Since 1983

Chapter 751: Staff Xu 2

After the first person finished speaking, "Dong Dong Dong" someone knocked on the door.

Two lesbians come in.

Leader Liu introduced: "This is the person in charge of the News and Propaganda Department, and they will also participate, so they will inevitably have to work together. Xiao He, since you are here, can you say a few words?"

"Okay, let me just talk about it."

The leader surnamed He is very capable and has new ideas: "This time the bidding and publicity work is different from the last time.

First, more emphasis should be placed on external publicity, and consideration should be given to how it will be reflected in operations. Second, the means have changed, and it is necessary to study how to use high technology for propaganda.

Just these two points, let's continue. "

"Well, it's highly targeted."

Leader Liu expressed his affirmation and said, "Continue, let's continue the discussion."

So speak freely, express their own views.

"I think the choice of bid concept, slogan and emblem should reflect the following ideas:

Highlight the ancient culture of the capital, attract the world with cultural charm, and dilute the political color.

Highlighting people's emotions and moving people with emotion, the Olympic spirit is the spirit of all mankind.

Emphasize the commonality of human beings and combine participation, sharing and future.

Highlight environmental protection and change the image of Beijing. "

This speech aroused everyone's interest, and there was a lot of discussion for a while.

Leader Liu was also inspired, and said: "I would like to add one more thing. The number of slogans does not have to be many, but the theme must be clear, catch people's hearts at once, and become a household name like a banner.

And I suggest setting up two research groups, the bidding theme and slogan research group, and the bid emblem research group. And widely solicited from the whole society, brainstorming. "


The bottom is full of recordings, and Xu Fei also drew a Q version of Sakuragi Flower Road in the small book.

"Please come to the capital to show your skills."

"The Great Wall shakes hands and embraces the future."

"If you don't reach the Great Wall, you are not a hero, and the Olympics come to the capital."

"Please come to the capital to have a look."

"Under the blue sky in the capital."

"Our efforts, your choice."

We started to write slogans on the spot. I have to say that everyone's thinking is still subject to many restrictions, and they lack a deeper understanding of this work.

Historically, it took several months to finalize, and even invited some foreign planning companies.

"It's still conservative, not bright enough. Let's not be afraid at first, be bold and creative, and then do subtraction and eliminate one by one..."

After listening for a long time, Leader Liu also had this feeling, as if his mind was stuck in a shell and he couldn't get out.

He scanned around and landed on the youngest man.

"Xiao Xu, tell me."


Teacher Xu took out a stack of papers and said, "Before I formally explain, let me tell a little story that happened to me.

Due to work reasons, I often go abroad. Once I went to a certain country in Europe and chatted with people on the street. They thought I was Japanese or Korean, but they were very surprised when they found out that I was Chinese.

Then I asked very seriously, are you growing crops on the roof?

I said why do you think so? He said it was written in the newspaper.

So I bought a newspaper and found a so-called joke on it, saying how do Chinese power stations generate electricity? A group of people wearing silk clothes, lying on the rubber wood floor, frictional electricity..."

Knowing that the boss is good, he is abroad, whoring until he lost contact, and instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

"What does that mean?

The vast majority of people in the world do not understand China, and they are widely influenced by Western media, and are full of ignorance and prejudice against China.

So I very much agree with what Minister He said, the publicity for this Olympic bid is focused on the outside world. You have to tell those foreigners that China doesn't grow crops on roofs and doesn't grow braids anymore.

Based on this idea, I thought of the slogan again.

Just now you said that the ancient culture of the capital should be highlighted, and the capital has a history of thousands of years.

Yes, if the Olympic bid is successful, we can highlight this. But now is the stage of bidding for the Olympic Games, and what we want to show is not ancient.

Because facing a complete stranger, his intuitive impression on us is definitely not a long history, but what is happening now.

So I think the slogan should highlight a new word, a change in the new era.

And we have to study our own strengths and weaknesses, such as environmental issues. The pollution in the capital city has been criticized all the time, so we can't take the initiative to put it on slogans. When we explain in detail, let's talk about how to govern and so on.

This is called making use of strengths and avoiding weaknesses. "


Leader Liu smiled, and when he smiled, everyone laughed along, and the indoor and outdoor atmosphere was filled with joy.

What a young man!

As soon as he heard it, he felt that he had come out of the shell. He was really different from others, and he had a very high pole.

"Let's talk about specific measures.

First of all, I suggest starting an Olympic bid website, and after success, it can be converted into an Olympic website.

Secondly, I suggest that director Zhang Yimou shoot the TV promotional film.

Furthermore, the Olympic publicity is actually an image packaging for Beijing and China. For the masses, it can be popularized and entertained.

Foreigners attach great importance to popular support. We invite international stars like Cheng Long to be our image ambassadors, and then find some well-known athletes and celebrities to carry out activities to mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses.

For example, the countdown card for the Olympic bid, the Olympic Imagination Painting Competition, the English-speaking competition, the Great Wall relay race, the concert of stars and so on.

Simple and practical. "

He didn't spoil it in one breath, but stretched it out little by little, so that the impression was deep. Others are still in the discussion stage, but he directly engages in activities, and it is very operable.

This kind of work efficiency makes it very uncomfortable for a group of people in the system who are used to meetings, meetings, and meetings.

Leader He's eyes lit up, and he demanded someone on the spot: "Xiao Xu, why don't you come to our news and propaganda department, you are the best in publicity."

It's a pity to concentrate on researching the plan - she didn't say that.

Leader Liu was also happy, and after thinking about it, he said, "Why don't you limit yourself to the department, you can bring up any ideas you have, or report to me directly."

"Uh, good."

At the end of the first formal meeting, Leader Liu decided on several directions:

Agree with the view that "Western public opinion and the political environment are big challenges", strengthen external publicity, communicate with the world, and reverse the impression of the West.

Agree that the slogan should highlight the development and changes of modern China.

Agree to make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Agree to build the website.

As for the promotional film, he didn't nod, but said: "After reform and opening up, we already have a group of professional directors who can meet international standards to take on this important task. It is recommended to consider choosing from domestic directors."

And Mr. Xu held a meeting, didn't get any job, and lost the department.

What is this? Walk in front of the imperial court? ? ?


After the meeting ended, people from all walks of life began to come up with various interests.

Xu Fei also received a call, Director of Beijing TV.

"Beijing is the bidding city, so it should make some contributions. Beijing TV is also one of the largest production units, and is fully capable of undertaking the task of promoting the film."

"Then you can talk to the leader, I can't make the decision."

"Tsk, who doesn't know that you are a celebrity? Help with suggestions."

Suggest a papa!

After declining twice, the other party did not give up, and invited Li Mu for the third time. Li Mu is an old leader. He used to work as a deputy in the capital's propaganda department. Last year, he was referred to the Ministry of Truth.

Although he had worked in the city government, it was not appropriate for him to personally intervene in such matters. Xu Fei belongs to the Olympic Bidding Committee, so his position is there.

Li Mu opened his mouth, but he had no choice but to agree to help.

In short, after this meeting, various tasks were carried out intensively. At this stage, apart from slogans and promotional videos, Xu Fei doesn't want to mix anything else.

After February next year, we will talk about it when the whole country takes action.

(It’s still more than 30 degrees in August, where can I go to reason?


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