Sky Dungeon

Chapter 1827: The whole army retreats?

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   and relying on the NPC to kill the attacker in the killing mode, why is it completely reversed now?

This is also different from Jingtian’s plan. In Jingtian’s plan, he thinks that there will be a mercenary guild waiting for him in front of him, and once again instigates his own people to start the killing mode, but he has not seen the mercenary player for a long time, which makes Jing Tian had to conduct some investigations, and only later learned that the people from the Mercenary Guild had been behind him!

   If you don’t play blockers, gangsters and bandits, have you all changed and followed?

  Can you not be so wretched?

   Did you see the two hundred player guards on our side, so you were afraid to shrink up?

   These temporarily invited mercenary players are too unconfident...

   If you are arrogant and domineering, we will go straight away from the killing mode. The script has been prepared, but in the end you don’t cooperate and don’t work hard. What a shame!

   This made Jing Tian had to abandon the plan of cooperating with the mercenary performance, and changed to active killing mode, actively attacking and killing the mercenaries.

   Although this is a bit of a violation, Jing Tian thinks that the soul of the blue wolf will not consider so much at all. With such a big temptation in front of him, he will definitely give it a try!

  What temptation?

   is like a big beauty who has been pursuing fruitless for many years, suddenly inviting herself to her house overnight, full of temptation and conspiracy.

   At this time, the soul of the blue wolf did receive news from the mercenary. His eyes were full of doubts and incomprehension, and then he told everyone about Jing Tian and their situation.

"I do! Brother Wolf, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Since Jing Tian and the others take the initiative to open the killing mode, as long as they let the mercenaries resist and die in their hands, their killing mode time will increase. When the time comes, Isn’t that the chicken, duck and fish meat on the display board, let us cut it?"

   "Yes, you can't let them run! Anyway, because of their killing mode, there is nothing to complain about being killed."

"If we don’t move faster, they are likely to run away. Now they are just jumping over the wall in a hurry. Thinking that fans and the demon army are facing off, the battle is on the verge, and there is no possibility for them to rush to the dried water curtain cave. So they abandon themselves and hate. The anger was sent to the mercenary behind him, ready to take the initiative to start the killing mode is nothing more than venting the mercenaries, and then maybe they will directly choose to flee!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   It seems that the opinions of the management are unified, and the soul of the green wolf does not hesitate to shout: "Order all members to kill the devil and rush out of the Forgotten Waterfall. Jing Tian, ​​they all stopped, we must rush to kill them in front of the demons! Since they have activated the killing mode, they are ready to be killed, so even if they are broadcast live, there is no problem!"

That’s right, in order to hinder Jing Tian’s mission, the Soul of the Blue Wolf had arranged for the Spirit Beast Summoner to arrive at the bottom of the Forgotten Falls Instance Mountain first, and then carried out a mighty space magic summoning, summoning all the Blue Wolf guild troops in the past. .

   Originally, the Green Wolf guild army gathered near the dungeon. The purpose of not directly entering the Forgotten Waterfall map through normal means was to prevent Jing Tian and the others from using the evil water to attract a large number of demons into the guild army.

   Now, the army of the Blue Wolf Guild and the Jingtian people are separated by a large number of summoned demons, they can only lift a rock and hit their own feet to clean up all the summoned demons.

   is really asking about the world, what is the pit, straight to teach people to stumble and jump. The pits I dug by myself must be filled with tears!

   "Green wolf boss wise!"

   "Green wolf boss wise!"

   "Stop talking nonsense, everyone, act quickly!"

   The Soul of the Green Wolf naturally did not forget to immediately order the mercenaries to fight with Jing Tian and the others, and by the way send a head over to the other side, so that the other side's killing mode can be confirmed.

   That’s right, if you don’t let the opponent kill, then the killing mode can be turned off after a while!

   But after killing the Alliance players, Jing Tian could not immediately turn off the killing mode, and they could not go to some cities. They could only become street rats. When the army surrounded them, they would surely kill Jing Tian!

   If the opponent just flicks a shot and fires the killing mode without killing the player, it is tempting oneself to send troops.

   Soon, the soul of the green wolf received the news that seemed to be a relief, Jing Tian and the others killed the mercenary player!


   Do not think that as long as there is no head, you will not be judged for killing. As long as the player assists in the killing, the killing time will be increased by a certain percentage according to the occupation. The killing mode cannot be closed in a short time.


   is very simple. If a player starts the killing mode and brings four heals, all heads are output, then it is fair to increase the killing time of the output class?

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   How do you look at it, treatment played a very important role in this killing. It is impossible to let them get away with it because there is no head counting on them.

   Now, Jing Tian and others are indeed burdened with different levels of killing time.

   The Soul of the Blue Wolf immediately asked all guild members to speed up their advancement, and on the other hand, asked about the movement of the demons.

After learning that the Mozu players are facing off with the net celebrity fan unit, and there is no fire, the soul of the green wolf is I don’t understand what your Mozu is afraid of. This is equivalent to giving myself time to attack. Kill Jingtian and his party!

   However, the next second, his face sank, and he suddenly realized a very serious problem, and then immediately asked the spies: "Are the stalkers of the demons show up?"

   "Yes, but not many. I'm not sure if the Stalker Legion is all with the main force."

   Obviously, the spies also had some doubts in his mind.


  Has the demons dispatched a stalker army to face off against the fan army on the surface, but in fact they have arranged a wave of assassins to bypass the fan army and take Jing Tian's head straight?

  Thinking about this, the soul of the green wolf feels that the fruits of his victory will be stolen, and his heart is full of eagerness.

   However, it was this eagerness that made him fall into the trap without hesitation.

  Because when my guild army was about to kill all the demons and clear a way out, the spies lurking on the side of the demons reported: "President, the fan army seems to have received some news, the whole army has retreated!"


   The whole army retreats?

  How can these enchanted fan players retreat when they retreat?

   Aren’t you going to die for the empress and Feng Ji?

   Could the assassination succeed?

   Lost the object of protection, so there is no need to die?

Do not! It shouldn't be so fast, besides Jing Tian, ​​there should be about two hundred guards around them!

Although all the mercenaries before    were killed, some information was also collected. chaptere

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