Silicon Valley

Chapter 365 The SpaceX interstellar event begins

January 1, 1996.

The SpaceX interstellar event officially started, and many people who received invitations had arrived in California yesterday and found a hotel near the SpaceX headquarters. Due to the occurrence of the "12.25" case, the SpaceX interstellar event has received great attention from the global media. It is impossible for a senior government official or a billionaire to receive an invitation letter. Therefore, the SpaceX interstellar event has also become the most compelling party in the world.

Oscar is the party terminator of the West Coast social circle in the United States, and although Met-Ball is a charity dinner, in fact, Met-Ball has become the most grand party in the global fashion industry, and can definitely be called "Oscar of the East Coast fashion industry". . But people now unconsciously rank the SpaceX interstellar event above Oscar and Met-Ball, and the price of its invitations can best reflect the force of the SpaceX interstellar event. Tickets for Met-Ball are just over $20,000 a piece, while invitations to SpaceX’s interstellar event are already as high as $1 million, and they’re still priceless.

At parties at the Oscars and the Met-Ball, the stars are the protagonists. And when it comes to the SpaceX interstellar event, the stars are the playthings in the hands of the rich.

The SpaceX interstellar event allows those with invitations to bring a female companion, and also allows some media reporters to come in to shoot interviews. To ensure safety, Henry sent 1,000 Blackwater security guards over. At the same time, the U.S. military has also dispatched elite troops, because this time there are also many senior officials of the country, and the U.S. military must ensure their safety. In addition, the satellites owned by SpaceX have been monitoring all the places within a radius of 10 kilometers, and they are well aware of any bells and whistles.

The SpaceX interstellar event has become a good place to expand contacts in the upper-class circle. Many people have sharpened their heads and have to squeeze in. In order to enter SpaceX, many female stars have tried their best to curry favor with some rich people, hoping to be these rich people. 's girlfriend!

At this moment, many guests have gathered at SpaceX's headquarters, and Henry's private jet arrived at 2:30 pm. After the plane stopped stably, Henry took Kaelina out of the plane. At this time, SpaceX CEO Lawrence Paul greeted him.

"Hello boss! Miss Karina, hello!" Lawrence Paul bowed to greet.

Henry walked around with Kaelina in his arms, and asked, "Well, are all the guests here?"

"Yes, boss! The guests are all here, and the SpaceX interstellar event can start at any time!" Lawrence Paul replied.

Hearing this, Henry nodded.


The SpaceX interstellar event is very sci-fi. In the center of the hall, a model of a huge solar system with a high degree of simulation is made, and it is still running, and each planet emits a specific light. The booths around the hall display a variety of models of spacecraft, satellites, launch vehicles, space shuttles, probes, robots, etc. A TFT touch screen is installed next to each model, and guests can click to operate and display The screen will present the real machine of the model in the form of video, and guests can see its information in the video.

The most conspicuous place in the hall is a huge 2m*2m display screen, which broadcasts the life scene of human beings stepping on the interstellar colony in the future. There is a huge space fleet, a building full of science fiction, and flying on the moon into the air. A football match, all kinds of imaginative pictures are simply jaw-dropping... This short film is only 30 minutes long, but it was made with pure computer CG, which lasted 8 months and cost 50 million US dollars. Everyone in the audience!

"Oh, if you can live in outer space in your lifetime, that would be great!"

"Hey, after seeing this video, I really want to travel to space right now!"

"Yeah, me too!"

"There is a space ladder in the video clip, which can directly lift people from the earth to the space station. Oh, it's great. However, the space ladder is so high, what should I do if it is interrupted..."

"Hehe, don't think too much, with the current technology, this is impossible to complete."

"Seeing the video, I really want to experience the feeling of a trapeze. As we all know, the earth's gravity is too strong, and we can't jump high at all, but when we go to the moon, we can jump just over ten meters. Oh, think about it, it's awesome Extremely!"

"Yeah, especially when they're kicking the ball in mid-air, putting the football goal frame in mid-air, I've never seen it before... it's so cool!"


After a while, Henry and others came to the SpaceX hall. At this time, the previously lively hall suddenly became quiet. They all looked at Henry involuntarily.

With a smile on his face, Henry simply greeted everyone, and then brought Kaelina to the front of the hall and sat down at a banquet.

Lawrence Paul came to the stage at this time, bowed to everyone, smiled, and then announced loudly: "Welcome to the SpaceX interstellar event, thank you very much! Now please sit down at the banquet, the SpaceX interstellar event officially begins, at Before that, Michael Jackson was invited to put on a show—"

Gradually, a huge curtain opened at the front of the hall, and Michael Jackson stood in the middle of the stage dressed in black, with a row of dancers behind him.

Everyone immediately found their seats and sat down.

At the same table with Henry and Kelina are NASA Administrator Mason Huggins, Roscosmos RKA Frank Bruno, and ESA Director General Edwin Price. Henry and Kareena chatted with them while enjoying Michael Jackson's performance.

Michael Jackson performed the song "We-Are-The-World", and the reason for choosing this song is meaningful. Henry's goal for SpaceX is to explore the universe and find a way out for the future of mankind. It is an act of love! ! ! The creative background of "We-Are-The-World" is full of positive energy. Henry feels that using it as the first song of the SpaceX interstellar event is very suitable for the culture and spirit of SpaceX.

In 1984, British singer Phil Collins saw in the news that people in Africa's Isophia and other regions had been dying of famine and malnutrition for a long time, so he proposed an idea before Christmas, and dozens of popular artists used Band-Aid as the theme. He co-recorded the single "Do-they-know-it\\'s-Christmas?" for charity sale to help the hungry in Africa, which aroused echoes all over the world.

In 1985, in response to this behavior, Michael Jackson broke out of inspiration and spent 4 days co-writing the song "We-Are-The-World" with Rainer Ritchie. Afterwards, dozens of big-name singers each divided Sing a few lines of lyrics and record the song together. After the single was released, the popularity was unimaginable. It sold 8 million singles in just a few weeks, surpassing the British artist's "Do-they-know-it\\'s-Christmas?" The world famous song has touched countless people! ! !

When singing, many pictures of African children suffering appeared on the TFT LCD screen, and everyone sang along with Michael Jackson's singing.









Every time Henry heard this song, he was deeply touched, and an inexplicable power poured out in his heart, making him more firm in his beliefs!

After a few minutes, the song ended, and the hall burst into applause.

Immediately, the lights on the stage gradually dimmed, and after a while, when the lights came on again, the music also sounded. As soon as they heard the music, everyone knew what song to sing. The song has a distinct style, especially the drum beat in the prelude, which is memorable!

"dong dong dong dong dong dong dong..."











"Spacewalk, spacewalk!" Many people in the audience screamed in vain.

On stage, Michael Jackson stepped on a spacewalk, and he was so handsome. In this song "billie-jean", Michael Jackson uses the back slide to the extreme level, like walking in space. Such a dazzling dance step naturally swept the world in an instant and became one of Michael Jackson's labels.

Henry invited him to come, and he must perform "billie-jean", because the skywalk is really in line with SpaceX!

Henry's body began to sway involuntarily with the singing and rhythm, and it was a little itchy.

Michael Jackson was a singer that Henry liked very much. Now that the opportunity is rare, Henry could not help but stand up. Since he was only two or three meters away from the stage, Henry jumped onto the stage without taking a few steps.

Michael Jackson was stunned when he saw Henry, and Henry smiled at him, nodded to express some meaning, and then started spacewalking like him. Michael Jackson nodded and understood what Henry meant, so he walked over and played with Henry on the same stage...

"Oh!!!" This time, the screams from the audience got louder!

Kaelina's eyes lit up, she didn't expect Henry to do space dance steps at all, it seemed to be pretty good!

Ka Ka Ka! ! !

The reporters went crazy and kept pressing the camera shutter. The ABC TV reporters who were doing the telecast were so excited that their faces almost flushed!




(To be continued ~^~)

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