

In order to resist Microsoft, Henry ordered Linux system companies and Apple to strengthen research and development efforts, especially Apple. Henry injected 500 million US dollars and recruited more engineers to join.

Henry is both open source and closed systems.

Experts and professors have discussed open source and closed issues for decades, but there is still no conclusion. But whether it is open source or closed, no matter who subverts who in the end, Henry will win!

At present, Henry has put a lot of money on the Apple system, because Apple can bring him greater benefits! Apple has a strong presence and brand awareness in the PC market, making it easier to promote Apple computers!

Apple's new system called "Mac-OS-X" combines the Macintosh Mac-OS system and the nextstep operating system of next computer company to develop a brand new system! The number of developers of the system has increased to 4,500, and it will probably be launched in 1996. At that time, it will be a sensation when it is launched together with a notebook with wifi function!

(This is the first update. Try to be five today, two more in the afternoon, and two in the evening. If you can't write, don't be surprised...)

(To be continued ~^~)

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