Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 31: Wu Mengchao is my idol

  Chapter 31 Wu Mengchao is my idol

  A male diner happened to be holding a section of large intestine, but he heard stool and **** again, so he threw his chopsticks on the table in anger and cursed:

   "Are you letting people eat it?"

   Someone took the lead, and the anger of the diners at the next table suddenly ignited:

   "Are you classmates disgusting? You have liver and intestines. Think this is your medical school?"

   "That is, I want to study and go back to your school. This is a restaurant. Can you please be more civilized?"

   "Look at the gentleness, why don't you speak human words at all?"

   Facing the accusations from the diners around, the four of Chen Qi were a little confused, and their minds were full of question marks:

   "What did we say about us?"

  Seeing the noise on the second floor, even in the lobby on the first floor and the boxes on the third floor, many people came to watch the excitement, and the normal dine-in order of Lanxiang Restaurant was disrupted.

  The manager ran to the second floor again, and after asking what was going on, he was also sweating profusely.

   "Four students, how about, why don't we have a treat at Lanxiang Restaurant this meal, and the money and tickets will be refunded to you. How about you take the meal away?"



   It was Chen Qi who said no, NND, he was the first time to treat a guest to dinner, but he was kicked out by the restaurant. How can he, the first brother of Xia Ze Village, be allowed to mess around in the world in the future? Do you want to lose face?

  The three people who said yes were Wang Shannong, Ding Bitao and Yin Jigang.

   What is it to take away? It's free, a chance that no one else can dream of. That's 7 yuan, 40 cents and 5 cents, plus 3 and a half catties for meat tickets, and 1 and a half catties for food stamps.

   Huge sum of money.

  Their parents in the countryside can’t earn so much money even after a busy month.

  So in the eyes of a group of diners, the unconvinced Chen Qi cursed, was framed by three buddies, and was driven out of the Lanxiang restaurant with a food box.

  The fat waiter was relieved now, and was still cursing at the door:

"Did you see it? I knew at a glance that these four people are not good people. Where are they here to eat? They are clearly here to make trouble. If I say it, I have a sharp eye. I will come again next time and interrupt their dog legs, huh. "

  She had completely forgotten that she ate three meatballs and three fish **** from others.

  In order to drive them away, the Lanxiang Pavilion doesn’t even want the aluminum lunch box, and now there is no plastic box or plastic bag, only the rectangular and round aluminum lunch box, which is all cheaper for Chen Qi and the others.

  On the stone table in Fushan Park.

  Although the food was cold, everyone ate deliciously. It was also the time when Wang Shannong and the three of them ate the most meat in their life.

  Chen Qi ate even more triumphantly, just now he was furious in the Lanxiang Pavilion, it was all faked.

  If he is easy to talk and submissive like the other three students, not only will he be kicked out of the shop, even the money ticket will not be returned so easily.

  If the state-run hotel is playing tricks, it is useless for you to call 110, because they think they are justified in driving you away.

  This is the same as the medical troubles in the hospital. If you make a big fuss, you will be compensated, and if you make a small fuss, you will be compensated for a small one.

   No, Chen Qi had just performed a show, not only the money tickets were refunded, the food was packed away, even in order to send away a few plague gods earlier, the manager even gave away two extra dishes.

  The four of them had enough to eat and drink, and all lay on the weak grass, looking at the sky full of stars.

  In 1981, there was basically no light pollution in the ancient city, and the stars in the sky were still very clear.

  Chen Qi asked: "You guys, what are your plans after graduation next year?"

  Yin Jigang gave a full blow:

   "What are your plans? Let's try to get a good job. My hometown, Changxin County, is too poor, and it's still in the mountains. It's best to assign me to a local people's hospital. If not, the second hospital will do it."

  Ding Bitao is from Shangyu County, and he felt the same way after hearing it.

   "Yeah, I don't want to go back to my hometown. People go to high places, who doesn't want to stay in the local people's hospital? The achievements in future development will be high, and I heard that the benefits are still the best."

   "I still want to go back to my hometown. It's not easy for my parents to train me to study. I want to go back to the hospital in my hometown, work hard, and be with my parents. I want to provide them with care until they die, and I don't want to leave them."

  Wang Shannong is from Jinting County. He has the calmest personality and thinks about many things.

  Ding Bitao turned around, looked at Chen Qi next to him and said:

   "Second brother, you are the squad leader with the best grades. You should be assigned to the District People's Hospital next year, right? What are your dreams for the future?"

   "What ideal? Of course it is to become a famous doctor of the generation. By then, what fame, profit, money, and all kinds of beautiful pharmaceutical agents will come to me one after another, and reach the pinnacle of life, hahaha."


   Was despised by several buddies.

  Chen Qi suppressed his smile, and said with a firm gaze:

"Okay, okay, I'm joking with you. My future ideal, of course, is to become an internationally renowned medical expert like Professor Wu Mengchao, to become a leader in hepatobiliary surgery, to perform operations that others cannot do, and to treat others. Incurable disease.

   To be honest, the starting point of our medical school is too low, and a technical secondary school diploma is simply not acceptable in a large hospital. In the future, the four of us must continue to study junior colleges, undergraduates, and graduate students. Masters and doctoral degrees are indispensable.

  I heard that the reform of professional titles is not far away. By then, we can only be regarded as doctors after graduating from technical secondary schools. There will also be physicians, attending physicians, deputy chief physicians, chief physicians, etc. If we want to become a boss, we must strive to become a professor.

  Being a professor, you have to work hard to become a master’s and doctoral supervisor. This medicine is like a game. You need to constantly fight monsters and upgrade, and keep climbing the peak.

  Of course I hope that the four of us can all become chief physicians, doctoral supervisors, and become a generation of famous doctors in the future, so that we can live up to our efforts over the years and our current suffering. "

  Chen Qi has 40 years more knowledge than the three buddies, and understands what kind of height medicine will develop in the future and what kind of involution will be between doctors, so he has a sense of urgency.

  He didn't dare to relax in his previous life, and he also dare not lie down in this life.

  Even if it is not for himself, for the sake of his brothers and sisters, and for the happiness of his wife and children in the future, he is not qualified to lie down.

  At the same time, he hopes that his buddies can also keep up, not to be left behind by the times, and to make progress together.

  As soon as Chen Qi's words came out, Wang Shannong and the three of them were also full of passion.

   "Then the four of us will work hard together. We will all become chief physicians and doctoral supervisors in the future, and then come to Fushan Park for a picnic."


   "It's a deal, come on!"

"come on!"

  The four young hands held each other tightly, made an oath to each other, and were ready to work hard for it.

  Suddenly Yin Jigang yelled: "Wait, what time is it? The school will close at 8 o'clock."

   None of the four had a watch. You looked at me and I looked at you. No one could tell the time.

  At this time, the alarm clock on the Yuezhong Department Store suddenly rang the music of "Dongfanghong". After a burst of nice music, 8 bells rang.

   Several people jumped up quickly: "Ah, it's over."


"Wait for me!"


  Four young students were running and laughing, and passers-by responded with kind smiles.

   "It's nice to be young..."

  (end of this chapter)

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