Sky Dungeon

Chapter 198: Why is the fat man so active and generous today?

"It can be regarded as a kind of special forces, but it is not a special force in the ordinary sense, but it is related to state secrets, forgive me for not telling them all." Although Liu Yaya's words are very polite, there is a kind of gritted teeth in her tone.

Scared Luo Xia quickly nodded and said: "State secrets, we naturally won't pry into it." In fact, he repeatedly complained in his heart: "I do it! You just keep blowing!"

"Why would you choose to buy a house here?" Zhao Jiaxue asked a seemingly random question.

"Because there is an open-air swimming pool on the roof, I came here with a bikini. I really want to go, but I'm a bit shy alone, why don't we join us?" Liu Yaya suggested friendly.

"Okay, okay, we are not embarrassed to go, let alone take these two satyrs, but we will feel safe with you. It's better to go after dinner, there are few people in the morning, and we haven't After exercising, I feel that I have a lot more flesh on my body." Zhao Jiaxue secretly gave a thumbs up in her heart, and I have to say that Liu Yaya's proposal is quite pleasing to Zhao Jiaxue, and even completely put down her guard.

"Oh? Don't you need to play online games after eating?" Liu Yaya cast a questioning glance at Jing Tian.

"It doesn't matter if you take one or a half hours, and you really should add some exercise. Always eat and play like this, after playing and eating, your body will gradually show some bad conditions." Jing Tian thought for a while.

At this time, Luo Xia stretched out her thumb to give Jing Tian a thumbs-up. Half an hour did not affect anything, and every day she could enjoy the attractive swimsuits and body-building swimming styles of the crowd in the swimming pool. It was a real recharge. Yes, isn’t there a word called “Cash Charged”? It's probably the same feeling. Luo Xia thought so in her heart.

"Are there any swimsuits?" Yun Yiyi interrupted coldly.

"Don't worry, I have quietly prepared it last time, and of course there is Yiyi you." At this time, Zhao Jiaxue actually stretched out her right hand and said with her thumb up, as if she was complimenting her wise behavior. In the next instant, she said casually: "I didn't prepare for you two satyrs. Do you have swimsuits?"

No swimsuit! Even Jing Tian regretted not buying swimming trunks.

"I'm doing it! How can I drop the chain! I will buy it now, don't worry, the **** supermarket outside the community is delivered directly to the door!" Luo Xia immediately stood up and rushed back to the bedroom. Everyone was thinking that it was rare for Luo Xia to put food in a more important position, but when a few people turned their heads and saw that Luo Xia's breakfast had become a mess, and there was nothing left, they realized that this guy was full. It's okay to do it!

The point is, why is the fat man so active and generous today? You didn't even ask yourself for money?

Sure enough, just after everyone had finished eating, the doorbell rang. A guy from a distribution supermarket outside the community was already standing outside the door with two boxes of brand-new swimming trunks, while Luo Xia opened the door and took it online. The swimming trunks ordered patted each other's shoulder with satisfaction, and bid him goodbye.

"Take it." Luo Xia threw one of the boxes of swimming trunks directly to Jing Tian, ​​and when Jing Tian took it, a weird smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xia's mouth.

The corner of Jing Tian's eyes caught the change in the expression on Luo Xia's face. He knew that this was the common expression in front of the two yin people. Don't think about it, Luo Xia would definitely yawn himself. Sure enough, when Jing Tian saw the number written on the outer packaging of the swimming trunks, he sneered: "You got the wrong code, you should be in this box."

"Really, I bought it according to the number I usually wear. It seems that you are about the same size as me. It should be no problem." Luo Xia even made a V sign with her right hand, clearly provoking Jing Tian.

Sure enough, fat people are wretched! I have to ask myself to ask for money, this is definitely for myself!

Are you about the same size as you? Have you ever looked in a mirror? Everyone’s eyes first looked back at the belly of the swimming ring that had fallen in the summer, and then they looked at the Jingtian with matching eyes, where is almost the same, is it clear that it’s a pigeon? Jing Tian wears Luoxia's swimming trunks, he will definitely slip off! However, thinking of the slip, although the three women didn’t say anything on the surface, their eyes swept under Jing Tian’s waistband, making Jing Tian extremely embarrassed: “Then I’ll stand outside the pool and watch you swim, anyway. I have no plans to swim either."

In Jing Tian's heart, however, he kept firmly in mind what Luo Xia had done for himself this time. After all, if you have grudges, you shouldn't be a villain. Jing Tian just likes to be a sinister little person. Secretly made up my mind: Lao Tzu is carrying pants all the way, but also to wear them, it is definitely not cheap for you!

At the same time, Luo Xia had a smile in her heart, traveling with the three beauties, although it is nothing, but thinking about the problem from another angle, it is very different: this is a bath with three beauties! Jing Tian, ​​although you are more associated with women, Lao Xia, I have more indirect contact with women and direct foundation. This is called fate!

So the five of them put on their swimsuits and took the elevator straight to the top floor. Of course, Jing Tian had been carrying swimming trunks.

I have to say that in the residential area of ​​Konghai Garden, wearing bikinis and swimwear and riding the elevator is definitely a beautiful scenery. Needless to say, Liu Yaya put on another conservative lace Although it is less exposed than before, but the white lace texture on the lower abdomen is like a crab abdominal muscle line, and there is more that men can’t stop. Impulse. Not to mention Zhao Jiaxue's plump body, that thin lemon-colored bikini covers the overly fierce twin peaks on her chest, and there is a real danger of rips out. Not to mention Yun Yiyin...I really don't want to say it...

The weird eyes that everyone looked at Yun Yiyi were enough to explain everything. Of course, Zhao Jiaxue has been snickering, and she kept praising herself crazy in her heart. She only felt that she had chosen this swimsuit for Yun Yiyi to be perfect! After all, this ordinary swimsuit was carefully selected by her. The size of this swimsuit is not a smaller breast, but it really can't be worn. However, Yun Yiyi's cup has at least B. After she put on this student swimsuit that often appears in Japanese anime, she actually held up a perfect gully, which is provocative and interesting, which makes people unable to look away.

Yes, this is the legendary dead reservoir water! I don’t know if Zhao Jiaxue has watched a lot of Japanese anime, so she has a soft spot for this swimsuit. Although she likes it, she wears it on Yun Yiyi. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t look good enough, of course. It may be because of the inability to get out, after all, Zhao Jiaxue's figure is too strong, and the attributes of dead reservoir water are somewhat incompatible. What's more important is that Yun Yiyi was so coldly obedient, without even making any excuses, even Zhao Jiaxue, who calculated Yun Yiyi, did not expect this at all. As for the high cold queen, shouldn't it show the majesty of the queen? Perhaps it is the queen's high coldness, who disdains secular eyes at all.

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