Since 1983

Chapter 401 Snow Situation (1)

Beijing TV, studio.

The latest issue of "The Screen Connects Me and You" finished recording, the lights dimmed and the people dispersed. Tian Ge took advantage of the dim light and leaned on the table to write the work notes for this issue.

In her early thirties, she is not considered pretty, but she is generous and independent.

She founded the first domestic talk show "The Screen Connects Me and You" last year. She planned, produced, and hosted it herself, but there was still a lot of controversy, saying that it was thanks to her husband.

Her husband is You Xiaogang.

For such a woman, it was intolerable, desperately trying to prove herself.

"Have you left yet?"

A voice interrupted Tian Ge's train of thought, and looked up, "Boss Li, why are you here?"

"I have something to do, don't bother me?" Li Mu smiled.

"Don't bother, don't bother."

The two of them were under the dim light, and the table was in the shape of a BTV, with the promotional logo of "Qicai Cup Rising Star Singing Contest" written on it - a rubbish singing competition organized by Beijing and Taiwan.

Tian Ge was very puzzled. The deputy editor-in-chief was transferred in the first half of the year.

"You have hosted this show for more than a year, how do you feel? I mean what are the advantages and disadvantages?" Li Mu asked.

"Uh, the format is relatively new, and it's close to the audience. But it's hard to find the material for each issue. Sometimes I don't know what to record. When I find it, I often feel that the depth of digging is not enough."

"Well, I have an idea now, let's talk to you first."

Li Mu paused, and said: "Since I took over the job, I have been thinking about the programs on the station. They can be divided into three types, one is old-fashioned, one is following the trend, and one is new.

Your program is a new atmosphere, but I think it is far from enough and needs to be revised. "

"What kind of reform?" Tian Ge's heart skipped a beat.

"First of all, in terms of form, talk shows should be relaxed and comfortable. For example, the lights should be brighter, and there are two sofas in the middle, so you can talk face to face. Don't sit in a row like this, just like attending a class.

Secondly, for the content, you can do all kinds of materials, which is not very good, and you should focus on it. I think you are very accomplished in culture and art, and you can lean towards this aspect.


Li Mu looked at the other party and said slowly: "I am going to suggest to the station to create a trump card program and a corresponding trump card host. You are the first one."

In an instant, Tian Ge felt that his chance to prove himself had finally come. She knew that this leader was extremely capable, leading the art center to overwhelm the whole country, and he was seconded to this position only after being picked by others.

"I've only been doing it for a year, why me?"

"Because everyone else is old-fashioned and following the crowd!"

Li Mu smiled and turned to the main topic: "I will support you to make some minor changes first, such as the layout of the venue. Don't worry, until the end of the year, the main thing is to explore and adapt.

"Snow Mountain Flying Fox" will be aired on the TV station soon, so why not ask the main creator to come over and record an episode first to see the effect. "

""Snow Mountain Flying Fox"?"

Tian Ge knows that this is a co-production between Beijing and Taiwan, and the producer is Xu Fei.

When she thought of Xu Fei, she thought of the Beijing-Taiwan Spring Festival Gala a few years ago, which was a pioneering work that made her admire wholeheartedly, and then recalled the "Plainclothes Police" back then. After each episode, there was a small talk show...

She looked at Li Mu, and Li Mu also looked at her, tacit understanding.

"Television is nothing more than two legs, social and entertainment. Making programs with the concept of building a brand is the most direct way to success."

"Entertainment programs are trendy, simple, joyful, and mindless."

"Talk shows need to be stepped up, because ordinary people like to watch the excitement and listen to privacy, especially celebrities' messy things."

——Xu Longzhong and Fei


I don't know when, the people in the capital have developed a habit.

When winter comes, watch a drama.

This year is no exception, it has been reported early: the co-production of the martial arts drama "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", the adaptation of Jin Yong's original work, the first collaboration between stars from the three places...

Martial arts dramas screen the audience even more. Those old ladies who watch "Longing" may not like it, and the little boys who don't watch "Longing" will definitely like it, it depends on who has the remote control.

Night, city martial arts team.

Wu Jing is already 17 years old. He has grown a bit taller, but he is still short. After the baptism of the Asian Games, he has become quite calm. This year he won the national martial arts competition spear and sparring championship, and returned to the top.

One thousand yuan per month, eight dishes and one soup, I am very happy.

He had dinner, and now Miamia was drinking milk, checking the time, flipping from one side of the table to the other, bouncing to the head coach's dormitory.

The head coach is called Li Junfeng. Needless to say, he has also acted in many films, such as "Wulin Chronicles", "Bahrain Thieves", "Thirteen Chivalrous Girls" and so on.

"Why are you here?"

"watch TV."


Li Junfeng glanced sideways, didn't care, he ate all eight dishes and one soup, so what's the point of watching TV?

But Wu Jing just turned on the TV, and a whole bunch of brothers and sisters came.

"Hurry up, let's start!"

"I heard that Lao Kou is in there, the protagonist and supporting role?"

"A sure supporting role with his bushy eyebrows."

"Hey, is he playing a fox?"

With the hourly time announcement on the TV, the discussions quickly quieted down.

The screen flashed, snow was flying all over the sky, the north wind was howling, and among the majestic and magnificent snow-capped mountains, a slender woman wrapped in a cloak walked forward slowly.

Every time I took a step, the footprints were immediately covered by the wind and snow, and there seemed to be no trace left.

She walked to the end and stood alone on the snowy ridge, the camera was focused on that face, her brows were frowning, and her eyes were full of resentment.


A group of middle-aged and middle-aged people looked dumbfounded, "Who is this?"

Before savoring it carefully, the screen changed, and the four big characters "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", and the song sounded at the same time: "Love in the snow, love in the snow, a dream in the snow..."

In this era, popular songs are infinitely lethal. This song is paired with the opening title, which instantly pulls people into the snow-covered area.

"Fucking real snow mountain, awesome!"

"It was filmed in the Northeast, right?"

"Changbai Mountain, my family belongs to Changbai Mountain!"

Amidst the chatter, the first episode begins.

Snow and dust are like smoke, and cold waterfalls fly down. Hu Yidao was wearing a fox fur hanging to the sky, wrapped in a cloak, as if walking from the end of the world.

The knight walks alone, hunting with red tassels on the handle of the knife, just one shot, it will be unforgettable.

As he was walking, suddenly a snow-white figure appeared like a ghost, and then disappeared after a few flashes. The music suddenly became tense, and at this time there was an avalanche again, and Hu Yidao took refuge in the cave.


Wu Jing didn't even blink, marveling at the magnificent rivers and mountains, marveling at the skillful rhythm of Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas, which is exciting.

I saw that Hu Yidao went into the hole, found the figure just now, fought a few moves, and wounded him. The man fell unconscious, his cloak rolled over his face.

I thought it was a villain, but the cloak was lifted, revealing a bright and moving face.


Everyone praises it, it's so beautiful!

This person is Hu Fei's mother, Bingxue'er. Injured and comatose, his body was cold, so Hu Yidao had to use his own body temperature to keep him warm.

Bingxueer woke up and thought she was humiliated, Hu Yidao explained the reason, and then closed his eyes: "Girl, if you want to kill, kill it, I will never fight back!"


This kind of vulgar and bloody plot is currently the strangest, fiercest and hardest aphrodisiac.

Chivalrous and tender, beautiful and heroic, the sky is big, the earth is big, and love and hatred are happy!

Which girl is not arrogant, which boy is not in the second grade? The boys had nowhere to release their hormones, and they bowed their heads to their ears one after another, throwing themselves to the ground.


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