Sky Dungeon

Chapter 126: Twenty people can win the championship?

"I said before that we want to rent out the guild’s premises. We must have one guild next to each other and gather together to form a strong fortress. Although each of the small guilds is not strong, they will gather together, and it is very likely to end up in order to survive. Become a powerful alliance like never before." Jing Tian seems to have planned the future. He just said it in general terms. After all, it is impossible for him to reveal all the specific settings of the game. It is always bad if something is leaked.

   "Do you want to control these guilds?" There was a trace of doubt in Yu Yan's elegant voice.

"Uh... it's not control, but cohesion. Each small guild is controlled and developed by its own president. What do I worry about, but once the demons invade, everyone can condense into a force. This power is not even the demons. Dare to despise." Jing Tian believes that even if he can't tell the whole game settings, he hopes to impress everyone with the mood in his voice.

   "What about the game?" Yun Yiyi asked coldly.

what match? The fault of cherishing words like gold really makes everyone feel that they are not in the same world.

"Isn’t the guild hegemony contest? It’s not a guild war in traditional online games. If there are 20 people online at the same time in the early stage, it shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe you can win the championship. So you must ensure the elite attributes of guild members, preferably professional players. Otherwise, it would be a waste of resources to play and add to the guild."

   20 people can win the championship? Are you sure that the guild competition will not fight for the head? It's true: There are no wonders in the world, but we force the grid to be too LOW!

   Jingtian didn't want to explain too much about the guild hegemony. After all, the more he said, the easier it was to cause trouble. This kind of spoiler-general content cannot always be explained by hacking Tengyi.

   "Brother Tian is a cow, and the game company server was hacked last night?" Yang Miaomiao pretended to be a **** mysteriously, as if he was afraid that he would be monitored by Tengyi if he said too loudly.

  If Tengyi Company really monitors these, how can your small voice escape the recording recognition monitoring of the system god?

   "Just kidding, it's not bad to be able to black out the mailbox, do you think I can really be so supernatural?" Jing Tian pretended to be.

   It turned out that it was only the mailbox of the game developers of Tengyi Company that was hacked. Indeed, the mailboxes used by large companies like Tengyi are also owned by its own company. This type of mailbox is a public mailbox and is not as unbreakable as Tengyi itself. Yu Yan thought suspiciously.

"Professional players may not be easy to find. Besides, they won’t join small guilds for money. Why do you let the famous gods ask all the flowers on your three-centre acre? But there are a lot of squatting in homes like mice. This is not necessarily difficult. In other words, there are so many foreigners here, can our Association accept foreigners?" After Luo Xia took the opportunity to attack Jing Tian, ​​he raised a whole new question.

   "There should be no major problems in communication, but everything depends on fate. People who are not the same age may have generation gaps."

Jing Tian does not have any hostility or discrimination towards foreigners. Even if he is not of my own race, his mind will be different, but in today's world, it is common to have different dreams in the same bed. Sometimes the close relatives around him are not reliable, so why bother about whether foreigners are reliable. What?

   As the saying goes, employing people is not suspicious, Jing Tian is willing to accept all the people with real talents with an open heart. If these people eventually betray him, then Jing Tian will only smile away. It was these people who had failed Jing Tian's expectations, not that he had misunderstood the people, because Jing Tian was optimistic about every talent.

  How about being a leader in a company? If you don’t open your mind to recruit talents, your people can only be a bunch of straws. If you often complain about the subordinates who leave, think that they don't know how to promote, think that they lack insight, and then hate and hate them, and suppress revenge when you leave, then those who follow you must also have wavering ideas.

   Everyone has their own choices. Don’t be angry because other people’s choices disappoint you. There is no permanent banquet in the world. Let us have a happy meal!

   "Huh, the fate you said depends on whether someone is a beautiful woman, and it must be of the same age, otherwise there is no possibility of development." Zhao Jiaxue pursed her small mouth.

   "Can I accept people now? Do you want to have a grand interview, after all, this is the only one in the world." Yu Yan elegantly expressed her shrewd thoughts.

"It can be, but there are only 6 of us at level 30. Who else will we take? No longer, let's go to the 7th floor of the dungeon to do the task of spawning monsters and see if we can save enough points to exchange for the remaining pages of the skill book today. "Jing Tian reminded that they still have a team task now, which is to spy on the influence of Xinghua Village wine on the Agnivorous Big-eared Monkey.

The six rushed all the way to the entrance of the dungeon, UU Reading Lu Jingtian had opened the guild interface and divided the guild residence into nine pieces, chose the middle piece of land, and placed the first-level guild hall on it. It is built automatically by the system. It takes 8 hours and costs zero gold coins. After all, the guild cannot have a large amount of funds when it is just established, so the system is equivalent to giving away a first-level hall. Immediately afterwards, Jing Tian chose to build a circular city wall and completely enclosed the piece of land he had selected. This required guild funds. It happened that the system gave the first guild a large amount of reward money. Tianhao used it without hesitation. In addition to the guild wall, Jing Tian also built a first-level mercenary camp. This is a necessary building for hiring NPCs. Without a camp, NPCs cannot be hired. The elite guild policy he planned absolutely must put mercenaries first in development.

   "Delegated task." Yun Yiyi reminded coldly.

   Yes, but now only they have the strength to enter the 7th floor of the dungeon, and only they can see and receive the 7th floor commissioned mission. If you encounter a star addition mission, that would be great. Jing Tian thought while walking to the bulletin board and clicked the interactive button.

  Sure enough, two missions from the 7th underground floor were quietly posted on the bulletin board, as if they were waiting for Jing Tian to pick them up. I glanced at the two missions, one with one star and the other with five stars. When he clicked on the one-star commissioned mission, Jing Tian's head was a little dizzy. The long-winded self-introduction came into view. After skipping the general introduction text of this autobiography, Jing Tian finally saw the content of the task: to get the heart of the Queen of Snake Devil. Jing Tian immediately cursed in his heart: Go to your sister, what mission is this, to get the heart of the Queen of Warcraft? Let players betray their hue to seduce the Queen of Warcraft? Can key NPC monsters be seduced?


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