Since 1983

Chapter 234 Big Name (Monthly Pass Plus Update)

"That pretty lady on February 8 was lazy to do her makeup, Cui Yingying got that little illness and was lying on her gums..."

The courtyard was bright and majestic. Zhao Lirong played the board with one hand and held the drum keys in the other, singing a piece of "The Great Western Chamber".

She was a student of opera criticism, and she can also sing Jingyun Dagu, and she specially practiced for a month for this episode.

Standing opposite, Han Ying was reserved but excited, and continued, "I'm lying on the bed, half reclined and half lying down. You said this girl is so dull and bored, she doesn't think about tea or food..."

After singing a section, the two were very satisfied, and Han Ying raised her voice:

"Little aunt!"


"The charm remains the same as in the past → nah!"

"Oh, you're three years old too!"


The audience held back their laughter, and the two old ladies were so funny.

This episode tells about a relative of Dai Honghua called aunt, who came to visit and stayed for a few days. This little aunt has been widowed for many years and is also a lover of opera. She and Dai Honghua are in collusion and lawlessness.

In the end, Bai Fendou made a bad move and asked Tao Maosen to pursue him, which finally scared her away.

Zhao's mother is sixty years old this year, with very youthful make-up and black hair. Han Ying is forty-eight, and she is still middle-aged, but the makeup is old, which can form a contrast.

Both of them have become masters, and the acting is smooth and smooth, and they are done in one go.

The single-episode story is relatively simple, and it was filmed smoothly until the evening to complete the task.

Zhao's mother was quite complaining, holding Xu Fei's hand and nagging: "Last year, I heard that you rehearsed and hired a good shoemaker. I thought I could invite me, but I waited for a year, but I didn't find me."

"There was no suitable role last year, why don't we invite you this year? You see, our work efficiency has increased since you appeared on the stage."

"Your boy can talk... okay, you just believe me, and I have to return it."

"That Guan Jingqing, find a car to take the old lady back."

"No need."

"It's okay, let's take it easy."

Guan Jingqing vacated a van and took it back to Zhao Lirong, and the crew clocked out.

It's past seven o'clock.

Xu Fei left Daju Hutong, didn't go home, and went straight to Fengze Garden at the south entrance of Meishi Street outside Qianmen.

The front door is still so imposing, and there are many imported cars parked there.

The last time I ate here was with Ma Weidu, Haiyan, and Zhu Jiamo. This time, Lao Ma was the middleman, saying that he had a friend who wanted to get acquainted.

He entered the private room, opened the door and saw that there were two people sitting inside. One is Ma Weidu, and the other also recognizes it, but pretends not to.

"It's late! Come on, let me introduce you."

The old horse stood up and said with a smile: "This is Xu Fei. When I met him, he was white. Now he is famous. This is Li Chengru. He made acquaintance with antiques, and now he is in the clothing business."


Li Chengru is in his thirties. He wears a suit and has a haircut. "Speaking of which, I also have a background in literature and art. I worked as a dramatist in "Journey to the West", but I have been in the sea for three years, and I look tacky."

Pure old BJ, articulate and talkative.

The two shook hands and sat down, and the waiter began to serve the dishes. It was obvious that Li Chengru invited them to be good and expensive.

"What have you been up to lately? Why haven't you believed me?" Xu Fei asked Lao Ma.

"Getting ready to go to Hong Kong."


"You know this as well?"

"What else can you do in Hong Kong, don't tell me to travel."


Ma Weidu squinted his eyes and compared his hands, "A bottle, contact the auction house, the starting price is 600,000 yuan. Oh yes, you happened to have been there before, is there anything taboo?"

"It's just that the language is not very good. You'd better write a note where you are going, otherwise you won't be able to explain clearly when you take a taxi." Xu Fei said.

"I heard that there are many girls over there, so I went to pay attention, don't get infected with what is it called, oh, AIDS!"

Li Chengru must not stop chatting, he is familiar with him, "Mr. Xu, I heard that you are also good at antiques?"

"I liked it a few years ago, but I've been busy recently, so I took the time to collect it. I don't have any good stuff."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, his pair of color gourd bottles are enough for a town house." The old horse said.

"Oh, if you don't mind, let me open my eyes another day, and let's communicate."


After chatting over and over again, Li Chengru also understands antiques, and he understands them very well.

The family has money and is in business.

In the old days, Qianmen was to the south, Zhushikou was to the north, and beside Yaoer Hutong, there were five gates called "Yihexin", which were mainly engaged in silk and satin, and they belonged to their family.

His mother gave birth to 11 children and raised 9, and he was the youngest.

My father is a good collector, and I have seen the baby since I was a child.

Later, the situation was not good and the capitalists were overthrown. It is not easy for the mother to raise 9 children. Whenever there is no food, she sells the family's calligraphy, paintings and porcelain, and one piece is worth dozens of dollars-that was in the 1950s and 1960s.

The three chatted very comfortably, eating and drinking, and had a great time.

After drinking for three rounds, Li Chengru put down his chopsticks and said, "Mr. Ma just said that I was in the clothing business, but I was just fooling around. I have a small trading company that sells everything from clothing, department stores, and electrical appliances, but the main business is clothing, production, and processing." , One-stop sales.”

"Yo, then you are my senior."

"No, no, you are my teacher. I have been in business for several years, and I know in my heart that I rely on timing, not brains. But you rely on brains. I have noticed since you recruited waiters in the newspaper. One ring after another, one move after another.

In just a few months, the capital city was famous, and I was cast into it. "

Li Chengru poured a glass of wine and held it up with both hands, "I invite you here today for nothing else but to learn from the scriptures."

"How to say?"

"Xidan Quanyechang, I want to get a bed, but I feel stingy and boring. Can you give me some advice?"


Xu Fei fell silent.

Seeing this, Li Chengru said again: "If you need help, just say it."

"No, no, may I ask, did your trading company get the goods from the south?"

"Nine out of ten."

"Are you familiar with making shoes?"

"Familiar! I know half of the 6,000 shoe factories in Wencheng. But the rumors are tight recently, and I usually go to Putian to stock up."

The wind is tight and very talkative.

Since the early 1980s, leather shoes in Wencheng have developed rapidly, and there are really more than 6,000 famous enterprises.

However, last year, more than 5,000 pairs of low-quality leather shoes produced in Wencheng were burned up in Wulinmen Square in Hangzhou, and the shoe industry suffered a big setback.

No more behind-the-scenes stories.

Xu Fei thought for a while, and said, "I can't say absolutely. On the whole, the clothing industry in the north is not as good as in the south, especially for self-production and self-sale, and the cost is too high. You should know the market better than me because you travel around.

The best thing about clothing in the north is comprehensive sales, that is, shopping malls. But now the market is immature, and there is no room for private individuals to make it bigger.

If you ask me to give an idea, it will be a general direction, in the future, it will be produced in the south and sold in the north. That Quanyechang is a very good retail place, and the accumulation of a small amount makes a lot, so it doesn't hurt to try it.

Since we met today, I just wanted to tell you about it.

You have connections and familiarities, but I don't have the time and I'm too lazy to run away. Elaine currently wants to make men's and women's shoes. How about our cooperation in this area? "


Unexpectedly, Li Chengru also negotiated a business deal during a social dinner. However, he was very moved. Only the other party's business philosophy was a treasure in his own eyes.

What's more, Yilian clothing is the hottest brand clothing store in the capital this year.

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