Since 1983

Chapter 174: A Rainy Night 1

"Okay! It's over!"

"Let's stop here today, go back and rest early."

At eight o'clock in the evening, another day of filming for "Hutong Family" ended.

You Xiaogang took out a notebook, and wrote a few words of sentiments in a timely manner—this is a work note, not only that he wanted to record it, but also meant to put it in an internal publication.

The internal magazine was mentioned a few months ago, but following the preparations, the first issue never came out. Recently, Li Mu has been working on this project in person. There are two core contents: the work record of "Hutong Family" and Xu Fei's trip to Hong Kong.

"Don't go, come and give me a hand!"

The set was chaotic, and Xu Fei shouted through the loudspeaker: "Move all the equipment and props in, check for leaks, keep dry, keep dry!"

"Brother Fei, you said yesterday that it wasn't raining, did you?"

"Is that my fault? The weather forecast said that there will be heavy rain these days, so we have to be prepared."

Now he doesn't get involved in the actual shooting, he's more like a producer, working with Yu Pu, but anyone with a discerning eye can see what's going on.

A group of people started moving things in a hurry, and Liang Guanhua, Niu Zhenhua and others also came to help. The props and so on were put on boards to isolate the ground, and they were protected with linoleum cloth, and the doors and windows were checked one by one.

Production director Yu Pu looked at the sky, feeling uncertain, and shouted, "Everyone, listen up. If the rain doesn't stop until tomorrow, we'll take a day off."

"What if it doesn't stop for two days?"

"Then rest for two days."

"Non-stop for a week?"

"Then you don't want to come here, Te Niang is only thinking about stealing and playing tricks!"

Yu Pu kicked the grandson, waved his hand, and signaled that he could leave work.

Cao Ying was sitting in the back seat with a small schoolbag on her back. Just as Xu Fei was about to leave, Niu Zhenhua suddenly came over and said with a smile, "Teacher Xu, when you are free, can you have a meal?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"It's okay, just a few of us want to thank you, Liu Bei, Teacher Liang, and Teacher Pu all have them."

"Oh, take your pick, I can do it anytime."

"Hey, good."

Niu Zhenhua walked away wringing his ass, muttering to Liu Bei and the others, but he didn't know what to say. Li Jianqun didn't play today, but he didn't get involved.

After sending Cao Ying home, Xu Fei returned to Baihua Hutong in the early nine o'clock.

Shen Lin went to other places to take acupoints, and it was the second time this month, with Hu Zehong and Ji Yu accompanying him. They are all quite small places, because now township enterprises are booming, and many people are rich.

As soon as people get rich, they want to support the scene, so many performance companies were born, which are actually intermediaries.

There are two types of acupoints, one is already famous, and the other is wild team, and the prices are very different. For Shen Lin, it costs about 200 yuan per game.

It's better to pack a train back and forth, and it doesn't cost money to eat and live, than to be bored in the capital. And when Shen Lin was not at home, Wu Xiaodong would not come back either.

"It's quite early today, have you eaten yet?"


"It just so happened that I saved some to warm it up for you."

Xu Fei entered the yard, Zhang Li wiped herself and ran to the kitchen. He stepped around and covered the vat with a board, and the food over there was ready.

One and a half fish, a plate of pickles, and dried rice.

"Where is Xiao Xu still drawing?"

"Well, I have drawn hundreds of pictures."

"It's good to be ambitious, at least you can play as soon as possible... I've worked hard on you these days."

"I'm fine, and I'm enjoying doing this."

Zhang Li smiled, and suddenly asked, "When will you take me to the set?"

"Hey, I was busy and forgot!"

Xu Fei apologized, "I'll take you to have a look when the weather is better."


She nodded, feeling a little hot, she squeezed a handkerchief and wiped it on her neck, "It's been stuffy since the evening, it will definitely rain, can the drainage in the yard still work?"

"It's not bad, but I'm afraid that there will be a river outside. The terrain of Baihua Hutong is not high."

She didn't know whether she found it or not, and said with a smile: "I read in the book that a hidden channel will be built in the courtyard, connected to the southeast corner, and connected to the city's canal.

Because the water system of the capital city enters from the Jishuitan in the northwest and exits from the Tongjiang River in the southeast. Therefore, the terrain of the courtyard is often high in the northwest and low in the southeast, and the water flows to the southeast. "

"There is such a saying, but after the founding of the People's Republic of China, many courtyard houses became large courtyards, and the facilities were scrapped. When it rained, it was flooded and smelly. The one I rented before was the same. This one is actually okay, the single-door courtyard is left, at least the inside is not flooded."

After dinner, it was already ten o'clock.

Xu Fei washed the dishes and chopsticks, and went into the study to ponder the script for a while.

The crew didn't go well at the beginning, but they will speed up after getting used to it. Sitcoms are low-budget, efficient, and free of complicated stuff. The actors are familiar with the performance, and after walking through the camera several times, Ka Ka will come.

At the fastest time, one episode can be shot a day. So it won't take long to shoot the 20th episode, and I have to continue writing.

Thinking like this, it was twelve o'clock before he knew it, Xu Fei yawned, turned off the lights and went to sleep.


"Wow, boom!"

"Wow, boom!"

At some point, Zhang Li woke up from her sleep, only to hear the pouring rain outside, crackling and beating on the tiles and windows.

She got up and checked the doors and windows, and looked at the time. It was half past seven.

"this late?"

She was a little surprised, her biological clock was disturbed by the heavy rain, and her energy was low, so she simply crawled back to bed and continued to sleep.

But I couldn't sleep, turned over several times, felt stuffy and wet, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Uh... um..."


A slight groan suddenly came from the side, looking uncomfortable.

"Xiao Xu?"

She propped herself up, pushed the other person, Chen Xiaoxu barely opened his eyes, and closed them again in a daze.

Zhang Li felt something was wrong, and touched his forehead, "Ah, why do you have a fever?"

She hurriedly got up and dressed, and opened the door, "Wow!"

The sound of the partition suddenly became louder, and it was dark outside, and the sky seemed to be cracked, and the rain poured down.

The courtyard was filled with dense fog, and a thin layer of water had accumulated on the corridor. The pomegranate tree swayed in the rain, its branches and leaves fell, and the flowers and plants in the corners were also crooked.

She held an umbrella and ran to the door of the main room. The cat and dog huddled under the eaves, eyes full of fear.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Xu Fei's biological clock was also messed up, he was woken up suddenly, and he opened the door wearing a tank top and shorts, "What's wrong?"

"Xiao Xu has a fever, do you still have medicine?"


He immediately took out the medicine bag and poured it all out, "There is no fever-reducing medicine."

"Then what should we do? Do we need to send him to the hospital?"

"Let me consider."

He also ran to the west wing, and saw Chen Xiaoxu huddled in the blanket, with a sickly blush on his face, and his whole body became thinner and weaker.

"What time did she go to bed yesterday?"

"I don't know, I'm going to sleep first."

"I should have caught a cold. It's not too hot. I'll go buy some medicine."

Xu Fei wiped himself and ran back, wrapped himself in a raincoat, and came out, pushing the cart to leave.

Zhang Li chased it out and shouted through the rain curtain, "It's only after seven o'clock, where are you going to buy it?"

"I'll go from house to house! You can wipe her with a towel dipped in water to cool her down."

"Hot or cold?"



As soon as the door was opened and closed, the rain seemed to block for a moment, and then poured like a waterfall again, covering the sight.


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