Sky Dungeon

Chapter 187: I feel like I'm in love

The professional term "village" entered the eyes of world players through the mouth of Tengyi Company for the first time. Everyone began to discuss the gameplay of guessing villagers as a profession, and some even asked to disclose the strategy of villagers and open the function of changing jobs to villagers.

Jing Tian is naturally not interested in the reactions of world players. What he is most interested in is how Tengyi Company handles the profession of villagers. Now it seems that Tengyi Company’s attitude is exactly the same as the village woman said, and there is no sign of harmony. . The existence of this hidden profession not only did not cause dissatisfaction among players due to the imbalance in the number of skills, but also caused more players to pay attention to the profession of [Villager], and aroused more people’s interest in the game Sky Dungeon Attention and discussion.

"Go back to Alliance City and build Ziwu first. Xueer, you should go to Chisa City and get ready to go. It will take some time for us to fly back and forth." Jing Tian glanced at the village woman who was still offline, and remembered for an hour. When the former village woman went offline, her enchanting voice: "Oh? Official, the slave family will come online to serve you later in the evening, don't worry."

Sitting in the wooden house on Kunpeng's back, the low-altitude bird's-eye view of Aiyinsi Continent has a panoramic view. From time to time, some birds and beasts pass the low altitude and pass by Kunpeng.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you think we can jump down during the flight of Kunpeng, like a paratrooper! In the future, where we want to go, choose a good route, and jump wherever we are. Isn't it a violent meow?" A good topic came up. This does exist in Jing Tian's design, and now they can all jump off, but the result of the jump is death. If you want to land safely, you still need some special methods.

"Uh... The mouse's idea has improved, but now our team configuration situation, we still can't be a paratrooper. Jumping down will definitely be lifeless, but if you have a chance in the future, you can try it." Jing Tian smiled mysteriously. Tao.

"That's great, don't forget to call me meow by then."

After everyone had built the purple weapons, they rushed to Chisa City again in Kunpeng. At this time, there were already five more petite and cute little friends in the simple wooden house. These five guys are naturally the life forms of everyone Ziwu. Among them, the little friend sitting on a well and watching the sky turned out to be a cute halberd head beast with wings. This little guy is also a kind of dragon species. The special steel helmet on the head makes its own halberd head appear sharper. The cute pair of big eyes is not harmonious.

The most speechless person is probably Luojing Xiashi. He is now looking at his little partner with a very wretched look. I have to say that if you only talk about the beauty of the little partner, this is undoubtedly the number one. Because the life form of the one-handed sword turned out to be a little beauty who is allure! Is this the legendary sword spirit? To say that she is small is naturally because she is only slap-sized, but this does not conceal her beauty. Even the characters designed by them like Yun Xueyi and Zhao Yunxue'er cannot match the perfect figure and perfect figure of this sword spirit. Exquisite beauty.

"Sister Sword Spirit, do you like me?" Luo Xia asked shamelessly in public.

"I like you the most, your body is so fleshy, it feels like lying on it to sleep, it must be super comfortable!" Sword Spirit would even please the owner? Flattering?

"Oh my God, I feel like I'm in love!"

Everyone heard that only one thought came into their minds: "Knowing that Luo Xia is obscene and fat, I didn't expect to be an obscene lo*ic*n!"

"It's disgusting! You deserve to be single, single for a lifetime! Hurry up and sing the national anthem to purify your wretchedness!" Zhao Jiaxue unceremoniously revealed her disgust for Luo Xia, and the signature curse was even more casual.

Although the King of the Sword Cavalry also uses a sword, the sword spirit of the Great Sword is obviously masculine. It is a small, majestic saber-toothed tiger with two wings. But only the slap-sized design really made him look no different from a cat with wings, so that he didn’t eat a mouse. He stared at the King of Sword Cavalry with drooling eyes. It was like seeing the prey.

Yun Xueyiyi’s little friend turned out to be a bowhead whale that can swim freely in the air. This is one of the best creatures on earth. It is quite cute when turned into a mini version, especially when it can spout dreams from the head from time to time. The ordinary water column really makes people shine.

Among the five people, the weirdest one is the little friend who doesn't eat mice: Xiaoshuren! The hands of this guy's tree trunks actually grew spherical green leaves somehow. The appearance of this kind of leaves was too weird, like countless rubber hydrogen balloons, dragging the little tree man's body in mid-air.

"I'll try it too, I'll try Meow too." Without eating the mouse, he got close to the sword spirit of Luojing Xia Shi, and seemed to have to say something to the sword spirit sister.

"I'm doing it! This is my wife, what do you want to do?" Luo Jing Xia Shi immediately stepped forward and completely shielded her little sword spirit sister behind her.

"Brother Xia, as for being so stingy, I just want to chat with her casually." Yang Miaomiao's voice was full of contempt.

"Do you know who is the most dangerous ~ is your kind of guy who spy on underage girls! Talk to your treeman, my wife won't pick up guests." Luo Xia's voice even revealed a serious aura.

Sure enough, the second disease is contagious! Luo Xia is really ready to fall in love with AI!

"Cut, just talk to me. Xiaoshuren, do you like me?" Yang Miaomiao asked in Luoxia's tone.

"Master, what is liking? Can you water me more if you like?"

Everyone looked at Don't Eat Rats with silent gazes. No one expected this little tree man to be a natural dull type setting, and his emotional intelligence might be infinitely close to zero. The mind is jumping enough, and it's completely comparable to the aliens. What kind of owners and dogs are there!

"Little tree man, I can’t grow a tall cat like me by just watering. You can eat more, what do you like, the master will buy you cats for ten people... No, cats for ten people "Yang Miaomiao didn't feel discouraged or embarrassed, and continued to chat with her little friend.

I don't know where the self-confidence of my height and body shape comes from without eating mice, and I even say that I am tall.

"Master, I like to eat sunshine the most. Please give me a tenshuren's share." Xiaoshuren shook his head slightly and said stupidly.

"This seems to have no place to buy meows." Yang Miaomiao looked awkwardly at a few people around him. He had already heard the laughter of everyone.

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