Sky Dungeon

Chapter 144: Jinwu Zangjiao will give up everything, and cry first!

   This sentence is quite useful to Jing Tian and the others, even Yun Yiyi present has a hint of pride in his heart. Jing Tian and Luo Xia were a little too proud. Now they really want to admit that Yu Yan is a doctor with multiple degrees. After all, being praised by multiple doctors is such a long-faced thing. Luo Xia froze, pretending not to hear clearly, and while turning on the game recording function, she said: "Huh? What did you just say, my network is a bit bad, I didn't hear clearly."

   As a result, Yu Yan repeated it again and again without any errors.

Luo Xia waved his fist, and under the different eyes of Jing Tian and Yun Yiyi, he chatted with them a voice message in private: "I recorded the video and got praise from many doctors. Maybe it will be a university professor in the future. When she becomes famous, she will take it out. How aggressive, I will listen to it every day before going to sleep. This way I will sleep soundly and soundly."

   " for?" Jing Tian made such a voice through the team channel, and the voice was full of mockery and contempt.

   "Of course." It turned out that Yu Yan still answered, her gaze shot in doubt. Jing Tian could only smile awkwardly.

   Of course, this is true. If, as some novels say, the crafting materials or valuables in a popular game around the world can be bought and sold without restriction, and those crafting materials are still very scarce and valuable, then there are definitely companies that can use their strength to run into the game. Monopolize these materials and items, and then sell them at high prices to earn the difference. If you want to build a piece of equipment, you have to spend millions at every turn. If there is such a game, what is the point of ordinary players playing it? Survive to the end of the game, you don’t even have a powerful weapon, you can still be called playing it yourself? An Xin was a cannon fodder for a lifetime, and was turned into a **** by someone?

  Think about the artifacts in traditional online games, krypton gold weapons, isn't it something that only local tyrants can own? Even if civilian players consume time and energy, they may not have enough gold coins for these weapons in a few years. However, Sky Dungeon is different, Sky Dungeon is by no means the world of krypton gold players, krypton gold players are just one step ahead of civilian players. For example, in this orange martial arts, it is only a matter of time for civilian players to gather level 3 magic cores and crafting materials. Krypton players just pay less game time and pay more money. Krypton players are not out of reach.

   Although some people play the game as a professional, most players still want to become stronger through their own game history in the game, looking for a sense of accomplishment that cannot be achieved in reality, instead of all working for rich players. Money can take shortcuts, but the same strength can be achieved through hard work, which is the embodiment of the balance and playability of the game.

   However, the setting of unscrupulous trading of those objects and gold coins only exists in the novel nowadays. Unreality is also a major feature of the novel, right? Perhaps more people like the unrealistic and would rather read some unrealistic game novels. Of course, this is not wrong, and we don't have to go into it.

   "Don't talk about this, I'll call Zhao Yunxue'er online, let's continue to scan the dungeon." Jing Tian did not choose to go offline, but let the character enter the alien warehouse created by the space ring.

   Jingtian cautiously leaned on the bedroom door and listened to the movement outside, but to his disappointment, there was no sound outside and could not tell whether Zhao Jiaxue was outside. She might have returned to her bedroom.

   So, Jing Tian unscrewed the security lock of the door, turned the door handle and gently opened the bedroom door. After scanning around to confirm that there was no one outside, he flashed out quickly. After taking a breath, Jing Tian slowly walked towards Zhao Jiaxue’s room in the back, but when he knocked on the door of Zhao Jiaxue’s bedroom, he heard the sound of opening the door not far behind him, making a special glass shaking sound when the door moved. Jing Tian can conclude: someone has come out of the bathroom.

However, at the moment Jing Tian turned her head, Zhao Jiaxue rushed out of the separate bathroom with a swish, and sprinted towards Jing Tian’s bedroom. Jing Tian cried out in secret, it seems that Zhao Jiaxue has discovered something, and he also cares. Not having to think so much, she yelled at Zhao Jiaxue's back: "Where are you going, I'm looking for you!" He said lightly, as if nothing happened, but the body had quickly caught up.

   A lifetime is full of accidents, dare to ask where there are contraceptives for life?

   Zhao Jiaxue ignored the sound of Jing Tian behind him, and ran to the door of Jing Tian's bedroom. While turning the doorknob with his right hand, he pushed hard with his left hand! Just after such a push, the door could open a hand-wide gap, and Jing Tian had already jumped up, and he firmly clasped Zhao Jiaxue’s right hand, and pulled Zhao Jiaxue softly. Little hand pulled back together with the door.

"What are you doing, you stinky rascal!" After Zhao Jiaxue turned her head, her apricot eyes widened and Jing Tian looked at each At this moment, the distance between the two eyes is no more than 4 cm, exuding a different kind of ambiguity taste!

"What are you doing, why don't you break into my room without saying hello, my private domain is sacred and inviolable! Haven't you heard that sentence? I am in charge of my site!" Jing Tian righteously said, at the same time The other hand also grabbed Zhao Jiaxue, and he pulled Zhao Jiaxue back with a random force with both hands, blocking himself in front of the bedroom door.

   "You don't pretend to be garlic. I clearly heard the voice of a woman in your room just now. You secretly Jinwu Cangjiao, are you worthy of Yun Yiyi and me?" Zhao Jiaxue's eyes flashed with tears, like a heartbroken little wife.

   Jinwu Cangjiao will stop at everything, and cry first!

   It may be that Jing Tian pulled a little hard just now, although Zhao Jiaxue didn't have much physical pain, but it was hot pain in her heart. She also didn’t know why she was so angry, and she didn’t know why she hid in the bathroom with tears and eavesdropped, and kept thinking about the flaws in the well in her mind, and then entered the room to steal the one in the room. The fishy cat caught it, and took the opportunity to interrogate him with the tone of the palace's interrogation, and finally let Jing Tian kneel and beg to admit his mistake. If you want to do it, call Lao Xia to come out at any time, absolutely can't let Jing Tian protect the fox.

   "Uh..." Jing Tian actually wanted to say: Is he worthy of you, hard to say, but absolutely worthy of Yun Yiyi. Although everything is exposed now, Jing Tian only hopes that Yun Yiyi can quickly find an inconspicuous place to hide.

Correct! The space under the bed is large enough to hide Yun Yiyi. When Jing Tian was thinking about it, the door opened with a creak. Jing Tian let go of Zhao Jiaxue in surprise. Zhao Jiaxue didn't know where the force was coming from, and she pushed Jingtian away, Jing Tian froze. Fell to the ground.

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