Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1813: Real NPCs are the least reliable!

With Jing Tian’s understanding and support, the little mother held a grand wedding with Galantes in the game. Almost all the guests present were orc NPCs. NPCs of other races were not learning about Galantes. After the news of the marriage, go to the wedding to celebrate.

   Obviously, after so many years, Galantes is still regarded by those people as a tool, a bridge to understand the Demon Realm and the Demon Race.

   Other races don't care who he marries or what kind of existence he will become, as long as he can continue to play the role of a tool person.

   Although a little sad, the wedding atmosphere is still very lively. After all, there are aliens like Yang Miaomiao, and in most cases it will become lively, not to mention the wedding scene?

What shocks Jing Tian is still to come. Most people’s spouse NPCs are restricted to be summoned, but little mothers are different. Under many system regulations, where NPC spouses cannot be summoned, as long as the little mother is in danger , Galantes will immediately arrive through the portal!

   It is said that this is because Galantes loves the old witch, so he can break through the limit and make the impossible a miracle!

   The most feared thing is that in an alliance contest, the little mother is dying of life, and has even made the plan to give up. But at this moment, a red light masterpiece around him, a gorgeous magic door appeared, and Galantes pushed out the door and directly killed the player who was trying to kill the old witch!

   Of course, although this guy's combat power is a bit against the sky, it is impossible to stay in the game for a long time, which will make other players blow up the report call!

   Therefore, every time this guy voluntarily appears in the restricted area of ​​the call, he will protect the little mother as the primary goal, and will not interfere too much with some PVP settings of the game itself.

   In other words, Galantes took the initiative to appear in the guild hegemony competition, that is, cast protective magic, and did not take the initiative to attack other players.

   Otherwise, if one move will kill other players in seconds, this competition will be yellow.

  So many players think that this is a little mother’s god-level comprehension skill, which can activate a powerful short-term self-protection effect.

   Yes, in PVP, Galantes can't protect the little mother for a long time, otherwise the game will not be able to proceed normally.

   Fortunately, it was this kind of misconception that the little mother was not madly reported by the player.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   However, this guy occasionally shows up when the little mother is dying, and can change the situation every time and make the battle change dramatically.

  Even, once, Galantes directly forcibly broke the restriction and appeared in the dungeon on his own initiative, slaughtering the BOSS with his own power!

   Under PVE, this guy is really not offline. It is definitely a super plug-in for Little Mom.

  Of course, this kind of thing depends on luck, and it's not that the little mother is dying from time to time. This kind of automatic call can be triggered. The specific triggering rules and conditions are also very difficult to control.

   Therefore, Galantes has always been regarded as a prize draw by everyone in Jing Tian, ​​and everyone is happy to win the prize, and there is nothing sad about it.

   However, this time is completely different. The little mother is not dying at all, and this time the mission system has reminded that it is impossible to summon NPC to assist. But why can the old witch summon Galantes easily?

   This is different from what I said before. Didn’t the mission say that the power of the summoned creatures cannot be used?

   Didn't it mean that Galantes should not be called by the old witch during the mission?

   How can it be done this time?

   Isn’t this obviously cheating?

   Can you do it yourself?

   Before Jing Tian could try it, Galantes said, "Dear Madam, I don’t know what I can do for you?"

   "Old man, it's too hot here, can you figure out a way to cool me down?"

   Feelings, did you call Galantes to cool down?

   This is not the point at all, okay?

   Shouldn’t he be asked to find a way to help push the car?

   With such a powerful tractor in use, we must continue to pull the cart?

   However, before everyone's complaints were over, Galantes took out a folding fan and a pile of ice porridge made of iced fruits!

   This guy is really a competent butler!

   And he is also a good deacon with amazing cooking skills... There is no comparison, no harm, why didn't everyone meet such a good omnipotent partner?

Seeing Galantes feeding the old witch to eat ice porridge, Jing Tian couldn't bear it, and said in a bad tone: "Old witch, are you having an episode of wealth and wealth? After finally summoning an NPC, you can't let him help us push the cart. Isn’t it hot after completing the task? With such a big oven here, are you going to keep eating ice porridge to survive? Aren’t we going to be steamed? Do you have a sense of teamwork?"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Snarling Sky Dog, you have a rabies attack! Didn't you read the previous system prompts? You can't use the power of summoning NPCs, you can't Let Galantes help everyone, so I asked him to just provide some food to cool down. Naturally, there is no violation. However, if you ask him to help push the cart as you said, I am afraid the system will immediately drop the penalty~www Cut us to death, right? It doesn’t matter if you die, don’t just pull us together, okay? It’s so stupid, my little mother really doesn’t know how many clever genes you have inherited from me. I knew I would give you a new dad!"

   It seems that the old witch is very reasonable this time!

   The key is to decide early on the matter of changing your father!

  The emotional system does not prohibit us from summoning NPCs, but we cannot easily try to interfere with the task itself if we summon NPCs!

   What if you can summon Ralf?

   may be able to let us breathe easily through his time and space still magic, and it will not affect the abnormal changes in the car!

Thinking of this, Jing Tian did not hesitate and contacted Ralfa directly. However, after explaining the reason, Raphael replied decisively: "Dear husband, this palace is very busy at the moment and cannot go online. You should solve it yourself. Next time I have something, it’s best to make an appointment, and the Lun’s family can make time for you, dear!"

   Jingtian has an urge to throw the pot instantly!

   are all NPCs, why is the gap so big?

   Sure enough, real NPCs are the least reliable!

  Yes, Galantes is a non-real NPC, and will act autonomously according to his AI intelligence.

   But Lal's Law doesn't work. As long as that guy is not online, Jing Tian can't summon her at all!

   Seeing the success of the old witch, everyone who has an NPC companion tried to summon, but the result was very puzzling.

   Because only the little mother successfully summoned the NPC, the NPC companions of other people could not be summoned at all!

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